Ultimately transhumanism is a con that is trying to convince you that you lack something. It purports that we will never be good enough. But in reality, it's really holding a lot of information from you.
In the higher density or 5D, we are our true selves. We have all our DNA activated. With that will come incredible abilities. I don't like calling them powers, but we would have amazing powers. We are to be claireverything according to the information being provided by some Galactic Federation sources.
Though I describe it as claireverything, specifically, that means clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and claircognizant. These will develop over time. But we will have access to the true history or akashic records. In our period of transition, this will be presented to us along with all the solutions to our current problems.
This is a huge concept
We would have telepathy, be able to travel wherever we imagined ourselves going, we'd understand the history of those we were in contact with, we'd be able to communicate with animals, and we'd know everything. With that type of knowledge in a responsible way, we'd be able to spend our time enjoying life.
Would you like to travel? Would you like to create art or music? Would you like to talk to people about their cultures? Would you like to go to other civilizations? Those things would eventually become part of your experience. But you get access to those experiences they say, through ascension. Ascension in this regard, means you gain knowledge of things but have to go in steps that don't harm yourself or anyone else.
As some beings have said, giving knowledge like this to us would be like giving a nuke to a 5-year-old. For now, I would be happy just to not be controlled anymore by the self-selected demented rulers of our world. And I'd love to see planetary liberation as I know that is how we're supposed to live. I'm fighting for us to get this back.
Then there'll be the time to decide how we want to live in our world. We can figure things out and we would restore and thrive on our planet.
Because we are going to be incredibly powerful. Being free and tapping into our powers throws off the AI prophets. It dismantles the con that AI holds over us. As in the point in The Matrix where Neo realizes that he is a superhuman being and finally rids himself of Agent Smith, we too, will tap into Source and have the right to all knowledge – we will be the supercomputer because all that is, is what we'll have as our processor. Are you able to conceive of this?
Stay the course and do your work
I've tried to provide a bit more detail on the question of transhumanism. Because many of us are on course to re-member-ing or putting back together who we really are, the dark forces are trying against nature to keep you under their boot.
Keep putting out good thoughts and spend some time with the information presented in this series.
Stop the promotion of Elon. He's not on the good side. Is it possible that he's under the influence of positive forces? Perhaps, but there's always a "hero" in their program whose job it is to provide the answer to the problem. Then they bring in their real agenda.
We'll get rid of these nutcases as we have in the past. Be informed. Release the trauma by doing some breathing exercises. Take a walk and work out the information. Arm yourself and don't get fooled.
Spend time in nature. Walk barefoot on the earth. Ground yourself and claim your power. Banish the whole attempt into the history bin.
Why they want to control you
Building on the theme presented in Wednesday’s post on Technocracy, it is time to delve into the deeper reason that these technocrats seem bent on controlling every aspect in humanity’s lives.
I’ll begin by looking at the situation from a 3D perspective and then provide the narrative that comes to us from a 5D perspective.
From the 3D perspective, it’s simple to start with the understanding of the perpetrators. You know the saying, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And, “With great power comes great responsibility.” These are both applicable here as they help create the image of the sociopathy of many of those in power. And it doesn’t take a whole lot of people with the same mental makeup and quasi-religious beliefs to begin controlling things as they do. Add in the ability to create money from thin air – which is done through the global banking system’s fractional reserve lending, raising the debt ceiling, and/or minting a trillion dollar coin – and you have enough ingredients to buy influence and control the system.

As covered earlier in this series, the ends are control of the planet’s assets, and people are among those assets that need to be controlled. Factor in that the world bloodline leaders believe that through obscure contracts, they have had the right to control humanity because Satan was given dominion over the earth for the past couple of millennia, and they claim to have the right to rule over you. The Dark Brotherhood forces believe that they have been given the divine right to rule by their god, Lucifer.
They tend to forget the particulars of their agreements though. In particular: free will, informed consent, and Laws of the Universe such as the Law of Balance (Polarity) and the Law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Balance is one of the primary laws that they are currently in violation of. The highest up in the orders and bloodline families want to conveniently forget those laws.
There’s a similar “forgetfulness” on the part of minions of the order rooted in greed.
Greed is the very clear 3D instance that we can see today “blinding” the judgment of our whole world. In particular, greed has blinded common sense and logic when it comes to understanding the cycles of the financial system. So hopeful are the banksters and venture capitalists – many of them who congregate in the church of Silicon Valley – that they are blind to the facts that the global central banking system and governments of countries as well as many high-profile SIBs (Systematically Important Banks) are insolvent. The system is done. It is overleveraged 1000 times. Specifically, this means that for every $10 held in the bank, $1000 can be lent out. Banking is the greatest Ponzi scheme in the world and the biggest form of hopium around.

