With the congressional hearings that are going to take place this Wednesday in the US on the UFO phenomena with 3 handpicked intel providers, the world should not ever go back to what it had been. Everything is changing. Call it the quickening, the end of the age, the Revelations, the Great Reset, Disclosure, or whatever…once we pass the bridge that we accept we’re not alone in the universe, we need to elevate the conversation. Or it will quickly devolve into pandemonium.
The US government is not going to elevate the conversation, or the consciousness we need to be at in this moment. The charade that will be playing out will be only to control the narrative. The three witnesses that will provide testimony David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official; David Fravor, a former Navy commander; and Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot. Graves and Fravor both claim to have spotted UAPs, Burchett said, and Grusch has claimed the U.S. has retrieved "intact and partially intact" vehicles of nonhuman origin. Their testimony will also support the “Tic Tac” UFO sightings.
Somewhat playing into the slow ET rollout strategy, NASA put together a meeting on May 31, where their “independent study group” concluded, “We need better data.” We all know that NASA is “not a space agency” but one of the control gatekeepers of information. Their role is to slowly roll out information and control the narrative. Such is the pattern with all state agencies. As much as it pains me to see these trolls present their stories and limit their disclosure, I felt compelled to present some actual meat regarding the extraterrestrial topic.
I agree that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but that’s not really the problem. Extraordinary evidence is all over the place, what it requires is actual research into the claims. Mufon has thousands of reported cases, and the FREE Foundation has hundreds of compiled, research based testimonies. Heck, over the past year Benjamin Fulford as a part of his global intelligence weekly reports has presented over 100 really questionable UFO videos – any number of them worthy of investigation. The real issue is narrative control, and power control. It is too easy to relegate the topic as conspiracy but this does not serve the public good to ignore the facts. Further, enough people worldwide believe and have had their own experiences that the truth should be brought out. Que the X Files music.
The cabal understand this completely and want to slow roll the real story
Unfortunately for them, extraterrestrial factions are breaking the narrative control and showing themselves all over, as well as making contact. Or at least there are vast amounts of reports out there coming in daily. We expect that this will culminate in public soon enough with a faked invasion, a real mass contact event, or something in between. Again, from our perspective, we seen tons of claims and considered many possibilities.
Bottomline, the whole subject concerns our growth. The hearings open up the proverbial can of worms. I consider it a positive step forward, because the energies that I continue to write about are catalyst for this.
Here is my list of the top 20 extraterrestrial claims which are topics we really should be addressing. Because, they are already here. Journalists should check out these stories and report on them. In the restoration, we will see this addressed.
The list (in no particular order)
1. ETs fell to this planet already in the form of Anunnaki, Atlantians, progenitors, Draco, Orion, Abraxis, Dero, and others. This is what the elite believe. They use this knowledge in their modis operandi to control the planet. If you believed in higher beings, that would blow their control methods and they would be out of power.
2. ETs that blew up their planet are refugees on earth, otherwise known as Fallen Angels. Or what the religion of the elites embrace from their historian, and remember history is written by the victors, Zacheria Sitchin in his blueprint, The Complete Earth Chronicles and the Anunnaki Chronicles.
3. From biblical reference, Ezekiel's wheel clearly speaks of there being beings who arrive in wheels. These wheels are largely accepted as UFOs in the occult, mystery schools, and secret societies.
4. Most celebrity scientists believed in UFOs in their early writings, then were given the deal and access to be waterbearers for the elites. Shortly after, they omit speaking of ETs. See: Stanely Kuberick, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagen, Michua Kaku, Dr. Stephen Greer
5. Elon Musk jokes often of being an alien. Insiders reveal much about Elon, first off that his name is pronounced El-e-on. El-e-on is a prophecized forebearer of the Lucifarians. As I finalize this post, today El-e-on has rebranded his Twitter platform as X. X is an occult symbol that represents Satan. Elon’s babysitter has spoken publicly about his dark abilities, as have some insiders close to him. Elon is part of the WEF Young Global Leaders. He is not trying to get off the planet, but return to a planet he has previously claimed to be from.
6. Rothschild’s who control our planets resources claim to be from the line of Cain. Or Lucifer, or Enki. The embodiments are interchangeable. They are said to have control of our planet, and that they are of the alien or extraterrestrial ruler bloodline. These extraterrestrial rulers are also known as Archons.
7. In working with Archons, world elites get their orders, they claim, from gamma waves sent directly to them through meditation or ceremonies from the Great Galactic Central Sun as presented by Benjamin Fulford who has many elite family members and royals as his sources. Also included are Space Force leakers, Secret Space Program insiders, Mossad, FSB agents, Pentagon sources, MI6, and other secret society members.
8. Our controllers and bloodline rulers claim to have bloodlines of Reptilians from the constellation Draco in the Orion star system. This is where the talk of bluebloods, RH negative, and the divine right to rule come from. They are not regular humans, but claim to be long-time rulers. These people run the world banking schemes and want everything for themselves as we enter the end of the age.
