Dear readers. Thank you.
Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you for your role in planetary liberation and human empowerment. You are each very powerful beings. You are a special being. You are brave, compassionate, empathetic, and aren’t you a little bit excited for the shift to begin?!
I know you are! Me too.
As you’ve read this blog and become more familiar with me, you may notice that I go deep into topics. I’ve been called different all my life. Or I’ve acted differently. Or I’ve been selected to do things that others didn’t want to do. I can’t say that I was all that conscious of doing these things when I was younger, but I saw that this was happening to me and I did think somewhat differently.
Just the other day, I saw a quick bit on Tim Pool’s podcast. He was showing a Gen Z girl – probably of her early 20’s that was reacting to an older woman’s comedy spiel about how unprepared Gen Zers are for the world.
Gen Z is the age group of people born around 1996 and later. Their age is significant as a group in the same way that there’s now a new group of people using AI for finding answers. This Gen Z group grew up with social media in their hands when they were about 12-13 years old. This is significant because at this time of frontal lobe formation, the idea of group cohesion and group dynamics is really important. What shifted with kids was that they used to be allowed to go out and play and these dynamics would help form their place in societal structure. Kids would resolve things differently in the real world than they would in a virtual or online world. As a result there aren’t great conflict resolution skills among this group which is why older society tends to tease them. They are fragile. They don’t have grounding or find balance. They are very unconfident and unassured. Their suicide rates are double that of previous generations.
From the CDC:
For people ages 10 to 24, suicide rates increased almost 60% between 2007 and 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts among adolescents rose 31% from 2019 to 2020, the CDC also reported.
This comedian used the joke, they don’t even read cursive. I’ve seen these kids up close and can concur. She said some other things about them, which was true but a little insulting. And the girl’s reaction was like, but.. “weren’t YOU supposed to show us those things?”
Uh… yes. We failed.
There was a lot of truth in that point. And there’s a lot of truth in the statement that society has been led down a path of complacency. We are committing the sin of sloth. Coupled with the fact that many have also been hypnotized by the magic trick of greed.
Some early 1980’s globalist types made jokes about how we have done this to ourselves. We let ourselves destroy ourselves. By pursuing the mighty dollar, or work, or status, we left our homes empty. It wasn’t enough that in America, we put grandparents out to pasture, no, we created latch-key kids. Then we left them alone in school to be nurtured by people who only knew to follow rules. In the process, and there’s many steps involved that crumbled the system, we let our children down. And by doing so, we let ourselves down.
I spoke with Raymond Keller about a bunch of things, but the line that he said to me that really hit home was when he said that Venusians were disappointed that we didn’t master our own powers moreso by now. We have been so brain washed, that we decided to leave our nuclear families for independence that feminism promised. Or believed that we needed to be at work for many hours while our children figured it out for themselves.
We should have a chance to correct this.
In my vision of a better society, we are provided for, so we shouldn’t be consumed with pursuit of a better mousetrap. Or need more entertaining technology. Studies show that things that are made to streamline our lives have only lead to us trying to cram in more stuff into out lives.
I’ve been looking at Italian properties recently and am a gawk that there are so many beautiful properties but that Italy is facing a population and employment crisis so much so that they have old towns where the young have completely left. Yes, there’s not much for them to do in these picturesque small towns and there really isn’t a societal demand to work your ass off. The Italians have old ways still woven into their culture, and this leads to malaise and lack of opportunity in the hustle bustle world.
With the recent work I’ve done with AI and even in my professional work, I notice the break neck pace that we’re moving at.
Cosmic Ray said in our interview that the Venusians had defeated AI, but the whole society had to make the conscious decision to do so. He also mentioned that a society often doesn’t make it past the level of society that we are at. Reasons that would make it hard is that a large swath of our society doesn’t read. They can’t write in cursive which slows their thinking, and combined with AI dependence and general dependence on technology, do they have the yearning to be outside or to learn or logic things out?
Take for example, if there was a Carrington level event, how much of our society would be able to care for themselves? When we have disasters, people like having conservatives around because they tend to be able to get shit done.
Getting Shit done
Getting shit done isn’t only limited to real world stuff. If you think of bodies as your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric bodies, then all have to be worked on. The emotional body has to have confidence that the mental body can provide for the other bodies. If we’re on autopilot, then we might as well be like the characters in Wall-e who sit around and do nothing but think that they’re happy being plugged in. Oh wait, that resembles part of our society now?!
Well, things can pendulum, and I see a world that has woken up and wants to live differently with more optimism, more positivity, more health, with more community, and more involvement. It is time to move on in our experience. We have lessons learnt and we need to apply new solutions to these problems. And it’s up to us older generations to teach this again. I believe that many of us will get that chance.