As the 3D world sees the financial world as the opportunity for wealth creation which leads to power and manipulation, the dark order participants see the technocratic world and transhumanism as the be-all, end-all. Laws be damned. And they willingly cite Lucifer as the great rebel who permits them to deny the Laws. Thus, they have the “divine right” to rule, lie, cheat, deceive, and manipulate in the pursuit of the material. In the material world, “Greed is good.” And “It’s just business.”
This is where the pursuit of the ends gets justified by the means. Or, they would say, “The ends justify the means.”
The ends are to get power and control. As they state in their published goals (which satisfies the free will requirement in their perspective), the UN Sustainable Goals is one place to read about population reduction, as is Klaus Schwab’s book, The Great Reset. Also, the prevailing theme of the World Economic Forum is for the public to “own nothing and be happy.” Of course, they would like to own everything.
Why they think they should do this
Ok, so they are blinded and far too overreaching in their beliefs that they have the right to rule. They understand the Laws of the Universe but must have been absent the day that their occult teachers taught the subject of balance. They also must’ve missed the part where the world will be returning to light. Do you remember the part where Jesus says he’ll return after Lucifer tempts him to kneel before him to get rewarded his kingdom?
But we know that they didn’t miss the part where the world would see the return of light because that’s what they’ve been using as the authority to impose the climate change agenda. The energies of the great galactic year mean that we’re being hit by more of the sun’s energy and that this will eventually create the rise of humanity's consciousness. With the rise in consciousness, humanity will see beyond the con game and corruption and lies of the cabal.
We’re seeing this right now as French, Germans, Dutch, Peruvians, and Israelis are in the streets in their respective countries protesting their corrupt government leaders in droves for the past few months. This is what they fear.
Because of this fear, they have their playbooks to enact that would try to put people under their boot more than ever, this coming in the forms of the Great Reset, the financial crash, the CBDC’s, lockdowns, and attacks on food, water, the air, and our communities. All their efforts are coordinated around the world and especially in the United States. The hope is that we all rise as our brothers and sisters in the aforementioned countries are doing and WE throw off the oppressors.
We need to save ourselves. We can use the energies and technologies to help us out. We know that the universe is full of life, and we will get assistance, but we have to demonstrate to others that we want to do this. And even this is a thing that the dark forces are aware of. They desire to take as many of us with them to their world that they’re creating.
The occult belief is that we are at a geographic mid-point called Midgard and we are at a time midpoint called ascension. Both deal with the spiritual and material duality that exists in our earthly realm.
The Great Galactic Year
The Great Galactic Year is the 26,000-year cycle that according to the Mayan and Aztec calendars, we completed in 2012. You’ll remember all the crazy talk of the end of the world at that time. What really happened was that we completed a cycle of time.
With the completion of the cycle of time, we were born anew. This exact timing moves from culture to culture, but it’s known among elite occultists that we are in the window now. Depending on which intel provider you cite, this cycle is also variable as are the effects. What the prevailing story is, is that we’re at the end of a major cycle.
Going back to the galactic year, the idea is that we’re returning back to alignment with the center of the galactic central sun. As we near the equinox or center of the sun, we’re going to get more energy from the sun and just like our days and night, the night gives way to day and day gives way to night. Or darkness falls and light rises. Right now, in the galactic sense and relevant to the solar system, we are in the period of rising or return of the light. On the Yuga graphic above, to the left at the middle, we’re just embarking on the Gold Yuga. That’s the Golden Age. And they lose rule.
A type of judgment day
Since the light is on the rise, this means that frequencies are going to rise on the planet and the people to create a form of judgment. The days are upon us that the frequencies will compel everyone to determine their own path. So, we’re supposed to determine our individual path because of the natural order of our solar system in the universe. If you’ve done inner work and are a heart-based person, you’ll move forward on the ascension path. If you haven’t then you’ll have to stay on the 3D path and your soul would recycle into that timeline until you’re ready to ascend. That said, we’re all one, so we eventually get to 5D.
Nature vs. Nurture
But the judgment is supposed to be a natural thing. Not a thing influenced by nurturing. Nurturing can be said in another way: grooming. It’s the overwhelming nature to evolve, which means seeking out the higher vibrations. It’s unnatural to devolve – though that’s what the Luciferin or Satanists want you to believe. It’s dubious that an overwhelming majority of people would choose the negative path if they knew the consequence of their actions.
