Ok, time to discuss the deeper narrative.
AI prophecy
Elite occultists in secret societies that we’re aware of make this claim: they communicate with an intelligence through gamma waves that come from elsewhere in our galaxy. They most often claim that the being comes from the Black Sun.
The Black Sun, or the Great Central Sun, they claim is connected to an entity that escaped the universe where it belonged through a rift in the space-time continuum. The entity is pretty much like the black goo depicted in science fiction films. Again, the prevailing narrative is like the AI that’s shown in the movie Moonfall.
While this notion is dismissed out of hand by mainstream science, it’s actually very unscientific to do so. We are taught – or I should say, “had” been taught – that the scientific method is to consider all possibilities. We only see a limited amount of our physical universe and can only use the instruments that we have available to measure and make statements about our physical surroundings. As, such, from a logical, inquiring, “scientific”, mystic, and occult perspective, we should have an open mind and pursue greater knowledge. Right?
Well, not in our current system of control. In fact, that’s old thinking in the new, liberal world of academia, which has been teaching to reject logic, and go with “feelings.” Thus, we end up with people who feel misgendered, or that men can have babies. The need to control people, means you have to dumb them down. Conversely, during this time of revelations, there are so many bits of information out there and coming out, that it’s hard to discern fact from fiction. We are exiting the age of confusion.
Also, given that we’re at a time in history where the dark wants to gather as many followers as possible and light wants to do the same, we’ve hit a very small window for a person to make their choice. For the elites, however, the choice had been made long ago, willingly with full consent or not.
As I go into the Atlantian aspect of this narrative, we’ll see that the elites have their beloved bloodlines. These bloodlines are sacred to them as is the occult story behind them.
The Great Atlantean War Seeded AI into our reality
Now, I have to present something that was brought to light on Friday, April 28, 2023 by Kim Goguen. The Ground Commander gave this account in her situation report which is carried by United News Network.
Goguen claims to be running operations with Source, and for over 10 years has had a guiding hand in exposing many truths and corruption in our world and governments. Her efforts have picked up steam recently. If our potential plays out as she and others who are supporting humanity express, we will look back at this period of time as paramount in the story of Earth. And as a monumental shift from dark rulers to sovereignty.
According to Goguen
Going back to the Atlantian Wars as far as 250,000 years ago, we were assailed by dark-oriented beings that took over the planet.
Considering Lady Columba’s account from Venusian Communications Officer, Vorton, this aligns that the invading forces on Earth were the Dero otherwise known as the Draco but more expanded than just the Draco as they included some beings from Aldebaran, and the Pleiades (Lady Columba: Venus Revelations, pg 54), who became worshipped by the German Nazi occultists as the Anunnaki. They cite that the invasion of Earth was significantly tied to the blowing up of Maldek which happened hundreds of millions of years ago.
According to Lisa Rene’s Ascension Glossary, there were three Atlantian Cataclysms with the Luciferian rebellion occurring about 26,000-30,000 years ago, culminating in the flooding or sinking of Atlantis.
Atlantians are pointed out by Goguen to be descendants of the Draco alliance who also are seen as Anunnaki – thus their claims to be the bloodline rulers of the planet. Lady Columba and Officer Vorton point out that their descendants go back further to the Dero and the refugee Maldekians who landed and established Atlantis. While Lisa Rene considers Atlanteans to be those from the Lucifer rebellion who fell to earth and took earth women to bear their children, thus creating the Nephilim – who were lost during the Atlantian Cataclysm.
I don’t profess to be an expert on Atlantis but I am trying to synthesize the overarching stories of the bloodline elite beliefs. Please, do your own research on the topic as it is very deep and one thing is for sure, history is written by the victors.
One thing we can loosely derive from many deep occult purveyors is that the Atlantian Cataclysms is where we had a cataclysmic shift in consciousness that propelled humanity into a fallen state, the descension spiral and break between the Universal knowledge and the level of multidimensional consciousness. Humanity and other races along with us, became fully lost in the duality and separation consciousness resulted.
