Things were moving quickly this week. Of note was McCarthy being voted out as Speaker of the House. Rumor behind the scenes is that he hadn’t made good on his promises to pay off the bribes he made to get the position. This comes on the news that the Treasury is broke. That means that the government won’t get funding.
According to Kim Goguen, she reports that all governments are broke and aren’t going to get the funding they would normally get from the Rothschild’s banks.
Quickly, I’ll note that the money is somewhat tracked on
According to it, the US has $194 trillion in unsecured/unfunded liabilities. This means that every citizen is on the hook for $578,500.
I’d also seen a post where we have $649,000 in the US Treasury. This was expected to be about $29 million at this point, which as of Oct. 1 is the starting point of the new fiscal year. This would be to fund the US government if I’m correct. The Senate returns, the summer is over and everyone meets at the UN to get their operation orders and their projects approved.
By getting projects approved, we’re talking about global cabal operations like war in the middle east, Ukraine war, Taiwan crisis, and new pandemic plans. Among other nefarious programs where war contractors, Black Sun operatives, private militaries all get their funds and plans to operate their acting in the theater. We are all merely players in the big stage.
So people come to New York weeks before the heads of state arrive and give their performances to hash out deals. According to Goguen, this didn’t bear any fruit as they have no money left to milk out of the system.
Mad Rothschilds
As petulant children who used to have control of the system, they ordered their minions to get their orders and that the money will be forthcoming. There was supposedly even a hit put out on Goguen. Problem seems to be that more and more operations are being funded, so the admirals and generals and operators are moving away from the Rothschilds. Enough have read the tealeaves, seen through project looking glass, met with their elders and scholars and oracles and determined that the game is over.
As I mentioned in the last articles, it’s checkmate. The observers know this. The participants know this, but they are hoping that the victors make a mistake and somehow the dark forces can get a foothold again.
The rest of the minons are seeing the writing on the wall and Goguen reports that the Black Nobility see this too, are are now finally seeking a truce.
Unconditional Surrender? Or some conditions?
It seems that if we accept this premise, then we’re looking at a situation of surrender of the top dark forces families. Supposedly many of the coven masters and top puppet masters who work for the Black Nobility or dark royal bloodline familes have been removed as have been generals and admirals, but there’s always a new one to pop up from another society. Ie, the latest threat was the Jesuit Order. Prior to them were the Dragon families, the Asian secret societies, the progression of illuminati families, and other operatives, presumedly Jacobins, OTO, or any of the other Black Sun worshipers from the east and west.
Goguen says that turning in earned markers saved the lives of some of her team but that even a hit put out on her won’t amount to much since she claims to have final authority on those and that there’s no one taking up the orders now anyhow. Especially in light of her offer to become the “new boss” so-to-speak, willing to create new projects for benevolent ends.
So where’s the proof?
We can only offer circumstantial support at this time. But I’d say that Speaker of the House McCarthy stepping down, the 45-day US budget extension, and eminent bank collapses are all playing into this. And that Trump is being mentioned as the possible new Speaker of the House has been out in the patriotsphere for a while now.
Should Trump get this position, it would fulfill the Q and patriots plan.
Those who say that Trump is dead are willing to drive that point home more and don’t want Trump or the Trump Operation to come into power. I’ve held the opinion that Team Trump wants to become the King of North America – which in a way Biden just facilitated with his Canada, America, and Mexico pact. This honestly happened within the week and there’s nothing that comes up in search from MSM about this. But this is a NWO agreement:
Stream of Consciousness Conversation
So, I woke up and got into a texting chat with enlightened friend. Here’s some more perspective on this week’s shake out:
ME: U2 had a brainwashing concert in Las Vegas at the new illuminated arena. That money can be tapped into by ops.
The billions that we've sent to Ukraine is being laundered and used to send the immigrant army into the US and Europe. That has to stop.
Don't know how much of that money is real or fabricated, or just the promise. Ie, here's some real money. The rest will be put onto a debit card. You will get the full amount when you get there.
I've heard that this is how they're getting people to the US. But they're not getting paid. BTW, the UN is laundering our money for Ukraine through Soros operations (reportedly) to pay for all these military aged immigrants. They really are trying to crash the US and Europe.
That's Kim's claim also... that the operatives aren't getting paid. This is why they fired McCathy IMO. And want somebody in the position who will actually pay them. Not knowing that there is no money and no one in position to pay them.
Except Kim, who some are beginning to wonder about.
Thus may not be at the level of politicians yet. But of the handlers.
If we're to believe Kim.
And since Trump had paid the operatives when he was President, they may think he can pay them as Speaker.
That's my best guess.
The big question is, how do you get them off of the Trust the plan and Trump is our savior program?
And is KG who she claims to be?
$480 mil ain't nothing compared to the $232 million PER DAY that we're giving (laundering) through Ukraine.
And no idea where that's coming from, this is why we're broke.
The next year planning for projects, ops, and budgeting was supposed to happen at the UN meetings. For the cabal and world govs, including the US.
