We Are the Angels We Are Waiting For
An appearance with the Great Awakening Show UK discussing the ascension
Hey friends. I was honored to appear again with Joanne – Divine Life Yogini, on her Great Awakening Show on UK Health Radio, Rumble, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and other podcast platforms. Her reach is to a broad audience. We have had several conversations previously, and we’re very aligned. Joanne is a divine presence and we share similar missions.
Joanne had written me with the topic of a show about “Angels & Demons – We are the Saviours/Angels We Have Been Waiting For.” I loved the topic and felt blessed to be asked to chat about this. I have written about this and spoke casually about it many times before, but to limited audiences. Her show has a pretty good sized audience. As I looked over preparation sample questions that she supplied, I began to realize that talking about this publicly might be more than I bargained for?
Am I really a studied theologian? I’m not. Am I a biblical scholar? I’m not. Am I very religious? Do I want to open cans of worms and trigger hot debate in others about God, knowing that they history of the world has fought about your god not being the same as mine? It’s a complex topic. I’m a generalist. But I accepted the invite and thought that I better dust off, or more correctly, scrutinize my thoughts on the matter. This was not going to be a conversation that I took lightly.
Listen in for yourself and see how I did. Our conversation was really stimulating, and we support each other very much. I made many points that I fully stand behind. Anything that could be questioned, I would patiently hear out an opposing view – I might learn something new. Joanne did give a couple new notions for me to ponder, and I am grateful for being a student of hers, if only for the afternoon.
Learn more about Joanne here: https://www.divinelifeyoga.co.uk/my-guru/
Here’s the video of the conversation. And below are the questions that I received prior to the conversation that helped me prepare with my answers.
Here are some questions I will ask you:
1. "Gerry please describe how you see Angels in our world and how you see Demons"
Note: As above, so below. Planes of existence going up, are mirrored going down.
By this, I knew that I’d speak about the right of dark to exist in our realm. And really throughout the universe. See the question below. I see angels in everyone and know that they are ever present. I actually believe that we are angels too, since “angelos” is angel in Greek, and that it translates as “messenger.” Are we not all messengers, trying to bring others to the light?
In this time, we need to be the ones we’ve waited for, to rescue ourselves. This made me think of the Luciferian rebellion. We are similar to angels in heaven if we think of the heavenly realm as a realm similar to ours. I think this is a message that beings from the higher planes are trying to communicate to us.
2. "Why do darkness and light co-exist in this realm?"
Note: This is Midgard. A world in between. Where duality was allowed to exist. Was a great experiment, opened up many portals for many to come experience it. Was supposed to be in balance and switch off every 1000 years, but the dark threw it off balance and got really corrupt.
When we were live, I think I answered something about contrast. If we didn’t have contrast, we wouldn’t know that which we want to learn from. The dark or lessor frequencies give us the catalyst we need to recognize and demand change. In a big way, we’re going through a lot of that catalyst right now.
The dark things that have come to the surface are there to wake us up. And we need more people to wake up, because we are going to have to create the change we want to see in the world. If we don’t react against darkness or evil, then we’re allowing it to stay and exist. Though I believe that we have subconsciously woken up and have requested change, we need to bring that into the physical realm from the idea form.
3. "How did humanity lose its Divine Light and Love?"
Note: We lost balance. God sticked to the agreement. Found that it was out of balance. Also, may have triggers. Meant there are booby traps that need to be cleared out. We’re more than just the physical. The 5 bodies: higher and lower planes of existence.
The agreement was in alignment with the Universal Laws. The law of balance is an important factor as is the law of divine oneness. We have never been without God, but in our experience, duality was allowed to serve as catalyst to learn. Apparently, an agreement was made with dark emissaries that each would have 1000 years of reign.
There’s a similar principle regarding the financial system – when the currency has been exhausted, there’s supposed to be a reset, which includes a jubilee, or forgiveness of debt. Bankruptcy is similar to this, where one’s allowed to eliminate their obligations and start over again. The elite understand bankruptcy. Those aware of the occult know about the jubilee also. They are doing everything they can to avoid this reset, and took the offensive to launch their Great Reset, which will culminate in open worship of darkness and complete subjugation of humanity.
