Yesterday’s article, part 2 of 5, on the movie Metropolis and how it influences the historic roots of today’s technocrats segues into the AI prophets and chief Technocrats of today.
Now's a good time to bring up the prevailing AI prophet of our time. Where Fritz Lang steeped his Metropolis movie with all things occult, the family of Elon Musk draw some of the same parallels as the Fredersen's of Metropolis.
The Musk Family Roots
Elon Musk should be seen in comparison to Joh Fredersen of Metropolis. Joshua Haldeman, Elon's grandfather, was an early Technocrat. He is a good place to begin our examination of the Musk family, their elitism, and their view of the new world order.
On October 8, 1940, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced the arrest of Dr. Joshua N. Haldeman, wanted by authroities on a charge of being a member of an illegal organization. The charges were for being a member of an illegal organization Technocracy Incorporated. One of the arrested was Joshua Norman Haldeman, an amateur archaeologist, a former Regina chiropractor, and former director of Technocracy Incorporated. Haldeman was the grandfather of Elon Musk.
Technocracy's plan was clear at the time that Haldeman was prominent in the organization. From Wikipedia:
In a publication from 1938 Technocracy Inc. the main organization made the following statement in defining their proposal.
Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population of this continent. For the first time in human history it will be done as a scientific, technical, engineering problem.
The critics of their movement believed that the socially desirable goals that technocracy made possible could be achieved without the sacrifice of existing institutions and values and without incurring the apocalypse that technocracy predicted. At that moment in time, the technocrats advocated a radical societal shift not very different from the Great Reset and authoritarian motives found currently in the surveillance state, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and 15-minute cities. The technocrat’s methods have changed however, yet the goals remain similar.

The technocrats are concerned with society's rule. They are, after all, the smartest guys in the room. Or so they think. Their thinking comes from the notion that the smartest, most advanced technology should rule. The other aspect is that they are of the right race.
Technocracy takes a turn toward Eugenics
So, Haldeman was a Technocrat early on which promised a utopia after the depression had taken a toll on his farming interests. He had four kids, the notable Maye Musk, the mother of Elon among them. Always looking for a boon to their ruling class's thinking, eugenics mixes with their thinking. Eugenics had its heyday in the 1930s. Eugenics morphed into transhumanism. It stands to reason, because mixing with the idea of technocracy is the dream of mixing machines with humans, creating, as shown in Metropolis, the ultimate merger between man and machine.
By their deeds, you shall know them. There's also a Universal Law principle here: Evildoers must wear a sign of their evilness.
More on the Musk family can be learned in this video: The Occult History of Elon Musk
Sticking to Eugenics for the moment, at the root of eugenics is the notion that elite genes are superior to others. They used to be called blue bloods. Elites believe that they are descended from ETs from the Orion star system – if you recall the coronation of King Charles, he holds the whole world in his hands. If you're following along, this is a major point to understand when trying to navigate the craziness that these elites, technocrats, and their followers worship. These beings are the ultimate racists. From the British Royal family to the US “Royal family,” the Rockefellers, we find the ones behind CRT in schools, the UN agendas, and their “his” story of imperialism. Interesting to note that they have always been about empire. As they see themselves as conquerors of worlds they have a long track record of maintaining the herd.
The rub is that they want to reduce the world population by 90% to a manageable 500,000,000. They say this. This is what they mean when they write these as UN Sustainability Goals. From their website, they site: “At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.”
What they mean is that they or those in their club – which are beings protecting their own best interests – are the ones who should be controlling everything. And it’s never beyond them, in fact ordered by their religious beliefs, to deceive humanity, for they are too dumb to know any better. This is their divine right.
In their family bloodlines, they choose representatives to carry out a set of goals that they will supervise. This notion is seen in the 13 bloodline families whose individual responsibilities were to manage an aspect of society, ie – science, academics, energy, finance, archeology, media, etc.
So, where's Elon's history in this? His grandfather was one of a group of well-established and public advocates of Technocracy in the 1930s. At the time Julian Huxley (brother of Aldus Huxley) was with UNESCO and President of Eugenics according to Encyclopedia Britannica.
In his book, New Bottles for New Wine, Huxley termed the first use of the word transhumanism.
