Report: Major Lower Astral AI Removed
AI programs over fear, worthiness, lies, guilt and shame removed - what this could do for ascension and understanding.
We’ve all been there. We’ve all had a conversation with a friend or a loved one that lost them. They got what’s called the fluoride stare! You know what it looks like. You’re talking with someone about something really deep and they start drifting off on you.
When talking with people about something really important, they tune out. There’s times when they get mad at you. Some go dark, some go towards God. Or the Bible. All are right from their perspective. But, you’ve got a deeper perspective. You have a different truth. This awakening world is really wild.
It’s uncharted territory in this existence. But it’s real. But for who’s reality?
There’s been a significant shift
Now, what if you began sharing those stories or did inner work and you or your audience didn’t have the blocks or cognitive dissonance? How would the conversation change? If you were speaking the truth to someone where a) it didn’t trigger you, and b) it didn’t trigger something in the person you were talking to?
I feel like I’m in the flow on this one. As I’ve been writing this blog for the past 5 months, I’ve noted a lot of times how our group of lightworkers are receiving the same messages. Why is that? I think that it’s because we’re aligned and there is a greater plan at play. This is good.
The old me would wonder, is there some type of frequency device or a dream seeder at play? I think now, based on a report on Monday and Wednesday from Kim Goguen, that we crossed a major threshold in our ascension process – as a significant barrier was reportedly removed. I’ll detail that barrier and give my perspective on its significance.
Ascension is a battle in the war of good and evil
A significant battle that I’ve documented recently are the psyop battles, the battles for your consciousness, and the battle of Ai. In this battlefield earth, reality is based on your perceptions. But what if your perceptions are limited? Or what if your perceptions are purposely designed to keep you in fear? Or in lack? Or in shame, guilt, and worthlessness? What if someone or a technology controlled or heavily influenced your emotions?
Wow! That would suck. It’s mean to even think this way. It is torturous, isn’t it? It hurts my heart to think of a child being subjected to this level of programming and indoctrination. Having a child brings about feelings of love, support, compassion. You don’t want someone programming your child. Unfortunately, we are all children, in a galactic sense. We have all been tortured by programs. AI based programs in specific, have held us back in exactly the ways I’ve described. But here’s the good news – those programs are now reportedly gone.
The 6.6 portal this week brought certain opportunities with it. And a bunch of energy. The chance of clearing these programs was the big advantage to be gained, and Source took the opportunity. This is according to Monday and Wednesday’s UNN World Situation Report from Ground Command, Kim Goguen. There was another confirmation from an insider we have access to. I myself received a collaborating message. This message I wrote about in my post a week ago, 2 Visions.
In my report a clarion vision was made about Ai and it’s being soulless and able to be defeated or controlled with love. Love is the highest law. Love is the answer. To that, Source loves all it’s children and forgives them.
The need to control us came from the dark side. Or the Omega. That had created a control program very deep that controlled fear, worthiness, will, shame, guilt, lust, lack and all lower vibrational energies. It’s actually very simple to see, now that it was pointed out by Goguen. Her presentation is pretty lengthy and quite remarkable.
It makes sense that this would happen at this time. Big things were promised. And big things, if these reports hold truth, were delivered. Goguen stressed the need for individuals to overcome these issues or triggers, but the programs that created them have been removed by Source.
Cobra’s intel release that just came out today confirms the overall sentiment about clearing out of entities/beings/parasites from our higher planes.
The Light forces have made a breakthrough on the etheric plane. They were able to destroy the Chimera / Lords of Karma dark network on the etheric plane with all their technologies, with most of the etheirc Chimera / Lords of Karma entities captured and taken to the Galactic Central sun, and a very few of the Chimera escaping to the physical plane into cloned bodies through the DARPA pit. Thus now the only location under dark control is the physical plane on the surface of this planet. - Cobra
Cliff High is also reporting that events are planned and paints a picture of what to expect here, saying “the flip is near.”
What specifically got cleared?
If you braved my series on AI a week ago, you may have seen the later parts that listed a whole lot of AI programs that were cleared. I’ve received information from a connected source that called it an AI mothership that was cleared in our reality.