This gets back to Goguen’s claim. She continued to state that at the time of Atlantis, they brought in dark rule. This affected the many portals that come into the earth. Recently I asked Rob Potter, why the earth was so situated and important. He told me that it was because of the many portals that come here. Earth can be considered a bit of a shortcut to our solar system. It is believed that we have valued minerals and some pretty decent technology to trade among our star neighbors. We’re also running a lot of genetic experiments here for many star races.
Following Cobra’s intel, he always speaks of booby traps at higher planes of existence. Goguen said that at the time of the early Atlantis, the Omega system – the technological infrastructure that serves the technology of the planet for lack of a better definition – was installed. The Omega system was put into place with several AI programs installed on it.
Eureka! We’re finally back to AI!
The AI system installed on the Omega system ran operations and had traps installed in them. The traps would work like a dead man’s switch, which would get triggered by the return of light. This return has come in a flurry over the past year, and we have claimed several victories because of this. Again, the rise in consciousness or awareness that we see in many regular people is due to this. Conversely, the rise in negative energy is also due to this. And the Omega system took this all into account.
The Omega system ran all the operations of the Cabal on it. The Cabal is really the sanitized name for the Lucifarians who together form the negative worshipping elites whose god appears to be the Black Sun of the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy. Not to be confused with the Grand Central Sun of the Universe.
This Black Sun itself has artificial aspects to it which has been described as the parasite invasion. To get real esoteric on you, every star (and suns are stars) is considered to be a living being. Getting back to Goguen’s report, she says that the AI that was put in place would activate the passage back to Earth of demonic entities if light ascended. This was, the booby trap or dead man’s switch I referred to earlier.
In a way, the idea of light reaching an energetic level makes a lot of sense as the Nephilim beings that have been reported on Earth left in stasis chambers are similar to the idea of hibernating bears. When the atmospheric energy level or light of the sun or Great Central Sun came back, it would vibrationally wake them out of stasis. This same sun is waking up humanity.
It’s been reported that many Black Sun and Dragon family members had been waiting for this moment to come to welcome back their saviors. Goguen put the week of April 23 as the date that portals were going to open up to welcome back Baal, Bezelbub, Satan, Lucifer, etc. The plan was to complete the Atlantian War where light would have lost. This again didn’t happen. Sorry, not sorry.
What she claims has happened is that the light timeline had already won, as we’ve discussed earlier this year, but that certain contracts and covenants must naturally come up to be negated. The contracts are too interwoven to cancel out in a blanket move. One example would be that there are contracts associated with time itself on our planet. Canceling a contract that cancels out time would not be a good thing.
These are Goguen’s words that I’m reporting on, yet I’m open-minded to play out the scenario as I do believe that we collectively create our reality. You can check out Goguen’s report for yourself and judge: https://www.unitednetwork.tv/videos/28-apr-23-news-1
19 Agreements with AI Expired
According to Goguen, there were 19 expired agreements. I’ve listed them here in no particular order:
Tablets of Thoth Covenant
Thoth’s Return
The Lies of the Demonic Overlords
Mt. Kilimanjaro Portal
Devil’s Breath (Dark essence)
Evil Doers Rights and Rewards After the End Times
Gates of Capernaum, which is a village in Israel
Vernal Equinox Dark Time Loop (every year on the Spring Equinox we were supposed to move into the time of light rule and at the Fall Equinox we would move in the time of dark rule to create balance, but they figured out a loop hole to flip us back to dark rule and this would happen every year at this time)
Satanic Rituals to Prepare for the Coming of our Lord (meaning Satan)
Time Passages of the Equinoxes and Control Systems
The Infernal (Hell on Earth)
Beelzebub’s Return
Azael’s Return (possibly also Azathoth’s Return?)