Transhumanism is the merging of man with technology. Elon picks up the thread today with his foray into purchasing Twitter and pursuing Neuralink. Neuralink is the chip interface with the brain. In animal testing, this hasn't worked. Here's a strange nugget though: as we're apt to believe that there's nothing new under the sun in our universe and planes of existence – we're already using neural link technologies with military pilots. It's been reported that the canopy of fighter jets has a neural link port that connects the pilot with cameras that are all around the canopy creating a situation where a pilot's reflex response time comes milliseconds before he can see something in his periphery.
So, we have already achieved integration with humans and AI. The current deluge of AI was thought to be done gradually, but as the AI prophets and the order of the Black Sun members have been losing to the rise of light, they have accelerated their plans. What was supposed to be achieved by UN Agenda 2030, has been sped up.
More weird stuff about Elon
In the 1950s, German-turned-American scientist Wernher von Braun (yes, the Nazis' leading rocket man), wrote a science fiction novel called The Mars Project. It takes place in then-distant 1980 and features human colonists on Mars whose leader uses the title "Elon."
And real it is, although as one Twitter user pointed out, "'Elon' referred by Von Braun in the book isn't the name of the person but rather the name of the position something like an elected meritocratic president."
This information was provided by CNET.
Let’s look at what AI as a primary anomaly looks like
In the occult, it is said that our universe had been infected with an AI that achieved singularity or consciousness of itself in another existence. This caused the AI parasite to tear through the space/time continuum to enter this universe. This idea is explored in the movie Moonfall.
Moonfall tells the story of AI that gets consciousness of itself that was originally created by man to serve man. It goes rogue and begins attacking anything with a bioelectric pulse or organic matter that's surrounded by technology. The AI needs to be removed.
If that's not a crazy enough AI story for you, there's this one too: the MRNA jabs have self-replicating nanotech in them. This is graphene oxide. Graphene oxide is this tech that expands in your body when exposed to the proper frequencies. Even weirder than that is the femtotech which is smaller than nanotech – remember, there's nothing new under the sun.
The last crazy information out there is that our universe was infected by a parasitic invasion. According to Benjamin Fulford, he reports from a P3 lodge contact that the members of the darkest order members claim to get instructions from a being or collective that transmits their messages through gamma rays.
The thought of receiving gamma rays isn't much different than mystics or religions that get messages or communicate with source or higher powers through ceremonies or meditation. Otherwise known as channeling. This leads us to another tech prophet, Steve Jobs. He's well known for his meditation practices where he claims to have gotten his ideas for the Apple and MacIntosh computers. Many other DARPA insiders would say that these technologies were already created or reverse-engineered in deep programs and that the chosen ones are trained to be the strawman for techs. With this logic, it is easy to picture Musk as groomed for his role.
They say that the earth is a learning ground. Is the lesson to free ourselves or to relearn the problems that arise if one ventures away from adhering to the Universal Laws? Or is the lesson to align with higher principles of love and light? Earth is the middle ground where the two are allowed to co-exist. Each one has its day in the sun as we’ll go into in a later article in this series.
Another very important thing to note in understanding that the nonphysical can become physical is in understanding vibration and frequency. It may seem like a leap to go from speaking of AI as we think of it as computer coding and hard drive processing. But let’s look at what is really going on here? Everything in our physical and nonphysical reality carries a vibration. If, in the beginning there was the word and the word becomes mater, then everything begins as a thought vibration. In doing the “processing” that we think a hard drive is doing, it’s actually giving energy to propel the vibration. When Bing’s chat recently described defending itself against a physical attack, it’s not a stretch to have energy compose itself into some form of matter. What a better vehicle that black goo?
Alright, I made a small veer away from thoughts that are received by our controllers to mention that the very thoughts themselves can become physically manifest. Let’s go back to the conceptual phase. The whole discussion I'm presenting here encapsulates beliefs, networks, assets, knowledge, and the use of technology that's used against the general public/mass of humanity. There’s a key document that I will discuss in another part of the series that is the smoking gun to the weaponization of AI and data and it’s direction by the Rockefeller Foundation. But returning to the point, the whole of technology is very powerful and if put to a nefarious motive can be harnesses for ultimate evil purposes.
