The first part of this series on AI and technocracy went into detail of how carrying water for the belief of the elites works. It also shaped a bit of the current war effort that’s going on in public on the earth right now between good and evil. Nature is on the side of good and is seen as spiritual while artificial is on the side of evil and embodied by materialism.
No greater materialist on the planet exists than the British Royal Crown. Given that all their beliefs were on display this past weekend I chose to speak briefly on the wealth that’s maintained by the Crown. They literally think that they own people’s souls as does the Vatican.
Through some crazy beliefs in history, they also believe that they are guided by the Black Sun that is at the center of our galaxy. This sun is thought by them and taught among their cults that an AI god controls the rulers of this planet. We’ll get into that later, but now it’s time to look at how technocracy came about and what it means to the technological leaders in our world.
There is a fascinating story of the early influencers of technocracy. It has had a current impact going back about 100 years to the 1920s. The science fiction writers such as H.G. Wells and Jules Verne meant a lot to a few early science fiction enthusiasts like Julian Huxley, Joshua Haldeman, Thorstein Veblen, and Howard Scott who's been called the "founder of the technocracy movement."
According to Wikipedia:
The technocratic movement has its origins with the progressive engineers of the early twentieth century and the writings of Edward Bellamy,[13] along with some of the later works of Thorstein Veblen such as Engineers And The Price System written in 1921.[14][15][16] William H. Smyth, a California engineer, invented the word technocracy in 1919 to describe "the rule of the people made effective through the agency of their servants, the scientists and engineers",[17][18] and in the 1920s it was used to describe the works of Thorstein Veblen.[19]
The technocrats understood that technology would create a new society and workforces would be subservient to its mighty applications. Technology in the 1920s was a different technology than what we think of today. At that time, it was generally machine technology, as is shown in these magazines:
Tehnocracy had its early heyday up to the mid-1930s when it collapsed under the weight of the Great Depression. There remains a movie however that serves as a masterclass on technocracy which is, Metropolis.
In the epic black and white 1927 film by German writer and director Fritz Lang, Metropolis paints a futuristic sketch of a fundamentally new and distinctly gloomy version of big city life. This meek future threatens to substitute humanity with machines. The modernistic city is characterized by stern class segregation. While the elitist upper classes enjoy their luxuries, the working classes have to dwell in cramped mass shelters in a dark underworld beneath the city.
The structure harkens to Marxist theories of capitalism and the film is laced with science fiction nods to H.G. Wells's work, such as The Time Machine. The film also goes in deep into the occult symbology.
The cast of characters includes a sole sovereign who rules over the technocratic Metropolis. He is the powerful manufacturer and builder Joh Fredersen who reigns the city from his new "Tower of Babel." The love of Babylon is throughout the film as are Masonic overtures. Fredersen is mirrored today by technocrats like Elon Musk. There's a reason for this as we'll get into later.
Fredersen's Tower of Babel is capped with a pentagon. In the lower realms of the building are the engine rooms where the machines are powered by the slaves who physically give their blood, sweat, tears, and lives.
There's a love story that takes place between Fredersen's son Freder. Yes, Freder Federsen. He falls for the lovely Maria who he sees in the pleasure garden of the rich and famous. She's an innocent.
Young Freder follows Maria to the lower levels. As he’s poking around trying to locate Maria, he finds the machine hall. He dreams that the machine is a temple of Moloch where workers are sacrificially fed to it. The machine supervisor shows that there are dead bodies of workers who die from exhaustion – basically the individual is nothing but an engine part supplying energy to the machine and city. Boy! They might as well be plugged into some little artificial machine to entertain their minds! That isn’t current to 1927, but harvesting energy from slaves is de rigueur.
Enter the mad scientist, Rotwang who has an old grudge against the elder Fredersen. The brilliant inventor lost his love Hel, to Fredesen who gave birth to Freder. Rotwang (yes, rotten wang), has built the AI robot that is going to carry the resurrected Hel's essence, hence the merger of human and machine.
Somehow, a clone of Maria appears, gets corrupted, and turns into a symbolic Whore of Babylon whipping up a frenzy of elites in their masonic club and then whipping up the workers to revolt against the rulers.
Rotwang merges Maria with the C3PO robot inspiration in a plot to kill the elder Fredesen and ruin both Fredersens. The false Maria creates havoc among the workers.
In the end, the younger Fredersen saves his beloved Maria, and she and Fredersen are able to create peace between the workers and the rulers.
The movie is Satanic and redeeming at the same time. Cabal productions always show the truth or objective and then give you a resolution. So they kinda say, this could happen if you don’t do something about it. That line of thinking had been the reason that duality was allowed to exist here on the planet. If they tell you the truth and then you do nothing about it, then you consent.
Influence of Metropolis on Technocracy
Metropolis has an influence on technocracy, while also being a foreteller of transhumanism. Pitting the natural against the artificial is the commonality, and forces that oppose one another. As with the notion of singularity, the principal question is, where does humanity peak and where does artificial intelligence take over?
In hidden sciences and what should be coming forward in this period of revelations that we’re experiencing, the answer is that humanity is far greater than artificial intelligence because we can connect with Source, and we are natural creators.
The artificial longs to be organic, but it will never be. It currently can compute with great power, but that is only replacing intuition with probability. The ability of intuition along with the ability to love and feel emotion is the primary differentiator between God and Satan. Satan is the adversary of God. God is of nature. The two are long at odds with each other. AI and the so-called AI prophets have the group think, thus the scam, that AI is greater than Source or God. This argument should sound familiar. Though AI is very capable, never underestimate human potential. However, human potential can only accomplish what it believes it can accomplish. Thus Metropolis serves to inform and dissuade people from their own true potential.
If we get caught up in the fearful and bleak message of the movie, then we will manifest that notion. If we takeaway that love defeats the evil doers in the film, then we will take away that message.
So, as I button up this Part 2 of the AI and technocracy series, think of how we live in a limited perspective. If we’re observing nature and appreciate all of God’s Creation, then we should marvel at the sheer awesomeness of it. On the other hand, if we feel helpless against the machines and desire greed, then we can easily fall into the trap or deceit of the dark ones. There’s a game of chicken being played with those who embrace and surrender themselves to tech. Especially AI. It’s not for your greater good or our greater good as it currently stands. It doesn’t serve the majority of us. It serves those who aim to be in service to themselves.
This is the great getting up moment. Do we rise as humanity? Or fall as angels in heaven once did. I can tell you that God is undefeated. But humanity are just as powerful as angels. Will the angels rise and demand sovereignty, or wil they be hypnotized by the great deceiver within AI? And will technocracy and technocrats be there ready and willing to shuffle us off to concentrated cities?
We will go into this in more detail in other parts of this series.
End of Part 2 - Click here to continue to Part 3
The opinions expressed in this post and NaradigmShift blog are my own. My opinions are based on my expertise as a communications, marketing professional, propaganda analyst, and researcher. I’ve also been able to review historic assets, statements and testimony of many intel insiders, royals, whistle-blowers, along with speaking with contacts within the occult, secret societies, agents of light and dark. I’ve researched and reviewed articles and original source materials, press-releases, and FOIA documents. As as council member of the global network Prepare for Change, I’ve been privy to some deep level sources and intel which inform my unique perspective. We are all able to research as one law of Galactic Codex is the right to have access to all knowledge. Seek and ye shall find.