A reoccurring theme in the so-called new age movement is the idea of limiting beliefs. A limiting belief is one that is held by people in their deepest corners of their mental bodies.
Sometimes this limiting belief is carried through lifetimes, or gathered as a curse, or projected on a person as a program. There are other ways to get a limiting belief. However, you end up with one, it will derail your growth by delaying it. Until you can work through or neutralize your belief, it’ll keep sending out that thought form which will come back at you in some way.
I’ve got plenty of limiting beliefs - we’re all works in progress
I am lucky to have a lot of friends in this ascension and disclosure community. There are a lot of sources I go to for confirmations. I also allow for many people to be themselves and I take information for what its worth. I try to be optimistic and balance my energies, but I can get drawn into old 3D energies easier than I wish at times. This is some cross I tend to bear.
I’m working on this all the time. I’d certainly like to stop the dips that I take, but I limit myself too. I believe that I’m helping others put this change into context. Not just everyday 3D awakening sorts, but even some fairly far along the path awakening sorts too. This is an attachment to ego. At times, I could walk away from this, but I’ve grown up with the belief that a leader leads by showing others the way.
As I write this, I realize that I could go my own way, or I could continue to support others through their awakening with my perspectives. See how that ego works?
I get a lot of info from a variety of sources. These sources have been followed and reviewed for a long time. Histories, books, occult, some dark sources, spells, magic, intel, FOIA releases, people, contactees, films, articles, bloggers, mystics, academics, scientists, researchers, insiders, survivors, and more. I’ve found that if you seek, you shall find.
It’s not a hard thing, but it is a dedication thing. One must be dedicated and open-minded to learn. I know that on everyone’s life path, they gather knowledge, have experiences, and achieve wisdom.
Since writing this blog for the past few months – this post marks my 50th post! – much new information has flowed to me. When you’re seeking, it’s a bit like being in school where you get a new idea and a book reinforces the idea or a lecture adds to the knowledge or a debate gives you a differing point of view. The culmination of the experience feeds your journey. Being active on the path of ascension learning does the same.
Sometimes the path goes into the wilderness or deep reaches of space. Sometimes you want the path to stop and tuck you into a nice warm bed. Sometimes you’re ready to take on the world and sometimes you hit a wall of cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance is the wall that stops many from going forward
I listen to many in this field.
When I dove into my awakening, I got a lot of learning from David Wilcock and Corey Goode. Also, Phoenix Journals, Law of One, ascended masters, occult books, David Icke, James Gilliland, Cobra, Zecharia Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell, Lisa Renee, Ascension Glossary, Biblioteca Pleyades, and many other sources. And I had been researching all my life on the nature of politics, been around entertainment industry types, questioned false narratives and had intel agents and state servants in our family. Being completely honest, I will say that good information can come from questionable sources. The trick is to sort out the information and utilize what builds a consensus of the information from the providers based on their intentions.
What I’ve found as I’ve put myself into positions to verify information, is that there are some very out there, high-level stories that come up consistently that there must be truth in them – if only because I believe that we co-create our consciousness. But also, that there are counter claims to many of those stories. With the examination of the claims, letting the providers stories and actions speak for themselves, and gathering knowledge and experience over years of being around the people I mention, I’ve drawn some conclusions while I still leave the possibility open for differing outcomes.
It would be much easier to not try to define my perspective, but I will say that I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things.
I mentioned to a friend this week, that my beliefs may be out there, but they’re really no different than the rulers of the planet. And I’m really just following their leads. If you had the time to dive into what they’re into, you’d learn that. I’ve come to learn many things about these leaders. There’s a certain psychopathy among them.
Wilcock actually defined this well when he was at his peak and I had a chance to see him at Contact in the Desert 2017. Part of his presentation was about how the elites a) are very afraid of being harmed, and b) become sociopathic because they know that they have wealth which meant generally doing harm to others to achieve that wealth.
I was also very close to working with their show and that network that they were on. But that’s another story.
My point is, that I will take information from a variety of sources and get behind the scenes and try to sort out what’s really going on with them. To that end, I’ll still review posts of all the aforementioned providers along with GFL sources and many other contactees. My sources and personal experiences have only grown over time.
Separate the wheat from the chaff
That said, I tuned into a Corey Goode video this weekend to get some updates. He’s still presenting his narrative and it’s stayed pretty consistent aside from all the legal issues he’s gotten involved in. Those things to me are a distraction. He got caught in a catch 22 situation - something the cabal are masters of putting people into - whether they work for them or not. Perhaps he made some poor relationship choices, perhaps he’s creating his story, perhaps his story is completely accurate, perhaps he’s being attacked because he’s completely accurate. I certainly don’t know and won’t categorically dismiss all of his information. Perhaps there is some information that he presents that I don’t “align” with, but that’s his deal. Not mine.
