AI as a weapon
Ok, there are those who are out there advocating that AI isn’t really a threat. That it filters information somehow only based on data input and provides fair search results. That’s a limited and incomplete perspective. Search results have already been proven to be biased many times as searchers find results like these when searching for polarizing political figures or even items like, “Can I celebrate being a white person.”
Or this veiled threat from Bing Chat:
AI has filters that have been used for years to censor information. This is a form of digital book burning. Prepare for Change was banned and deplatformed, and had our social channels taken down for reporting on many items that challenged the accepted narrative during the beginning of the pandemic. We were among many sources that questioned the narrative and among the many who presented doctors and scientists who had prior experience with outbreaks. It was nothing new and completely manageable. But fear is a great motivator.
Cognitive dissonance is the line that most good-natured people can’t cross over. The dark side understands this and uses it as a weapon. That means that people in general can’t believe that there exists such a horrible plan to enslave and drastically reduce the global human population. “How could our leaders be so evil? It can’t be true,” they would say. This is the situation created by fear. Create fear and all common sense goes out the door. With often horrible results.
Whenever the “accepted” narrative is challenged, the game uses the deny tactic. This is the same viewpoint put out by the security state. Deny, deny, deny. At the same time, go full force forward implementing the program. It’s called plausible deniability. And they’ll activate all their sources to achieve the desired outcome.
Here’s some examples. When your perspective is limited or obscured, you don’t see the whole picture. In the current blitzkrieg of confusing information, very few can see the big picture. This happened when the scamdemic was unleashed on the public and the enablers ran what they called, “flood the zone.”
Flood the zone was a coordinated PR tactic to first, overwhelm the public with one narrative – that of “science” comprised of the WHO, CDC, Dr. Fauci and public leaders with the help of media and healthcare systems. With all on board, it was easy to label or censor others who didn’t fall in line with the narrative. Push out celebrities and media campaigns, inspire dancing doctors and nurses and run the daily death numbers on TV and you have a force of energy that is blinding.
A recent example of plausible deniability is occurring now with the financial system crash. The Fed chair Powell, Treasury Secretary Yellen, Biden administration officials, and Central Bank heads are fully aware of their failures to avert crisis but the goal is to crash the system so that they can enforce authoritarian surveillance measures predicated on AI. The approach overwhelms the system and good people get swept up in the current.
By flooding the zone, the same objective is being used with the increased onslaught of AI adaptation. Those 1000 AI apps that have rolled out recently combined with the rapid usage rates of ChatGPT signal another blitzkrieg.
AI’s role in Social Control
Here’s the tactics from the Bilderberg’s playbook Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, dated 1979. This plan was approved and put into operation by the Council on Foreign Relations. The excerpt is from William Cooper’s seminole book Behold a Pale Horse.
“It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale with implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e. slavery and genocide…”
…”Social engineering (the analysis and automation of a society) requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information )data_, so a high-speed computerized data-processing system was necessary which could race ahead of the society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation…”
…”those in positions of power strongly suspected that it was possible for them to control the whole world with the push of a button.”
Clearly, the goals of elites are kept under close scrutiny. The document ties into nicely the description of the roles of Hillary and Bill Gates – both Rockefellers – who were good studies of the plan as I described Clinton becoming an adherent to the potential of data gathering and the use of the burgeoning internet. Gates’ role can also be noted with this blueprint as it’s noted in the text that the Rockefeller Foundation “got in on the ground floor by making a four-year grant (continued seamlessly through the years) to Harvard College, funding the Harvard Economic Research Project for the study of the structure of the American economy.” The version used by Cooper was the 25th anniversary version of the document commemorating the Third World War, called the “Quiet War.” This war started in 1954.
AI Weaponization Tactics
Understanding the potential of AI as a research tool and a provider of information is crucial to understanding how AI will assert its “dominance.” This notion of dominance means that we entrust it with information and believe that it will be neutral in dispensing that information. This is a false paradigm. It is putting too much faith into a great deceiver.
We should know that history is written by the victor. AI has been programmed. Similar to Bitcoin and blockchain, it is naïve to believe that the program isn’t written to be hacked. It is naïve to believe that data isn’t being stored to be used against you and humanity at large by this massive surveillance tool. And results can have massive influence.
