Undercover Military Ops Sit Rep
Who did what this weekend and who pulled the trigger. It's been contained.
There are covert military operations teams around the world that are above the militaries of the world. These groups are aligned by the Order of the Black Sun, Satanists, bloodline rulers, secret societies.
At the top, and I’ll again provide this document that lists the families and orders and chain of command as painstakingly outlined by Ground Command, Kim Goguen.
And I’ll also provide this document put together by Joel van der Reijden as it gets the organization correct if you choose to download it and read it. This is a detailed explanation of the Pilgrim Society which is recognized by some as the Jason Society.
The Jason Society is in the cross-hairs this weekend as it was the group, actually one particular person within the very high-level secret society that ordered the military onto the streets of hundreds of cities over the weekend.
Their plan according to Goguen was to have used a portal that would direct energies to moon-like satellites that would crash upon the earth, therefore creating massive confusion on the planet – in other words, the fake alien invasion scenario, minus the fake aliens.
The result of the operation would be to enforce their perceived reality version of martial law and then the forces would put countries on lock-down while faking a cyber attack and bank attacks.
As details will play out this week. Pay attention to the status of the Federal Reserve and in particular Janet Yellen. Pay attention to the countries that are leaving the US dollar - African countries are reportedly starting this planetary shift.
Resembles the Event
These actions were easily confused by patriots out there who want to enact The Plan. The Q plan resembles elements of the Event that Prepare for Change has long discussed and presented. The main element of the “Event” or the “Plan”, is the military takedown of the cabal.
What the Jason society member appears to have done, was to use the familiarity of the Plan to excite enough military and patriots into believing that the martial law scenario which would put Trump back into office with General Flynn at the lead, into action. Many believe in this savior program.
The Event calls for a takedown of the banks and the military to come in and get the bad guys. That’s still a possibility, but this weekend’s influx of troops into major cities was not that plan.
What it was, was an attempt to provoke the cabal wishes to crush society. It would seem to take a few days for this to die down.
Who were in on it?
There’s a few options regarding who would be doing the heavy lifting in this scenario. From what I gather, and this is only speculation, it seems to have been a situation where troops were to carry out the UN and NATO commands. If you’ve seen the videos of the troops in 27 states, then there clearly was lots of chaos.
I would say that there are levels of controllers on the planet that carry incredible weight. Apparently, this Jason society person went around saying that he was in control of the intelligence arm that Goguen claims to have created called the Global Intelligence Agency or GIA. This person got some paperwork that gave the initial impression that he was as he claimed he was an appointed agent of the GIA and to execute these plans. The only to be executed now would be him if he hasn’t already been returned to Source.
How could this happen?
There are many private military mercenaries in the world. Think of it this way, a group of well-trained ops do their time in service of any high-level branch of military in the world. They have seen first hand action. They try to assimilate into society but are not ready. This is kinda like Rambo. But, instead of roaming the country as a homeless veteran, they figured out that they could still work in a military – a private one – and keep going around the world for hire, thinking they’re serving justice.
So these guns for hire organize themselves and keep up their connections to serve the elite or highest bidder. You know these groups as the types that protect the Davos crowd or the Clintons. They are paid well for their services.
Police departments are similar in that they serve their orders and fraternities, which serve the elite by design. Or, obviously, the Masonic orders.
Remember that their symbols will be their downfall.
So it is that there are a bunch of private militaries. Here’s the most notorious:
Umbrella Corporation
Shaw House
Tai Young
Black Water
This article from 2019 goes pretty deep into the military for hire tactics. It’s a pretty revealing read with the understanding that at the top of the pyramid are sociopaths who would like to see the downfall of society or of their enemy in our end times that we’re in – per their prophecies that I outlined in the last of the Planned Chaos articles that appeared on Friday.
For our liberation, we need to know our enemies: those in the field and those pulling the strings.
Per Goguen’s Monday report, the individual instantly had questions surrounding his authority and calmer heads prevailed. At this time, I just wanted to provide some insight on what happened, what appears to be happening, and to give information that the MSM isn’t even touching at all.
We will prevail.