9. Alien races the Nordics are the bloodline lineage of the Aryans and communicated through the Vrill Society and Thule occult groups. The Nazi’s used these occult groups to communicate with Nordic extraterrestrials. See the work or William Thompson and Michael Salla. Even Stephen Spielberg knows of these stories.
10. President Eisenhower made a treaty (one of many contracts and covenants made with ETs) with Grays from Zeta Reticuli in 1947. Supposedly the choice was to make way for peace or sign with the Grays and get military technology to back engineer – which may be information confirmed in the forthcoming US Congressional hearings.
11. We’re currently going through a planetary liberation war which will free humanity from rule of the elite controllers, influence of negative aliens, and allow for the planet to prepare to join the cosmic community. We have to meet certain conditions – basically get rid of our negative actions and restore the planet. A publicly proclaimed leader of this restoration and Ground Command who works with an alliance of “others” numbering in the millions, is Kim Goguen, who’s just today, declared the war over.
12. We are energetic food for negative aliens. They collect our lifeforce in the form they call “loosh.” We have war, and big sporting events to feed this need of suffering. Negative beings like negative energy. We are batteries to them this way.
13. There are good and bad aliens just as there are good and bad humans. However, the Universe is ruled by Laws of Nature and Universal Laws. As beings evolve, they learn that harming one of your species is harming yourself. A type of karma comes back at you and we are all connected, which is called the Law of Divine Oneness. Our primary lesson is to stop killing ourselves.
UFOs are real of course. Not believing this is the simplest way that they control you.
15. We landed on the moon but weren’t allowed to be there. We are quarantined. A story goes along with this that we landed in some crater but there were huge ships there that told us to not come back. A lot of mis-information is coming out now intended to confuse our reality. This one should be a hot topic, but it’s generally ignored by msm.
16. Venusians manage the comings and goings of the moon and earth. This is because they are our nearest benevolent cosmic neighbors, and they need to help us advance because their advancement is tied to ours. All beings in our solar system are connected. Remember the Law of Divine Oneness.
17. Jesus was an alien. (So was Elvis). Extraterrestrials are thought to be angels. There’s lots of claims on this one out there.
18. They want us to live in peace before we can join the cosmic community. No war. Stop using weapons against the people such as poison in jabs, poison in food, the air, the water. Everything can be remedied very quickly when we wake up. There is no man-made climate crisis, but we are destroying our resources like food production and the oceans with pollution. This can be fixed, if we can admit our problems and ask for help.
19. Only 1 in 5 people on earth are organic humans. I would suggest watching Star Wars or Star Trek on this topic. They are supposed to be disclosure stories.
20. Edward Snowden found non-terrestrial commissioned officers in his NSA vault hack.
Knowing this is key to the new narrative shift and Great Reset that we all have to consider. With knowledge, you can make an informed decision to the path you want to continue on.
It’s time to have real conversations about this because ET’s also say that they will not make official announcements through governments as they have tried this before and humanity was not ready for it. Also, when they tried before with great leaders, the leaders failed and used the information for their own power and control.
Be wary of what is going to be disclosed at the US congressional hearings. It is all for show. These people are being used or volunteer to be used to maintain a status quo. The lame evidence they will present is probably 50 to 100 years behind what is possible now.
For more reliable disclosures on the topic of extraterrestrials, try any number of the following resources:
Lisa Renee’s Energetic Synthesis or Ascension Glossary
Aurora Ray’s Galactic Federation blog
Rob Potter’s The Promise Revealed website
Corey Goode’s Ascension Works TV
The books of William Thompkins
Just know that all of these deeper extraterrestrial and exopolitical researchers have their own bias. From each provider we can learn a great deal, but each must be held to integrity. What agenda are they pushing? Do they support each other, or bash each other?
For my part, I have a bias too. And I only know what I know. You can find out more about my positions at my blog, naradigmshift.substack.com
My goals are simple: planetary liberation and human empowerment. My boss is God. I am in service to Source. It is my integrity to seek this type of information to the end goals I’ve stated. I observe these sources and others to sort out this perception of reality.
The coming out of these revelations should lead to more questioning of the whole issues. All the sources I’ve noted have been dealing with this topic for at least the past 5 years and most for over 10 years in the public eye. Longer in their own experiences.
Apparently Cliff High and Jordan Sather are pretty good at debunking many of the claims of those I’ve listed. And that is fair and necessary for a lively debate as the truth is likely somewhere in between. But, at least they scrutinize the claims of the providers, not like the MSM who will not ever have honest engagement with these topics that I’ve presented. That is called lying by omission. You know that the MSM protect their own.
Because of the high stakes of this topic, I have put this information forward. I cover all the ramifications of this, and the ET part is only the beginning of many deeply consciousness opening discussions.
Coming up
On Wednesday, I’ll give you a slew of new UFO videos.
Clif High has a potty mouth which negates anything he says in my book! Literates do not have to use obscenities to inform! Just my opinion! Great blog! Very informative! 👍🏼