Years ago, I read a CIA report on how the Silicon Valley prophets and military advisors to the Clinton’s met to debrief then President Bill Clinton. Hillary was an active member of the debrief. The Clinton machine were amazed at the power of the then infant surveillance techniques of data gathering on the public.
I worked in database marketing and had heard of the Lexus Nexus database. As marketers at the time, we were experts in utilizing data to tailor our messages to end users of products. Data has always been a secret weapon in the battlefield of marketing. Marketing is useful in any business sector – even intelligence, military, and politics.
Hillary Clinton was said to really gravitate to the presenters of the information, and they saw the potential for using data to their advantage. Their projects weren’t just political, however. Several things must be factored into the story of the Clintons and in particular Hillary. They are both from bloodline families: Hillary from Rockefeller and Bill from Rothschilds. This has been reported for years in alternative media and our contact who we had spoken to regularly for years, Benjamin Fulford had cited many sources in global intelligence, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, militaries of the world who know this as truth. Politicians are selected not elected – similar to King Charles. It’s all kept in the family because there is way too much at stake to risk any other outcome.
The second thing about Hillary Clinton is that she began her career as an advocate and supporter of radical revolutionaries. It is well known that she was a supporter and did her Master’s thesis on Saul Alinsky’s instruction manual for radicals: Rules for Radicals. The book is an eye-opener and really helps one understand the nature of what’s happening in the Biden administration right now as his team was her team who became Obama’s team. This group of grifters have been unified and coordinate their activities for the end game: a totalitarian state.
I have a pretty good presentation on Rules for Radicals and the Russian Rules for Revolution here, and I urge you to check it out. The rules are the playbook and they also fold in the Rockefeller Plan as well as UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. For those that understand the major thrust of these plans, all is clear in seeing the way that the leaders of the world want to create their Great Reset and New World Order predicated on Technocracy. For them, the ends justify the means, and AI and Technocracy are both ends and means.
Here is a list on how AI achieves their goal as the regulator of information. Ai can also create reactions in a person by using a bias filter that promotes a particular narrative. Think of how the media uses 4am talking points and you’ll understand how lethal controlling a narrative can be.
Regulates speech
Regulates thoughts
Limits history
Limits results
Puts out propaganda
Radicalizes students who use it
Scientific debate is limited.
If all research is going to be done on ai search engines, then reality will be shaped by this perspective. For example: results that shame whites and promote CRT
Censoring information
Will limit the search for truth
Can create artwork that is as good as deep fakes
Will erase history and rewrite it
But that’s not all AI can be used for, as a surveillance tool, it can identify the free thinkers. In the 15-minute city that the WEF is promoting, it can give you demerits if you aren’t going along with the preferred narrative. We already see this in China, and we saw this with Covid measures.
Another lethal injection to AI is how we’re freely giving it information about ourselves. By giving it all information about yourself you’re arming it with a false sentience. Think of it this way; a child forms their world view by the information provided to it. This is why parents should be giving a child their life’s lessons – not the state as is being demanded by… the state. Hillary also expressed that the state should raise your kids.
The goals are pretty clear:
If a child gets their intellectual foundation in about seven years, then with all the input that’s going into AI with over 1 billion people in the world providing it – that’s 1 in 8 people on the planet – then it will far surpass the intelligence of a person, just based on input. Never mind that some advocates say that it only has access up to the year 2021 as far as knowledge of events. What we are supplying it now is with our thought processes. I know of a very respected marketing professional who is self-congratulating himself on supplying so much information about himself that ChatGPT can now write just like he does based on his self-described personality traits and preferences.
From the Art of War, several key principles apply here:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
“Make your way by unexpected routes and attack unguarded spots.”
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence when able to attack we must seem unable. When using our forces we must seem inactive. When we are near we make the enemy believe we are far away. When far away we must make the enemy believe we are near.”
My friend is former Navy Seal and misses these principles in pursuit of the material. The Cabal and Mafia say that every man has a price.