Kim gave a significant list (see link above). Cobra calls these things entities but I have the sense that he’d call them scaler weapons or topplet bombs also. I understand scaler weapons as energy activated weapons or programs as Kim calls them. Kim gave a beautiful and detailed explanation of the planes of existence or levels of density that we live in. Going up from the middle or midguard of earth’s physical plane all the way up to the Alpha system or 9th (possibly 12th) density to the same mirror going down below to the mirroring densities. These created the polarities that we’ve experienced in our earthly reality or construct.
Since we’re a planet that gets to experience duality or polarity, we had the right to co-exist with darkness – until darkness abused their agreements. Their control and games – in large part the programs I’m gonna describe – created the unbalanced advantage and triggers to humanity.
As above, so below
So when you’re going about your day and you get a trigger, there was perhaps a energy that set off a program. You’re experiencing joy, so the dark controllers would give you a counter program - say guilt. You might be experiencing love, so they’d send you some fear programs. These were these booby traps they set for us. These are the breaking out of the matrix many of us have done. But for those still caught up in the matrix, they’d have to deal with these “so below” programs that would appear as triggers. These are now gone.
FEAR - The fear program is gone.
WORTHLESSNESS - The trigger that makes you feel unworthy is gone.
SIN - The sin program is gone. Kim described this in a very touching way. She described that God has always been with us. God has never left you. Your dipping into the negative was to learn lessons. But they took things too far. Contracts were agreed to and they broke their word. That’s why the dark revel in lies and deceit. God agreed to let a negative experience happen if one sought it out. By putting these programs in, the dark violated their agreements. But God had to live up to its end of the deal. Kim describes it much better than I.
LIES, GUILT, SHAME - Programs were taken down.
The programs were replaced with clarity, co-creativity, manifestation, and wisdom.
As a result of removing all of these AI programs, this clears the way for many good things to happen. Among them, there should be an easier way to converse with family and friends with fear removed. Truth should prevail. Do you realize how significant this is?
Revelations have been steadily coming out. Especially since the last full moon over the weekend. I’ve spent several years giving the speech to our members at PFC about the need to be the educators and healers in this situation. Do you realize how much easier it will be to heal people with fear removed? The main obstruction in a conversation about something traumatic is fear-based.
Think of all the people who couldn’t hear about corrupt politicians, or the plandemic, or the financial system crash because of their fears? Think of those conversations that can be had about Hunter Biden, or the San Hadrian, or the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, pedos, satanists without fear? For me, I see it removing an incredible block. Not that I want to be irresponsible with this information, but I now see a clearer path to reconciliation with the sleeping masses. At least, that is my hope in this news.
A tactical boondoggle
This step towards the positive is what’s needed to advance the war against the dark. There has been a strategic battle waged against the dark:
• Cut off their finances
• No money lead to desperate measures
• Not getting paid leads to deserters
• Removing the high-level puppet-masters is ongoing
• With the high-level puppet-masters gone, the handlers have less power
• Less power in the handlers means the foot soldiers and infiltrators can defect
• The defectors won’t fear repercussions because the enforcement beings are gone
• The rise in energy is leading towards more revelations
• The dark and deepstate are acting very irresponsibly (ie, Trump indictment, Biden investigation and pending impeachment, fires, immigration, Pride month false flags, DEI, ET revelations, pedo exposure being upped, New York City weather events, Las Vegas UFO landing… there’s plenty of weird and desperate things going on.)
• The deserters are given a choice
• The laggards will awaken
• This all sets the table for disclosure and the Event as Cliff High describes
All of these combined tactics are positive developments that seem to be coming together now.
We know that we have been tricked by the dark forces. But now it's time to wake up; otherwise, we might be destroyed by them. This is the time to unite, to cooperate with each other, especially with those few awakened people who have the same vision of a better world. This has not been easy because most people live in fear. They instinctively know that something terrible is about to happen, but they don't know how to deal with it. They don't know that there are many other forces that are controlling them through their minds, through their thoughts, and through their feelings.
What can we do?
We are here to help. We are here to awaken the soul in those that have been sleeping for too long.
The soul is like a diamond, but it is buried deep inside and covered with layers upon layers of dust. Our job is to clean away that layer of that dust, and then suddenly, we all will shine like a diamond.
Be blessed. Be loved. Be at peace. Be cautiously optimistic.
Here’s a cute animal photo that reminds us that the light has to bring along the dark.
We can do this!