I’ve been quiet the past couple of weeks for a couple reasons - I want to be an observer and I had some other things to tend to. Both allowed me to be neutral in the face of the new calamities that are occurring: UFO hearings, Biden impeachment proceedings, Peru alien “face eater” attacks, US bond market melt-down, US debt crisis, Speaker of the House vote, Israel offensive, off-planet intervention, Black Sun ultimatums, escalation of kinetic scuffles in the MidEast, Trump “gag” orders aka “election interference”, Ukraine aid and war status among some other things.
Rather than diving into all of these issues and others regarding climate, energy, burning Tesla batteries, food stability, immigrant armies in the US and UK, German energy issues, BRICS alliances, etc. I’ve taken the position to let things play out and observe who is saying what about any of these issues.
It has become abundantly clear that the US is under heavy Israeli influence. At least the politicians and media darlings.
You must save yourself
The overarching thing that has come up is that we have to maintain balance. As when the pandemic broke out, we knew that this was a fear tactic - False Evidence Appearing Real - we’ve come to see that there’s been a lot of false evidence in the Israel conflict. Surprisingly, there’s been a very healthy pro-Palestine movement globally. If we want to judge the ascension of the planet, that right there is a good sign that I see. But, I did wonder if it meant that both sides were being played to create a divide.
How accurate is the chart below? Just put Biden in place where HRC was going to be.
You know I’ve long talked about a desired civil war in the US. This is what the globalists or cabal want. They want to have the public fight amongst themselves and have set up a bureaucracy to support the dismantling of the Constitution. See Trump’s trial if you want to see activist judges in action.
There’s also antifa out again trying to pressure the system, and the shooting event in Maine is creating a lot of loosh for those parasitic feeders.
As the world appears to be descending into chaos, the Trump, patriots, and white hats would like to create the situation where they can come in as the rescuers. Now maybe this is what we’re creating collectively, but I don’t buy it.
I see the Trump program as selfish altruism. Yes, I always give credit to Trump as having saved us. By winning, he gave our movement and message the time it needed to wake up people and the heavy lifting some of us did to get the Zionist, Molach worshipping, sanhedrin, NWO, Black Sun messages out there is bearing fruit.
By their deeds, you shall know them. By becoming aware and awake of this Satanist cult and their horrible deeds, we can make a stand against this evil. I’ve been getting that message out that we need to stand up in this time for positivity. We are seeing a lot of people telling truth to power. That is our hope. And the hope is with us. Ourselves. It’s not with these bought and paid for schills who can’t seem to think anything other than “we must give Israel everything they need.”
Nope, sorry, we don’t. Give them love and support for a peace in the region.
And just so you get an idea of the position of Zionism in the grand scheme of things:
So, stay balanced over the next few days as it’s a cycle for more attempts at the plan. There are positive forces at play too which have by many accounts taken care of everything. But, this needs to play out still so that more can see it.
Perhaps we spend our energy praying for that.
Be well. Be blessed.
I agree. It's been impossible to take a side. I've been on the fense since this escalated to yet another war or rumor of war. In fact, I'm not sure we are meant to take sides once aware of what has been happening for so long.