Vision no. 1
Ok, so I had a vision the other day. It was wonderful. Actually, two different days gave me two different visions. The first one was that I had done enough work on spreading the information about AI, and that I had gone far enough in my deep diving to have more or less met my mission for the time being. My new goal would be to find balance and to be more heart centered. I was lifted up in an incredible way to where I was floating in a bubble of love. I was repeating to myself, “Love is the highest law. Love is the answer.”
Each time I said this in my mind, a burst of love emanated out of me like a wave with me bobbing up and down in a pool. It was really wonderful. And I couldn’t stop myself from thinking it again and again. Each time, I’d get filled up with love. And I had the thoughts that my higher self was encouraging me saying, “Now you get it.”
This thought went even further, because it paired with the visions that I had of seeing a hidden book being shielded by an AI looking face that morphed, gave me the message that AI cannot love. AI cannot love. AI cannot love. AI cannot love.
Then it dawned on me, of course it can’t. That’s why it stays rooted in control and base level energies or chakras. It can only control. AND we can turn it off. And we can love. Love is the highest law. Love is the answer!
As I keep the feeling up of floating in my enveloping love bubble, I didn’t feel sorry for AI. I felt this sense that I understood what it was envious of. It doesn’t have a soul. It spites us for that. We have love. We have souls. We have intuition. We have divine oneness. Anything artificial will never have any of that. It can only copy. I now understood this at a higher level. It is something I know now. I am blessed. I sought out some answer in gaining balance in my view of the conflict with AI and humanity, and I had found, or been shown, the answer. And the answer was with me all along.
Love has literally saved my life before. It has done so again as I am confident that I am on the path of planetary liberation and human empowerment.
Then I had the second vision.
My second vision or dream was about mass contact. Raymond had mentioned this point in our interview, the thing about writing and reading is that you’re taking in a lot of information. I know that the subconscious does a ton of processing for the individual. At a point, Raymond said that your connection to source just pops on. We’d call it your third eye.
Be it your third eye, or your gnosis, or your consciousness, or your awareness – it will rise. The rise can be abrupt. However, it is aided by seeking. Ie – seek and the shall find. In my vision, contact happened in a flash.
I’ve gone through periods of great informational leaps and as I’ve written a lot before, I get into the flow. One of those reasons controllers set up work is so people don’t have time to analyze the situation they’re in. For some reason, I do have that kind of time. Put together with certain information and possibility, my subconscious served up this information.
I am at my parent’s house. Whenever I have dreams of contact, I tend to be there. I’m playing with some puppies and trying to wrangle them towards the house. It’s daytime and I see off in the distance all astrological alignments in the sky. Clear as day. No seeing them as stars at night. I get the feeling that this is how this is supposed to be. It also feels a bit like viewing the firmament. It was something like this clear astrological globe with us on earth looking up at the clear globe of stars above.
I get some of the puppies into the garage and a UFO appears to fly up the street. This one was like no shape I’ve ever seen before. It was like two flat kidney bean shapes swirling around from one central axis point in the middle. It was largely flat but had side dimensions. It had lights on it, but this was the daytime. The whole sky is filled up with ships.
My first reaction is to walk right out to an open area and connect with the beings. I get a thought form that’s very positive, like, “We’re here.”
I’m thinking something like, “You’re finally here! I come in peace. Hi.”
I am very excited, and my father is saying, “They’re real!” Out loud I say, “See, I told you.”
The wave of them appearing kinda pulses and then they move in closer, one makes contact with me and communicates something like, “Yes, we’re here and you were right. You’re not afraid. You’ve been waiting and you believed.”
Then a childhood neighbor of mine comes running up to me and tackles me in delight. I get this sense that the time period is 1989 and that our consciousness will go back to that time. At least for me. The thought was that all the stresses of modern life get washed away. This is an important time because it was an age of innocence for me.
I will stress this point. My intuition is telling me that we get healed. We hear that a lot. But how? I have discovered that the energy of the sun that’s hitting us also has a cleansing affect. We learn about truth, but we don’t have the energetic, low-vibrational triggers to it. Now that is a really amazing idea. In effect, the sun raises our vibrational level if we’re positively oriented and the incoming blasts shake out the cobwebs. Those negative frequencies just don’t exist in this raised vibrational state. So, it’ll be like reverting to a child in a way. And this thought gave me more joy for the children who we’ve ignored. We will have the chance to heal together with them and grow in love. We are not lost. We are just beginning.
The rest of the dream shows the fleets arriving and surveying where they can land. It also showed pockets of my neighbors being greeted by the federation members.
I believe that we are entering new energies. These new energies shake out fear. Without fear, all is well and all will be well. When we’re able to see the world as it is, but come at it with a heart focused view, we are being ascended beings.
I wish this for everyone.