4. "Why did we go against the Natural Universal Laws and why is it so important for us to live by them now?"
That’s the corruption thing. Satan means in old Hebrew, the adversary. Adversary to the Universal Laws. They say, like many will say today, we want to do everything. Have every experience. Well, that didn’t work out so good when it came to rape, murder, pillage, war, terrorism. They say they get permission, but that is done by “inferred consent,” not “informed consent.” Big difference.
So, when we realize that the dark ones are adverse to Universal Laws, or God’s Law, or Natural Law, we ask, “How can they be allowed to violate the laws.” In one sense, they need to be held to account – which means that we have to understand the laws. Remember that the devil’s greatest weapon is deception. They flat out lie. If they are doing direct harm, they can be returned to source. But, there are agreements to not interfere with our experience or lessons.
So, when dark ones are called, they come. Angels come too, but can’t be seen – and they don’t want to interfere with the outcomes directly. Supposedly many people come here and agree to be harmed – some Maui residents would have those clauses. And, hard as it is to accept or deal with this, the children also will be ok. I know. This one sucks. It makes us angry with God.
I’ve worked on this one a long time and had it revealed to me that we’re immortal souls. That 16 grams of lifeforce in us travels and is connected to us in different versions in the multiverse. Can I prove this, no. Do I accept it. With some reservation. We only know what we know, and outside of my trying to present this here, there’s not that many others scientifically supporting the notion. If you’re an experiencer, you are aware of this. NDE survivors know this. High level priests know this. Secret society members recognize this. The bloodline extraterrestrials among us know this. And because of their corrupted souls, they want to corrupt yours too.
To them, it’s a game. But it’s also become a source of “food” for them. They need pain and suffering to feel. As a form of sustenance, they have to collect loosh – just as depicted in the movie, “Monsters, Inc.” Having become so corrupted, they revel in taking down innocents.
Reportedly, the children of Maui were saved. But does this mean in the physical form? I can’t say. Their souls, would be protected and return to source to perhaps re-member themselves in the etheric and continue on with their existence. This is the fundamental similar notion to going to heaven, being reunited with the “Father” or Source, to reunite with your soul family, to be reborn later. Perhaps incarnated into a physical realm again. Carne being the root of the word incarnate, meaning flesh or meat. Thus, your soul goes into a “meat suit.” Yeah, sounds gross. This is the evolutionary step before the “light body” as I understand it.
Can you see my apprehension of explaining this to a large audience. It sounds crazy. I’m just the messenger. When you dig into this stuff, it runs pretty similar throughout the mystic. Seek and ye shall find.
5. "Why is it so beneficial for us to purge and embrace our darkness within and to become redeemed with the light and love of God/Goddess?"
Note: Pendulum. Balance. Experience. One thing in concept, another in reality.
The idea of the soul mission is growth and to be learners and teachers, teachers and learners. Darkness was part of this world. And within us. We took on a lot of it. The task now has been to purge it.
I’d been doing a lot of work on this part for the past few months. I’ve left things behind and by doing so, have opened up new space for light to fill in. There’s a higher notion here that’s recently been reported by Kim Goguen and I included it in the recent situation report summary I did. She talks about the shift from one yuga to another. As we are moving into a new reality, there is the notion of going from one realm or reality to another. If you think of them as physical worlds, there are spaces between the worlds.
I see the space as a sponge with bubbles and we’re squishing them together. Your traumas are held in those bubbles. As we squeeze the sponge, the air, or water, or gunk gets pushed out of the sponge. Little bits of darkness were trying to stay hidden in those tiny air pockets. That all got cleared out by some higher level cleanser – maybe like some kind of antibacterial light. So, perhaps we’re squeezing out the old remnants from the previous reality to start anew. Make sense?
6. "Tell us why we are the Saviours/Angels we have been waiting for?"