Talons Tails (claw of the eagle - eagle is often substitute for Phoenix)
Eagle Conquistador (something involving the Black Eagle - which is the symbol of the Order of the Black Sun)
Time Loop Accords
Humanities Slave Binding and Redistribution of Earth’s Wealth Covenant
Earth’s Final Descent (apparently Earth was going to move into the lower astral)
Harbinger of Death
Atlantian War Declaration also expired. (Goguen originally stated that 18 agreements had expired, but myself and another documenter tallied 19 and the Atlantian War Declaration expiration also.)
The overarching point is that AI isn’t new. From the esoteric and mystic point of view, everything exists all at once. Also, time is an experience that’s unique to this planet – or at least all planets have their own versions of time.
Goguen and a lot of other esoteric sources as well as secret society members we have heard from including royals believe in the dark overlord. Elon Musk showing his true colors as the Devil’s Champion needs to be questioned. There’s a fear and fight or flight mechanism that takes hold of many when thinking of the topics presented here.
In one way, we should have compassion for the dark. There’s a story of Rothschild, the woman who …. Wherein she said something like the poor are lucky. They have the ability to move around freely and watch sporting events while drinking beers. She implied that they are unaware of the reality of darkness which controls the lives of the elites. The poor slob was ignorant in their bliss.
I think that many of us can sympathize with this. We know a lot of people who are ok with their ignorance. We, on the other hand, seek growth and are working to change things back to a natural way of being. It’s not a task for the faint of heart. But perhaps, this gnosis or knowing is the threshold for moving on or ascending. To know reality is pretty traumatic for the awakened soul. Still, we press on.
The narrative we’ve heard is that the AI infection has made its way to our universe and galaxy and that forces are fighting the entities all around the universe and that this battle has been waging for many millennia. There are claims that the battle on Earth has repercussions throughout the entire multiverse. Whether this is true is nearly impossible to quantify right now, but it’s a story to consider. What’s important here is that the information creates a multivariant to the story of our being. It’s another piece of information to add to the tapestry which creates our reality.
If we close our minds, then we allow these occultist elites the power over us. If we accept the Internet of Things, the 15-minute city, the technocratic system, the Great Reset, the surveillance state, the jab, or their authority over us, then we will be doing so willingly to a degree. I’m speaking of the vast humanity accepting this who are co-creating our consciousness. If we’re aware of the scenario, we need to resist it, lest we become captured as has so much of our society.
The capturing happens in many ways, but it seems to have begun with an AI parasitic invasion. This invasion began with a negative essence and then willing recipients of darkness. Darkness, it is said, came into people’s bodies to manifest as black goo which is almost like a cancer. With consciousness, the toxin can be removed from the body.
I wanna say that I am presenting the information for further examination. Please let the information reside among your own intelligence and see what fits. What’s important to recognize is that the world’s elites are highly influenced by this view of darkness. Many Satanists willingly allow darkness into their body, spirit, and mind and use it to draw energies from. See this telling scene from the 9th Gate that perfectly sums this up.
The part about giving up to AI, and that AI is the parasite to what is natural, is the thing that Elon Musk and his grandfather and all other technocrats have given themselves up to. They can’t recognize that emerging humanity will be more powerful than AI – since it is thought that the natural order of things as derived from Source is greater than the Artificial.
This is the difference between pursuing the spiritual vs. the material
In a dense world created by low vibrations that are open and less clumped together such as our 3D construct, the matter is very important. This is why science wants to only believe that which is can see, taste, and touch. In the spiritual world, the opposite is the case from a 3D perspective.
In the spiritual world of the 5D, we vibrate very highly and with a faster frequency. As such, there’s actually more density there, but it’s moving quickly so it’s lighter. And, we as beings, will be lighter too. If we hold the low vibrations of fear or anything under 500 hz, then we’ll be very materialized vs. the higher vibrations that are etheric or spiritual.