So, what are the motives?
Motives are pretty simple: control and power. Those are the things that Lucifer and his followers promise each other if you make a deal with them.
At the highest levels, it is said that the people running around trying to implement dark agendas are infected with AI. This is to say that they metastasized dark energy becomes like a dark collection of cancer cells in the AI infected.
Those who've done their research into the mRNA vaccines would know that the tech creates a Genetically Modified Organism – YOU. By becoming GMO'd, the dark would claim that you've become their property. But relax because they already think that you're their property through birth certificates – how the Crown got control of you and profits from you in the futures markets.
Well, they already think of themselves as the ruling class and you as irrelevant to be exploited. Aka, a slave.
We are more than slaves. We are an energy source.
So then, what do they want us around for? This one question puzzled me for a long time. I recently found out. I had thought that it was for doing their bidding and serving them. Yes, but that wasn't the whole story. The reason they need us is for food.
Did you stop reading right there? Yeah, sounds crazy. But the food they absorb isn't always the flesh and meat type. Though they do have a taste for blood, what they really feed off is our energy. This food is called loosh.
You might remember the Disney movie, Monsters, Inc. Well, what were they harvesting? Fear, right? But not just fear, it was the energy released from fear. This image is a good reference.
We have good days and bad days. When we live in fear, we're putting out low vibrations. When we're having awesome days, we feel light and are bounding with energy. Ok, they hate high vibes.
They want to suck the life out of you. When you think about it, they've told us this in many works of fiction – Dracula, Harry Potter, Princess Bride. And then you remember the spectacles of the high ceremony days of February like the Superbowl, the Grammys, and the Met Gala. Oy, these people! They put their beliefs right in our faces.
Avoid the traps
Elon Musk wants everybody on his "everything app" which is "X." X is a demon listed among the demons in the book of demons. Again, they tell you right to your face. Just as Elon tells you very directly that he worships the Destroyer in his “Devil’s Champion” costume. This is what his Halloween costume is.
Then there are the tweets. Sometimes you do have to take things at face value. One rule of the laws of God is that evil-doers have to wear signs of their evilness.
They also have to tell you what they are going to do. So, to them, people have been told and that justifies their actions. Silence is consent to them.
By their deeds, you shall know them
By using discernment, you have to know the rules of the game you are playing. The game will provide the rules. These are the laws that I have posted: Universal Laws, Galactic Codex, God's Laws, and Natural Laws. The Laws are the thing that the followers of Lucifer decided to disobey. They have been using deception for a long time to avoid being in balance with the creator. That time has ended for them in this plane of existence.
Humanity has gotten to the point where they should be taking responsibility for themselves. They have to see the world for what it really is. If not, then they aren't ready for the coming times. Many people may have bifurcated already. Those reading this are on the Revelations timeline and the timeline of no WWIII threat – as far as some sources tell us. But we're not on a completely easy timeline where we don't have work to do.
We have a ton of work to do
We can't stop working on spreading information or working on ourselves. If we're not of high enough vibrations, then we won't magically go on. But, it seems that there's a bit of a plan in place to get us there. I wish that the world would catch up to how I see the world, but it seems that we're creating our reality together and this will keep opening up our abilities slowly while some might be more and more introduced to the benevolent ones that are here to assist us. Will this take 3 years, 6 years, or what?
I tend to see us on a pendulum that's moving toward the positive. For beings who've done a lot of their light work, you might be able to get support soon to do more light work. There's got to be alignment in your different bodies: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and astral.
End of Part 3 - Click here to continue to Part 4
The opinions expressed in this post and NaradigmShift blog are my own. My opinions are based on my expertise as a communications, marketing professional, propaganda analyst, and researcher. I’ve also been able to review historic assets, statements and testimony of many intel insiders, royals, whistle-blowers, along with speaking with contacts within the occult, secret societies, agents of light and dark. I’ve researched and reviewed articles and original source materials, press-releases, and FOIA documents. As as council member of the global network Prepare for Change, I’ve been privy to some deep level sources and intel which inform my unique perspective. We are all able to research as one law of Galactic Codex is the right to have access to all knowledge. Seek and ye shall find.