Think of the story of Scrooge. When he’s shown the experience that his negative being creates, he is scared straight! For those of us in our society romanced by demons and gargoyles and dystopian apocalypse versions of reality, they may have that as their reality. But it ain’t going to be fun. Debauched and soul-sucking, yes. Redeeming, no.
And this is where we find many of our well-known brothers and sisters. They have been romanced – quite unfairly – to the dark side. Some have gone willingly. Many have gotten themselves there by nefarious and deceitful actions.
Think of those military and political people who’ve been lured by the promise of wealth and power. There are many good people who’ve been deceived by the system, and before they even know it, they’re caught up in it. We all have been to a degree. This is what we need to shine a light on.
Think of the people who were lured into taking the jab. It wasn’t by truth, but by deceit. And many of them will pay a heavy price for their actions.
For those that take advantage of anyone, there’s a reason. The technocrats are infected. Infected by greed. Infected by demons. Infected by AI. To have wealth and power, many have to do things against another person. Think of the wealthy that could solve hunger and homelessness but never do. That is a person stuck in a system chiseled out by people who are up to no good. If you don’t play by the rules, you’ll be out of the game. Remember: deception is the devil’s greatest weapon.
It’s Good vs. Evil
So, we end up on the notion of good vs. evil. To operate in the world of business, there’s much to sacrifice. Now, not all businesses are evil. And there are many good people managing businesses. But there are also many useful idiots out there. What the pandemic did was effectively eliminate small and midsized businesses. To a great degree.
The aim of the technocrat is to consolidate all businesses under a technocracy. The false belief is that technology will solve all our problems. But technology does not create. It only copies.
This is the primary split between good and evil. Good grows. Evil destroys. Nature is a cycle of balance. When the cycle of birth and death is out of balance, then the system will correct itself.
We’re at a point where the system needs to correct itself. By pursuing the agenda of destroying businesses and harming people via the jabs or any of the other unnatural attacks: war, famine, chemtrails, water, fluoride, psyops, etc., the dark has gone too far. The dark falsely believes that they can aid in the cycle of life. They also believe – in violation of the Laws of the Universe – that they can have all experiences including rape, pillage, and murder. They do these things thinking that they are aiding the natural cycle, but they are wrong and act as destroyers to nature. Nature has a way of handling things; it doesn’t need help from others. This is where evilness corrupted the Satanists. The Satanist is in opposition or is the adversary of creation, nature, Source, or God.
The following image is pornography for the technocrat. This is the Internet of Things. All things will be connected on a single platform which had been the Omega system. The idea was to have negative essence sprinkled on everything shown in the system. The system had to be connected and run on a global infrastructure. Within the infrastructure were points of connection. This is where everything got an opportunity to be surveilled.
Now, according to the whistleblowers like NSA employees William Binney, Thomas Drake, Ed Loomis the government had the ability to surveil anyone anytime and were doing so illegally for years. Other whistleblowers cite the creation of Facebook and the story behind Mark Zuckerberg as a Rockefeller agent empowered to run surveillance against US citizens. Then there are the accounts of who is behind cryptocurrencies’ blockchain technology and that it’s not secure.
In the battle that’s ongoing on the surface, we know that there are many technologies being revealed that were intended to surveil all of us. Well, they would do that by transactions, movement, and social credit scores.
The Rockefellers have war gamed the optimum moment to try to win in their psychological game and hit the button. It seems that this was done recently with the release of all their AI apps. The moment would deflate humanity to the point of no return.
Back to Musk, his all-inclusive platform Twitter X is the platform for his “Everything App.” As a compliment to the 15-minute city, depicted in the above graphic, everything that would need to be used or accessed in an app would be funneled into his X app. Buying Twitter for Musk was only the guise to get access to a social media platform where he will eventually usher in new features intended to keep everyone on the app.
The ultimate goal is to keep the animals on the farm. The movie Wall-e perhaps code for the Electronic Wall we’ll all be imprisoned behind shows this future possibility very clearly.
Tomorrow, I’ll present how long AI has been influencing our planet.
End of Part 4 - Click here to continue to Part 5
The opinions expressed in this post and NaradigmShift blog are my own. My opinions are based on my expertise as a communications, marketing professional, propaganda analyst, and researcher. I’ve also been able to review historic assets, statements and testimony of many intel insiders, royals, whistle-blowers, along with speaking with contacts within the occult, secret societies, agents of light and dark. I’ve researched and reviewed articles and original source materials, press-releases, and FOIA documents. As as council member of the global network Prepare for Change, I’ve been privy to some deep level sources and intel which inform my unique perspective. We are all able to research as one law of Galactic Codex is the right to have access to all knowledge. Seek and ye shall find.