As reported by Kim Goguen, this was either done by a hack from Umbrella Military Corp, or from some patriot’s backing group (generals?) who are tired of waiting to be paid and have realized that Donald is lying to them.
I’d suggest that more digging go on about this report. It’s been scrubbed from the app formerly known as Twitter.
Of course, there’s plenty of intel sources who claim Trump died during his term, somewhere in 2020. But, there’s so much invested in his being alive and taking his part in the “Plan”, that actors have been portraying Trump.
Part of the claim says that Don Jr. would take his place and run. LOL!
Please remember that we’re in a war and that pysops are running rampant right now. The powers that were are out of money.
In other news
This weekend is the 23rd - It’s the Fall Equinox
Be safe out there and imagine peace. If something great were to happen, it would coincide with tonight around midnight, or at 11:49 PST.
I’ll see you on the other side.
Be well. Be blessed.
Yes, it has the making of a psyop. Ala a member that's trying to denegrade Trump Jr. I think somewhere else he explains that it was hacked.
The Don Jr. Remark seems very callous.