Translation is a word that comes up from time to time. Rob Potter had mentioned it to me when we were talking about his contacts with Lady Aurora. The big event that Dr. Raymond Keller says he witnessed on Venus was of the Queen Ordo’s ascension. Rob said that she had translated.
Translation makes sense as we’re always talking about ascension and transformation. I’ve presented that it’s plausible to transform ourselves as we’re known to have done this several times already, why would death of the physical be our only death?
We’ve gone from source to an embryo, a baby, a toddler, a young adult, to an adult, elder, and will transmute - or translate again. The cycle is ongoing.
We’re much more than just the physical. We’re the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and etheric bodies. Each of the bodies need to be prepared to ascend. There’s the thought that we’re in 5D right now and that may be in our metaphysical sense true. What I’m studying right now are some teachings from the Venusians. They have a command of physics more than we do, but some of our technology is catching up to theirs. It’s said that technology that’s in the deep programs is easily 50 to 100 years ahead of what we see publicly.
We’re the last planet in our solar system to join the solar space community
Lady Columba’s teacher as she began her translation from her earthly life to the Venusian one was named Vorton. He is full of lessons. His lessons actually make a lot of sense to me. In a part of the book provided by Lady Columba that I’m reading, she recounts some of her earliest experiences with Vorton.
She has a litany of questions one in her position would have, given she’s been a person who had accepted the notion that universal beings are out there and that there would likely be peaceful beings out there also. Vorton covers that aura’s are visible from each human, how their ships move, and that their craft achieve a level of cloaking by allowing the light rays to “bend” around themselves.
We are like children with firecrackers – they are supervising us from hurting ourselves (and others)
So, Lady Columba, the former Annabell Krebs, was invited onboard a Venusian ship in 1957 and was escorted by Vortan to the moon. She began then, to learn the ways of Venusians. She later translated (physically died) in 1995 at the age of 93. She appeared as Lady Columba to Raymond Keller in 2017 and this is where the photo of her comes from. (Editor’s note: This detail has been updated and corrected since it went out originally in the newsletter version to subscribers).
This was a period of fervor about our cosmic neighbors. Orson Wells did a number on the psyche of the world’s population by performing his famous radio show that sowed panic in the populace.
You’ll remember from my articles last week that went over the creation of the asteroid belt came at the destruction of the planet Maldek. Our space neighbors are a bit afraid of us, as survivors of Maldek did “fall” to earth and took up residency here while being quarantined. In a sense, the earth is that prison planet. Perhaps is a prison for the maleficent Orion refugees and a kindergarten or school for the rest of us humanity as we work our way into our imminent graduation. This graduation, being a transmutation of our DNA and corresponding physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etheric bodies.
One of the first points or lessons Vorton gives Annabell, is that we have to play nice with others! He pairs this lesson with the reality that we must recognize that we’re not the only ones in this solar neighborhood. Yet, many are afraid of our neighbors rather than curious of them. We’ve been programmed in fight or flight – not exploring from a neutral stance. Heavy stuff, huh?
To me it makes sense. We will be given such amazing new information, teachings, and technology, but we must be worthy of it. And they’re not going to give us stuff if we’re going to go charging into the solar system launching offensives.
The story goes that we’re far enough along and there are enough of us that display the curiosity and compassion to allow us a place at the table. Thus, it seems sensible that we will have to clean our own house in very short order – meaning get this larger disclosure thing going which will reveal the negative realities of banking, politics, corruption, war, history.
It also seems like an approach from our neighbors has been figured out. They all have something at stake here to a degree, so they also want the opportunity to interact with us. It’s in their best interests to see that we can maintain peace.
Individual Auras
You’ve seen the images of heat screening. Vorton speaks of glasses developed in the late 1800’s by Walther John Kilner, M.D. who wrote about how to create glasses to see individual’s auras in the book, “Human Atmosphere, or the Aura Made Visible by Means of Chemical Screens.”
How their ships move
Though unable to provide Lady Columba with a more thorough answer which he held back for security purposes, Vorton says that “Our aircraft travel by traction, not friction as yours do.”
I’ve gotten information that their travel is magnetic using energetic lay lines of our planet that works in a pulling way. I was shown consumer technology on wave cancellation in the early 1990s that was used on nuclear submarines. The sound cancelling works by sending out a frequency that negates the one that’s created by an object moving through water. The same concept applies to controlling the atmosphere around an individual I’ve been instructed and have seen some basic work on.
By turning off the ions before and object in space, it creates a pulling effect that propels an object through space. So, an object doesn’t need to be blasted through the air, but rather, the air’s atmosphere can be changed in front of and behind an object. This is the same concept as mag-lev trains. They don’t touch the tracks that they ride on, and the tracks fire off and on the magnets in front of and behind the train which moves it along.
You would think Elon would have this information. By limiting our beliefs or keeping our true potential locked up in black ops programs, you can see how we limit all of humanities potential. If the real mathematics were being used, we’d achieve so much more. But then, we wouldn’t be so easily controlled, right?
Light Benders
Vorton says that they control the atmosphere inside their craft also, so they can stop instantly, and the passengers won’t go flying off. What they’re seen doing frequently is changing their polarity or their frequency – and they seem to disappear. Or suddenly appear. What he says they’re doing is moving to a different vibration that we’re not able to perceive.
The other trick they do, is bend light around themselves. This one’s gone public, but it’s not really widely known. There are these invisibility cloaks that are fabrics that bend the light waves. By doing so, the person behind the fabric appears to disappear. Somehow, the light is bending around the object. I assume this is at a molecular level. Maybe I’ll find out more as I explore.
What the lessons tell us, is that there’s incredible potential in our world right now. There are incredible new realities awaiting us, but we have to raise our consciousness.
By becoming aware of the things that we have achieved as humanity, we can move into ascension. This ascending means going into higher realms. I guess these higher realms are accompaniments to higher awareness.
Imagine the society that develops the wheel. That leads to wagons, carts, wheel barrels, bikes, and other forms of transportation. The expanded forms of transportation allows the society to see that there are other societies around them. In the same way, the gathering of new knowledge is going to expand our potential.
It only makes sense that we will meet others. The significant difference is that the neighbors we’re going to meet are far more advanced than we are. The good news is that there are going to be heart-centered ones as well as bad ones. We’ll have to choose our neighbors carefully, just as they are choosing us carefully.
The last lesson which Vorton gives Lady Columba in this part of the book, Lady Columba: Venus Revelations by Dr. Raymond Keller, is that they have been waiting for humans to reach the level of peace and community that they can be introduced to their own higher powers. However, it is still incumbent upon us to rise up others to be more spiritual, and heart centered.
The time will be upon us soon where we’ll cross the Rubicon. That point is when disclosure is the imperative for the good of humanity. For that, we’ll need guides. We’ll need those of you reading this article. We’ll need your wisdom to lead us through a trying period of revelations.
But you know that you’re here for this.
Be well. Get rest. Stay grounded in these days of confusion.
Editor’s Note: The description of “translation” has been updated and corrected since the original post went out to subscribers. It originally read, “transmuted” which was incorrect.
Also corrected were the details of the dates of Annabell Krebs and her translation to becoming Lady Columba.