This is supposedly why some govs were hitting up CARE / Kim for money - supposedly.
And why the Rothschilds were telling them not to by threats.
So they were doing crisis management and perception control.
McCarthy being fired allows an excuse now when the gov shuts down for them not having money.
This is the same as the UAW strike.
It gives them an out, Ie - "Well, the gov isn't funded because of the republicans." "The top 3 US car makers are on strike, so it's the workers fault."
"All these immigrants are draining financial resources"
"The war costs a lot of money."
Add inflation and housing bubble and $200 trillion of unsecured US debt, and it's ready to crash.
Unsecured debt is the public debt the banks have wrongfully extended to consumers- car loans, business inventory loans (credit), mortgages, the repo market (loans banks make yo each other every day to cover their debts), student loans, credit card debt. All of these way over leveraged debts are "unsecure" meaning that there's not enough earning from business or consumers to sustain itself. The loans will go into default and people and businesses will go into backruptcy.
Unless the banks are held to account. And politicians. And we force them banks to write off the interest and do some debt forgiveness. Which is required via the year of the jubilee per religious doctrines.
The for profit banks have enough real assets to pay off the debt, but we have to FORECLOSE on them. And that's the big problem.
An unawake public vs. the Rothschild/satanic cabal.
So who is going to represent the public?
Friend: Driving around today looking around people going about their business, I'm kind of in a mood. That what kind of game is this, no one sees what going on.. this is the end times?? What kind of crap game is this. Lies, lies, lies. Unless you are awake you see but if you aren't this shit is just flying over their heads. My grandkids have been the same, there is no changes in them.
Gerry Gomez:
Yep. To get out of this, the people have to do it.
But they look for a savior.
If all the spiritual stuff is right, then there are enough people. Remember that they far outnumber the corrupt.
This is taking forever, I heard Kim say we will deal with the bad ones for about 10 more years. I'm not getting this final game.
Gerry Gomez:
It seems to me that Kim and the Trump op are the options. Along with humanity waking up. And if God plays a part.
It will be a battle for consciousness. Those who are awake will have to lead the transition.
If the system has transparency, and exposure of the crimes, and takedown of media, then it can be done.
Trump is got people messed up with all these lies gives more time for more concerts more movies more events for the politicians to get money and continue this waiting game.
Gerry Gomez:
But we have to go through a transition. But I think we’ll be ok. And part of informing the public. That's gonna take time. Think Germany after WWll.
If people are not held accountable this will continue. But as long as the black nobility still holds the reins well then we will be in the Matrix forever!!
Gerry Gomez:
Yes, but that's small money. That's only serving themselves. It ain't enough to feed the beast. The whole system. Which is why I think we saw the McCarthy thing.
Yes, but they also are gonna protect themselves. They have enough to protect their families, but not control the planet. So they will want to negotiate. And that's what Kim says. It makes sense. But they knew they would lose years ago. Until they actually are on the brink of losing are they looking for a truce.
They want a conditional surrender. Kim and we would like an unconditional surrender. But in reality, that would cause chaos.
They do not deserve to be on this planet period. Everyone one of their family members everyone, women and child. They have all been brainwashed for millions of years, but will not change, it may change out of fear but cheetas do not loose their spots..they will creep back in.
Gerry Gomez:
To eliminate them causes this power void whack-a-mole situation which Kim has reported on all year. A top person dies and another replaces.
We kinda have to use them to coordinate positive ops.
And control their people.
Though money and controlling their paycheck can do a lot of that.
I thought Kim said last year that Nathan Rothschild is gone?
Gerry Gomez:
There's a few of them that are key: David, Nathan, Evelyn, and Jacob.
David I think is the one who died. Jacob is the Simpsons looking one.
NOTE: Evelyn died November 7, 2022. David, Nathaniel, and Jacob are still around.
To your other point: yes some of them have to die or leave and go to source. I'm not sure who needs to know this at the public level?
Maybe you and I will be shown that they were reconstituted?
Why are they still here and why work with assassins when you can have the GIA take them out. Especially if we can not hold them accountable. Now this is the message, go go do whatever you want it doesn't matter you will not be held accountable. No worries.. meanwhile it gives the evil more time to hurt us. If children are still being sacrificed for them wtf is God doing? And what is the GIA'S role?
Gerry Gomez:
That would give me a lot more assurance and we can go about restoration with more confidence. But does the average person need to know this? Dunno. Will be traumatic.
If they have no keys to the kingdom anymore, then what's their use? Some should die. But they just need to be out of the way. Or be used to get their toadies to help.
Have you ever heard of the souls of Hitler and Genius Khan?
They came back as something like a janitor and something like a slave. Remember that earth is a learning experience.
Who's to say they don't lose their souls to rot in hell?
Well friends, it’s been real. Let’s make hay while the sun shines. The weekend should have some interesting news shows on Sunday!
Be well. Be blessed.
Tara Bull’s Friday news round-up
Ten more years? All brains will not be functional!