Note: As above, so below. 3D is to 5D as 2D is to 3D. We’re coexisting with 2D beings. They seek us out to protect them. Are we any different than angels? Maybe except for the wings. We have to see ourselves as similar. Especially when we think of ETs as being angels.
I’ll add only that it’s important that we pick up our weight and cast out the negative bits. The negative thoughts gotta go. The harmful actions have to stop. The bad actors need to be released. We all have to put on the armor of God and defend our realm.
7. "Are we the Fallen-Risen Angels here at this time to awaken and co-create a new way of being and living on Earth?"
Joanne gave a good explanation of this. It helped me see this in a new way. But as I explained in answer 4, we came here to experience this physical reality. So, many of us chose this, and we likely came from a higher realm. The reason this experience is considered a learning ground is because in higher and evolved, assumingly peaceful realms, they know that killing your own kind doesn’t make sense. If you add to that the understanding that the universe is infinitely abundant, then we’re having a very spiritual experience. I guess that it would be similar to going to the movies and watching a very dramatic adventure film. Sure, you’re not really involved in raiding some ancient artifacts from some tomb in an exotic foreign land, where you have to kill enemies, but it makes for a fun couple of hours, right? In the grand scheme of things, if we’re immortal, then this experience is really but a blip in that limitless journey.
And yes, I can say that, but it’s only hypothetical to my waking reality. But, it’s something I’ve gathered from my journey.
8. "How do we Sow and Spread the seeds of awakening, love, light and unity with others?"
Let go and let God. Sprinkle seeds. Don’t have to win the argument. Don’t have to change minds. But you do have to stand up and spread the seeds. Let angels do the rest.
This last answer was pretty good. What I had thought about prior to the interview, and I was pretty sleepless ruminating over what my answers would be, was an overarching theme of God vs. Satan. Jesus and Lucifer. Good and evil. Dark and light.
I had a conversation with a friend who had been conversing with a higher plane being. One extremely evil. They had told her, you have to accept me. Meaning that he had a right to live also. This being had been responsible for very much pain and suffering on the physical plane and screws with people for fun on the etheric planes. But he came to break bread with my friend and say that he’d resigned himself to the rules. The Laws. She’s been envoking the laws for a very long time. He said that many others didn’t agree to the terms and would rather return to source. They were irredeemable souls.
Many are called. Few respond.
This friend went on to teach me that it’s not a war that we’re fighting. This is a surprising concept for one who’s heard “Victory of the Light” almost every day for the past decade. I also hear “Love and light.” The simple changing of the word “vs.” to “and” changes the meaning of God vs. Satan. Good vs. evil. To God and Satan. Good and evil.
The slight change of perspective is that both exist. We are on a journey to remembering our true selves. If we’re born of light, we’re returning to light, having experienced darkness along the way. For many, we are the light bringers.
Now you could rightly point out the Lucifer is also the Light Bearer. This is a huge aspect of this. Without contrast, what how would we live?
The dark forces take up the mantel of darkness because it gives them control and material wealth in this experience. Unfortunately, your soul lives longer than this experience, so do you want to be lost forever? As well as I can understand this, one’s soul is lost, and it returns to source to be reconstituted.
The wealthy know this and willingly ask for it. They give their soul sacrifice for wealth and fame. Among the elite, and with their emissaries, generals, admirals, they think that by doing their deeds for their dark overlord and masters, they will be rewarded. By accounts, they have another thing coming.
We all have experienced light and dark. We have day and night. We have a cycle of life. What is natural is how the experience is created. To interfere in the experience or to mess with nature is unnatural. That seems to be the differentiator.
God hears our calls. For every call for help, we need to send out acts of love. By examining dark and base vibrations, we become conscious of them and can release them.
It’s my understanding and belief that we are quickly going through these last days of darkness. With so many understanding that we’ve had it all around us, and that it’s out of balance, we can return and are returning to balance.
Where you are on the path is different than your neighbor or friends or family. But we’ll still keep seeing more gunk released in these days. Hopefully, there is a higher purpose in this all. I believe that there is. Whatcha think?
Be well. Be blessed.