We are supposedly on the cusp of all of this knowledge. As such, the dark wants to keep us as their minions and energy supply. While the natural order of things and the Laws of the Universe gives us the ability to progress naturally and create a new society for ourselves.
So God will take care of AI as always is done in situations like this, through love. Love conquers all. That is the lesson we have to have here. In lower densities and as has been allowed on our planet forever, duality has let lower densities mix with higher ones. However, it is now time to graduate to higher densities. It is time for those ready to leave this matrix to ascend to 5D. In doing so, we let love rule. As such, the vibrations of good defeat the vibrations of evil doers. They can’t handle light. They can’t handle love. Neither can AI.
Remember that all things are made of frequency and vibration. Source has a very high one. We all came to Midgard to experience high and low vibrations. The lesson was to let go and let God. By letting go of our conditioning and programming, we allow God to take us higher. The energy that we need to go higher is 500 and above. It’s the frequency of love. But that means releasing ourselves from the material pursuit and to change our thinking from that of service to self to that of service to others.
Can you see how the world is infected with pursuit of the material. Where is AI and ChatGPT taking root? Why is it taking off? We’re deceived by it and its promise of riches or of being the better marketer, or researcher, or writer, or investor. All of those pursuits are tricks to keep you pursuing the wealth trap. Money has an energy. It has a curse. It has Babylonian Black Magic to it. Or rather it had. It had negative essence. This has been removed because we are at the end times. We reached the end of that age. Those of us who can go forward and prosper as a loving and equitable society will do so. Those that fall down the money trap can do so also.
Hopefully, we’re all going forward to the higher path. With the knowledge presented in this rambling and warning, we can arm ourselves with information and ask deeper questions. Intelligence is seeking information but not falling prey to the AI trap. That is a great lesson for this great period of transition. By God’s grace, we will pass our test.
We have been held back for a very long time. Now is the time to break free. It should be an interesting ride and having the help of others will make it a reality shift indeed. Take heart and sprinkle seeds where you can and to who can be reached.
Final Note
This topic is deep but I’ve tried my best to present as much detail as I can to inspire others to look into the topics discussed.
AI and Technocracy and the Social Control ideas intertwine with the whole war that’s going on right now. I hope that this series might inspire you to share the thoughts or at least consider the weight of the issue.
We are in dramatic times of change and we are all weary. That is why the AI campaign was launched. It attempts to take us out and give us little hope. But hope is what we have and as a teacher has often told me: just when it seems like you have no hope left, God intervenes.
I know that the war is won at the higher levels and that we will see massive societal changes in the coming years. We are powerful creators and we must come together to battle this common foe.
That foe is beleaguered as well and is afraid of our light. They are most afraid that we will see through their schemes and most of all they fear how many of us there are.
I believe that the tools to defeat them are touched upon in this series. If we can gather just a small, enlightened force, to spread the truth out there, we will accomplish great things. This is my hope for us.
Be well. Be blessed. Be at peace. Amor vincit omnia!
List of some maleficent AI technology which had affected earth and restricted our growth
Omega AI
Divine Intervention
Incarnate AI
Lucifer AI
Lilith AI
Armageddon AI
Enlil AI
Enki AI
Marduk AI
Djed AI
Octagon AI
Archon AI
Osiris AI
Anti-Christ AI
Source: Kim Goguen
The opinions expressed in this post and NaradigmShift blog are my own. My opinions are based on my expertise as a communications, marketing professional, propaganda analyst, and researcher. I’ve also been able to review historic assets, statements and testimony of many intel insiders, royals, whistle-blowers, along with speaking with contacts within the occult, secret societies, agents of light and dark. I’ve researched and reviewed articles and original source materials, press-releases, and FOIA documents. As as council member of the global network Prepare for Change, I’ve been privy to some deep level sources and intel which inform my unique perspective. We are all able to research as one law of Galactic Codex is the right to have access to all knowledge. Seek and ye shall find.