What I find interesting is some claims he makes that have credence. So, here’s the big one that he made which I’ve found to be true: the alliance failed and the disclosure movement failed. By association, the “new age” movement (his description) failed.
Those are some big assertions that I find to be true in many ways. But I also think that the movements have been successful in many ways. The new age movement changed the focus of UFO’s to spirituality. The paradigm shifted to spiritual examination. When I was in the interview process to join their team, the company looked at things themselves as “ETs and aliens.”
At the 2017 Contact in the Desert, the talk was still about silver disc shaped UFOs. I honestly can’t tell you how much that discussion bores the crap out of me. For me, ET craft aren’t the thing to spend so much time on. It never caught my interest. My interest would have been in who the hell is commanding those craft? Yes, there’s other life in the universe – so who’s contacting us? At a point, everything that has happened in my life made sense. Accepting that we weren’t alone in the universe was an early given.
At the time, the narrative was still about negative aliens. I suppose that a type of mass formation hypnosis existed among the ufologists. I’m glad that the topic has expanded to speak of the beings and the societies and the purposes of the galactic community. So much has changed.
One thing remains the same however
When we talk of possibilities, we hit a wall oftentimes on beliefs. Or cognitive dissonance. Couple that with the general exhaustion of the community, and you have the ingredients for failure.
Ascension is a personal project for now. We’ll be at a point, I believe, in the near future that we’ll all be ascending. But we have to unify our beliefs in several things first.
Here’s what I think we can agree on:
We’re not alone in the universe
There will be obvious contact soon
Many are already having contact – some in physical, many in etheric
We have multiple bodies – physical, mental, emotional, astral, etheric
UFOs are here now and making themselves known
So the questions might be:
Why are they here?
Who are they contacting?
Why are they contacting these beings?
If they’ve always had the ability to contact us, have they?
Why then do they not just zap us all?
Now, I might have my own opinions on these answers. And I wouldn’t mind having a thoughtful discussion about them and I’m sure that I’m short on a lot of relevant topics here so keep that in mind. But, I’d add that we have to come together and agree on some basic framework.
Such as:
There are many contacts
There are multiple narratives
There are many galactic societies
What do those societies want of us?
Why are they coming to a particular source?
What’s the validity of any source?
When we have contact what should our conditions be?
By conditions, I mean in diplomatic terms
For me, I want diplomacy done with identified contactees or leaders
I want a level of transparency
Someone else might have other demands or conditions
Should we call for some cease-fire or a neutral meeting ground?
What I’m getting at, is if we have mass contact tomorrow as this Taygetan video depicts – what do we do then?
I don’t believe that we’re of the mindset collectively to accept open contact like this.
I have been shown signs that we’re going to have an event like this. I believe that we have corrected the failure that Goode spoke of this weekend. I believe that we’re on a “successful” timeline. I believe that our co-collective consciousness has made a positive outcome for those that are ready for it. And that’s probably the differentiation point that I’d have with his perspective right now.
This whole conversation gets out there. And it’s predicated on the belief that we have a mass contact event soon. In my world, I like to think that we’re going to see the vision in the video.
I’m not sure how the rest would play out. But I believe that we have to begin thinking about it. I think that we need to learn to stop worrying about 3D things or where information is coming from and start looking at the totality of the information. What story or narrative is it leading us to?
We’re all adding threads to the tapestry as a friend calls it. I tried finding positive images of the future this weekend for a talk, and ones like the kind provided by the Family of Taygeta are hard to come by. That’s part of the programming. But do you accept this version as possibility or does it trigger you? Any provider with integrity can add to the story, so let’s take from lots of sources. I’ll build on this thought for Wednesday’s post.
I find the above pretty cool. I’d like to hang out with tigers and lions. I often imagine having conversations with our pets.
My version of the future is going to be way out there from most. But I believe anything is possible. And things can change in a second. If you keep reading this blog, you’ll see things differently too. I hope that you see things and add your positive spin to it. We all need to create a positive reality from the one many seem to be in now.
Be blessed. Today the 6.6 portal opens up. This is an opportunity for positive beings to enter our planet in even larger numbers. It could be the point where we see them clearly? Maybe we have a planetary shift to Sheen? Sheen is one prophesized version of the new earth. Also, Nova Gaia. Whatever its called, let’s be there now.
So be it.