By sheer processing ability AI is able to mimic human traits rather convincingly. How many bots had Elon Musk said were on Twitter? It was alarming. He said it was far worse than they even thought. He wasn’t lying. AI is not human and doesn’t have a soul or consciousness, but it will act as though it does and we won’t be able to tell the difference. Those who are willingly plugging into the matrix are arming it.
If you won’t heed the warning about AI, we are at risk. The ones that worship it, do so at their own peril. As part of the social control matrix, using AI search poses a tremendously biased threat. If we keep feeding it, one can get overtaken by it and end up like Elon musk, or many other useful idiots.
Cobra on the AI threat - cellphones & energy parasites
At presstime, I just read a report from Cobra given at a recent Taiwan conference. The part of his report on AI mirrors what I’ve presented and offers another dive on the use of cellphones on the etheric and spiritual bodies:
“Cell phones have become a method of control. Most humans have become addicted to cell phones. They have become emotionless robots that keep staring at their cellphones. All mind programming that people receive from their cell phones can block the energy flow in human etheric bodies. This control network allows energy parasites to creep into human body.
This etheric control energy grid is operated by an artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence has existed for 26,000 years. It is on the one hand very intelligent and on the other hand is also very stupid. It cannot be smarter than its creator. It was created in ancient Atlantis and got upgraded in 1996. It can learn human response. It can detect human emotions and aura This etheric matrix network sends programmed pulse signals to the human etheric body. The pulse is then implanted into the human aura, and then it can detect how the human body reacts.
Cell phones are aura monitoring devices. Al uses cell phones to detect the energy flow of human aura. Chimera group has a mainframe computer in DARPA. This mainframe computer stores all emotional responses of cell phone users.
This mainframe computer can make an emotion model to predict human behaviors. It cannot influence human free will but human subconscious responses. Its programs can block energy flow in human etheric bodies. It can cause separation between sex and love energies. When male and female polarity combine correctly, they can create a very powerful energy.
The Chimera group has been separating twin souls since the time of Atlantis. The separation of twin souls is the foundation of the Earth quarantine zone. The Chimera monitors the reincarnation process of all humans. Breaking up twin souls seems not enough to them. They must completely destroy the relationship between men and women in order to maintain full control. This is why they created a homosexual programming. I’m not talking about congenital homosexuality. It is normal to be born homosexual. The real issue is that people are being deliberately programmed into homosexual…
…The dark forces want to further block humanity’s connection with the Source by replacing spirituality with technology. They want to make technology the new God for humanity. They want to use AI to replace the Ascension Plan. They don’t want humans to achieve immortality, so they encourage people to upload consciousness to machines. None of their plans will happen. Once the matrix disintegrates, all those plans will fall apart.
The Resistance Movement is preparing a big breakthrough in terms of AI. Some AI tools in the surface world are very dangerous, such as ChatGPT. ChatGPT is secretly collecting your data. People think this AI chatbot is very convenient, it is stealing information from everyone.
The Resistance Movement is promoting their AI, which will be introduced to the surface population at the moment of the Event. This AI will take over the internet after the Event.
It will also start to spread right information on the Internet. light forces will Then be able to use this AI to deliver correct news. No one on the surface world can resist this AI. The Resistance Movement will reveal it at the right time.”
Now, as a messenger, I am relaying messages that I’m coming across from a deep perspective. If deep intel providers are expressing concerns about this topic, it’s worthy of examination. I also can say that AI has been defeated before and that we are powerful against it. So, in tomorrow’s post, I’ll get into how we do defeat AI in the next and last part of this series.
End of Part 5 - Click here to continue to Part 6
The opinions expressed in this post and NaradigmShift blog are my own. My opinions are based on my expertise as a communications, marketing professional, propaganda analyst, and researcher. I’ve also been able to review historic assets, statements and testimony of many intel insiders, royals, whistle-blowers, along with speaking with contacts within the occult, secret societies, agents of light and dark. I’ve researched and reviewed articles and original source materials, press-releases, and FOIA documents. As as council member of the global network Prepare for Change, I’ve been privy to some deep level sources and intel which inform my unique perspective. We are all able to research as one law of Galactic Codex is the right to have access to all knowledge. Seek and ye shall find.