Welcome to the rest of your life!
Every day could be greeted with the same saying, of course, but today I feel compelled to make note of this because we are here today on July 5th. Why is this special? Well…
Another doozy from Ground Command
I am awaiting the report from Kim Goguen today to see what she’s got for her World Situation Report. These 3 times weekly reports are setting new standards of reporting. I hope that in short order, her reports come through. Some things do come through if you’re paying attention. The statements are extraordinary, yet, many providers are making similar extraordinary statements. I’m following Kim because she speaks of daily rumblings with the world in a tangible way and with specific details of names and events. Her reports are always from a first hand perspective, not a second hand report.
She’s not the only provider I follow, but she is pretty specific. There are very specific reset people also, but they are reporting on existing items such as martial law, Gesara, end of Libor and creation of Sofr, and ISO2022 transfer which is VERY important, but their claims of what will happen aren’t new. Nor are they discussing the results or effects of the switch over. Kim is. And she’s adding the twist that the new financial regulations as well as hopium dream of CBDC’s will not take place and why. Whereas, I find others simply saying, “it will not take place,” from the spiritual providers or it’s gonna happen Tuesday, from the white hat, Gesara, RV providers. There’s no new there. Just the same rehashing. Yet, when the things don’t take place, they all have reasons for why.
Kim’s not the only one who gives first hand reports, but when she does, she breaks the narrative of others that are out there. Most are supporting the rumors around the “white hats,” and patriots, and Trump, and Q. I find those to be valuable in research, and perhaps practical in naming names of pubic officials, but the real power isn’t with the faces that we see in public. The real power on the planet is behind the scenes with those who are controlling the public people.
To become victorious in this battle, we have to deal with the hidden hands. We need to know the hidden history. We have to change our perspectives. Q was great in that it taught a lot of methods of occult practices and how power is controlled. This is where Kim is way further out in her intel and claims than others.
Go to the end to see the claim.
Though there are others
On Friday, I included a video of Ricardo Bosi, who was a special forces operative in Australia and now heads up an independent political party there. He says some harsh and amazing things. He reminds me of some other modern politicians like Georgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy, or a Ron DeSantis type, and even a Trump type.
What’s great about these people are that they say a lot of truth that criticizes political figures and media. But they have blind spots. In people’s blind spots are where they are vulnerable. You need to be critical of people who lie by omission. Bosi may be controlled op, but he’s covering the dark and dirty stuff also, so, I’m intrigued by his info - though I haven’t dove deep into all of it.
Lying by omission.
Lying by omission is when a figure will not talk about something. You know about this, its like when the media won’t talk about other perspectives of the Ukraine war, or the alternative methods for treating the pandemic. Largely good critics like a Ben Shapiro will get a lot of things right, but won’t go anywhere near being anti-semitic. There’s a wonderful reporter, Katie Halpern, who is critical of Israel’s treatment of Palestine. There’s a marked difference between the two. One suggests independent thought, and the other suggests controlled opposition.
I love me a lot of Joe Rogan, but he stays away from certain topics very adamantly. The big alternative media guys do. I wonder why?
DeSantis is Senatus Consultum. That doesn’t bode well for him. So was Trump. That fraternity is comprised of world leaders who are chosen to help shape the New World Order. Have no doubt. DeSantis has been called, “a friend of Israel,” by Benjamin Netanyahu after visiting him in Israel this past April and on the heels of DeSantis signing antisemite hate crimes legislation in his state. Why does a state governor need to pal up with Netanyahu who is a mafia criminal? Same goes for Trump who gave formal recognition to Israel’s claim to the Golan Heights when he was president. These things do no forward the US interest, but do forward globalist interests.
And then there’s this, but so much more on Trump. I’ll save the good stuff for a post on it some day.
I don’t want to make this post about these individual’s interests, but I do want to say that in the fog of war, and in the confusion of the many situation’s going on right now, that knowing the outcome and connecting the dots can be useful in understanding the world situation. To that end, the books by Glenn Beck and financial expert Carol Roth sound very interesting.
Dark Future: New Glenn Beck book
Glenn Beck could very well be a messenger for the cabal, but he’s probably gonna get to some insightful truths. Remember the art of war principle to know your enemy.
Glenn in his own words says that his book is about their plan and what they really are doing. He says that Carol’s book is about how to react to their plans to protect yourself.
You Will Own Nothing: New book by Carol Roth
Personal wealth, and the freedom and independence that goes along with it, comes from ownership. So, when Carol Roth first heard that the World Economic Forum, an organization littered with the global elite, was predicting the end of private property ownership in less than a decade, she thought it was a conspiracy theory. Then, she did the research.
Right out in the open, the WEF’s 2030 predictions included the stark warning under the guise of sunshine and rainbows, “you will own nothing and be happy.” And that’s just the beginning.
From killing your purchasing power via monetary and fiscal policy to corporations and investors buying up land and water rights and competing with you when you try to purchase a home, and even Big Tech’s desire to make your life a subscription service, individual ownership is under fire at every turn. You need to fight back.
In You Will Own Nothing¸ Roth reveals how world governments, globalist organizations, Big Tech, Wall Street and other powerful elites are proactively trying to control every finite resource and determining who has access to such resources. This book is an essential guide to stopping the elites’ agenda and taking control to preserve your and your family’s freedom and wealth.
Ok… I buried the lead AGAIN!!!
I wanted to share Kim’s intel from Friday, nothing big. She said that the alien invasion was going to be done on the 4th! The 4th has some significance as a date and the dork forces were trying to bring in the script from Independence Day. Really.
Do you see how they condition you for the play? All the recent admissions of ETs and their technology. Then… BOOM!!! They’re here! And they would’ve been dropping in unannounced and causing all kinds of crazy. Well, if the report is true, and we have plenty of circumstantial support, then we owe a debt of gratitude to those who averted this calamity. Perhaps, our intentions are making greater affect than we know.
You should hear her report from Friday if you wanna hear what happened.
Now, if we can stop the soylent green predictive programming!
And now, I’d like to show you a clown malfunctioning: