To Believe or Not to Believe...
That will increasingly become the question with House Committee hearings coming July 26
I’m a very fortunate person.
There’s this saying, “seek and ye shall find.” That has worked really well for me. Even though I’m about as far out there as one can be, I find that my perspective is like a lot of others. The tricky thing about being a light worker, is that the dark side has spent years, decades, and even centuries in some cases in consolidating their stories. The emerging stories on the light side, haven’t had nearly as much coordination.
I’m lucky to have gotten the opportunities I have to get near some really fascinating people. When we think of the work we’ve done, it is pretty amazing. There are really highly placed people I’ve been able to meet, interview, and work with – though I like to stay kinda in the periphery. Then there’s the many more “regular” people I’ve met who have many really special experiences. These regular people not being public.
Yes, I’ve met Corey a few times. We talked in very brief, social kinda ways. I tried to get some work going with him, but he was working with Roger Richards, and he got really off his vibe with that crew. But, there’s still big parcels of truth in his information.
BTW, I don’t have any really big issues with Corey. If there’s some that we should concern ourselves with, it’s gonna be extraterrestrials, and beings who aren’t public, who we know little about. Corey’s info has expanded consciousness. Yet, I see many triggered by him.
Today’s blog is a bit about being triggered.
We’re going prime time!
If you’re like me, you wanna grab people and shake them awake sometimes. I’m referring to this in a social media or streaming video kinda way. As we seek, there used to be a very intentional way of gathering information. I had heard that higher planes beings could communicate with us through the interwebs. I certainly felt guided when I was doing a lot of writing and researching six to eight years ago (hence the times I began meeting some of the disclosure luminaries. The internet was a bit of a free-for-all and getting to meet people was much easier. There certainly wasn’t the level of surveillance on users. And the information was much freer. Because of this, I found a ton of information, and meet a lot of people.
There are still resources online if you’re looking for them. Back then Wikileaks, 4chan, Q boards, dark web, occult books were all things you could find if you were so inclined. I could dig for something and someone’s earnest research was posted. I would be guided to things like that. Whether this was divine intervention, or the intervention of my higher self, or higher planes beings of positive or negative inclination, I can’t completely say. But things have changed.
A whole generation of seekers have been groomed with a narrative of the new age. Being objective about this, there’s good and the potential for bad in this. I’m of the mind that one should gather as much information as they can when it comes to these things that are occult or mystery school teachings. But, it takes some work and some honest socratic questioning to achieve wisdom – at least the majority of the time. However, some younger person may be driven by ego and in trying to establish their personal identity, seek to publish their findings all over Instagram or Twitter. All I yern for is that people not rush to judgment or declarative statements.
Who do we trust? Not many. You have to do your own research.
This comes up when I’ve held a discussion or make a presentation. In the small groups that we’re in, when we present information, it’s not always from a first-person perspective, but from reliable sources. What’s been great of my associations with lots of people and a few groups is the opportunity to hear varying perspectives from different people, experiencers, and intel providers. From that tapestry, we weave our beliefs. But we’re hitting a crucial apex.
In the shift of consciousness that we’re going through, we’re now hitting a point of critical mass. Or, we could say that what we’ve long talked about is going mainstream. This is good in the sense that we’re expanding consciousness and that allows for our ultimate goal of getting to be welcomed into the cosmic community, but… it also seems to put extra pressure on us to get our stories straight.
But, you and I all know that what comes from the mainstream sources is going to be bullshit narrative control. Corey agrees with this narrative and offers a bit more insight on who might be testifying.
As I’m posting this article, it’s come out that Grush will be one of those testifying, so, there will be only the chosen voices heard here. Likely Dr. Stephen Greer too. It is rumored that a video similar to this will be presented:
By this, I mean, we need to have the things we agree on figured out. We need to agree on things enough so that when people come asking about the topics, we can have some unified energy behind our statements and/or perspectives. And this is where things get a little weird I find.
So, you’ve probably noticed that the government is holding a UFO/UAP hearing on July 26. This is good and potentially problematic. Why is it problematic? Because many people are now chiming in on their beliefs, which by and large are non-believers. Some say, that if it’s coming from government, then it must categorically be bad. Or wrong. And those who are aware, even very aware. Or very, very, very aware, likely won’t be in those hearings, or getting the ear of those media reporters who will be running with the story and cynical beliefs.
It appears that your loyal reps will be presenting exactly what their controllers want them to present. It’ll be tic tok glitchy bs, like this:
Blurry, black and white non discriminating crap like this. Is there a point to this?
I don’t know if I am excited about this or loathe it. There’s already this level of intellectuals who just aren’t ready for this. And are unaware. I’m not sure how well the awakened will mesh with the cognitive dissonant? Here’s an example of a pretty intellectual who will need to wake up.
Then, I’d expect Joe Rogan to have some of the same schills that might appear at the hearing on for a time “after the disclosure.” Gimmie a break. He is chosen to be a limited hangout in this regard. Much as he does present much deeper thoughts than most.
Let’s get it going already!
I kind wish extraterrestrials would just show up and clarify it. I’d like to hear a statement something like this,
“Beings of earth, yes, we are what you call extraterrestrials. We have been around and with you for billions of years. Earth, as you know it, is an experimental plane whereas an incarnated human, you were to learn the lessons of positivity and negativity.
Many of you have the capacity to feel love in your hearts. Congratulations, you are on the path to a positive experience with the revealing of many secrets and positive opportunities. Many others of you have been occupied by pursuit of ego. This drives many to the dark path. Of course, your leaders are of this orientation which is why we are not dealing with them anymore. We are resolved to restore peace on your planet, with them or without them. In truth, many of them are rogue cousins of ours. They have wished for far worse things for you than we are capable of – by nature, and by Universal Law. This is why they were relegated here. But the design of creation and the passing of what you call “time,” does not allow for them to be here any longer, as peace must be the prevailing orientation.
You will be seeing plenty of opportunity for restoring the planet back to one that is in balance. The majority of humanity are aware of our existence and have been crying out for help for a very long time. It is because we didn’t want to scare you, that we have waited for the most opportune moment to reintroduce our presence.
In reality, elites and your celebrities have been aware of us for a very long time. Those who have accepted us and been communicating with us number in the millions. We have been working with many aboard our ships which you may now see over certain cities in some countries.
In the coming days, we will work with citizen leaders to settle immediate needs such as food, clothing and shelter. Many charitable organizations are already in place to handle this. Your global military leaders will become a real peace enforcement arm on the front lines of distributing food and medicine to those in need. Your scientists will meet with ours and we will provide them education and processes that will quickly solve your perceived climate crisis, energy crisis, food shortages, weather patterns. We will begin to clean up your environment, the oceans, the air quality, stop all fires and plagues, and start greening your deserts.
We insist on a cessation to your wars. Though we cannot intervene, but we can protect the innocent. You will be introduced to the Galactic Federation which is comprised of local members of this star system. The beings include: Syrians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Venusians, Taygetans, and several others. This is to assure you that we mean you no harm. It is the prime law of the Universe that we are all one.
We will direct you to local contactees and wise beings of your planet. Your media will begin to show many documentaries of your true history. Finally, we end our communication today with a message of jubilee. All debts are void. Efforts are being made to provide $10,000 to each person on the planet immediately to alleviate their current stress. Use this money as you wish but believe that the near future will include jobs necessary to provide restoration to your planet. In developing countries, this means a priority on food, clothing, and shelter as well as medicines and health care.
You’ll become aware of services available to you soon through the coordinated efforts of CARE who has replaced the UN as the steward of governances around the planet.
Be joyful. Be blessed. We welcome our collaboration to a friendly exchange and peaceful future for our sector of the galaxy.”
I probably didn’t cover everything, but getting out truths about UFOs and extraterrestrials is going to be a slog. You think the world and MSM has lied about taxes, rights, elections, wars, the pandemic? You ain’t seen nothing yet when this starts coming out. This is the game changer. It’s going to question religion, physics, the lies that have been knowingly told. Sheez, when people begin to realize that their leaders are satanic pedophile murdering cannibals, people are gonna lose their shit. They’re not ready for this. But, it has to happen.
I mean, we can’t even agree on this stuff that’s right in our faces:
Are all these things true? I know that they have explanations. But, there’s so much other evidence there that there should at least be investigations into these things.
I mean, when this is being presented in Congress, it is indicating something. And we know that this is one of dozens of images and videos like this
Again, lucky for me. I have many who are experiencers and I’ve had enough experiences to know that we are capable of much more than we generally perceive. The reason why the cabal don’t want to have this information come out for 50 years, is so they can be long gone when their crimes come out. But then I think of post war Germany and they were able to handle truth about their evil leaders, so, we’ll have to suck it up.
I intended to go into some information that a friend shared with me on Archons. But, as this post is long enough already, I’ll hold that until Wednesday.
In the meantime, here’s some dancing dog: