Thor Han channeled through Elena Danaan
Another perspective on GFL activities and extraterrestrial disclosure
Yes, you’re right… channeled information is not reliable. And who is this Thor Han person anyway? Well, I’m hoping that you might be able to answer that question. Dr. Michael Salla had a lot of credibility in my book for a few years in the work he did as it was very well researched. Then, somewhat recently, he began promoting the channeled messages of Elana Danaan.
I heard one such message early on, and it was sound enough, but it never stuck with me to investigate more time – is her information of the shift or is it a psyop?
As we’re in the Shift right now, and I presented Shift/Event information from the Taygetans on Monday, I thought I’d present this information for your consideration. I believe that it’s a possibility, but will remain hopeful, but neutral about it until we know more. As each person adds some color to the whole picture or threads to the fabric of our reality, I don’t flat out discount the information. So here’s the introduction that Dr. Salla wrote up and the video below:
A Conversation with Thor Han on Earth Alliance taking control of our Solar System
In a second communication with Thor Han Eredyon through Elena Danaan on July 8, 2023, Dr. Michael Salla asked questions about a mega project called the Hub; the Earth Alliance being given control of our solar system; China refusing to participate with the Earth Alliance in building a combined space fleet; failing Deep State efforts to manufacture a war between Russia and the US military; Ganymede; differences between how Earth and Pleiadian military forces are trained;
Thor Han explained the construction of the Hub mega-project is taking place in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. The Hub will be used as a center for diplomacy and commerce involving visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and the Earth Alliance. He describes how special materials not found on Earth have been used in the construction of the Hub. The Hub will contain different sections, including one for the general public visiting from Earth and a multinational military-only section comprising personnel from the following nations: USA, Russia, Italy, Australia, Japan, France, and the UK. Noteworthy in their absence is China, which declined to participate and is choosing instead to build its own space fleet outside of the Earth Alliance. Thor Han points out that China continues to work with the Deep State despite the latter’s declining influence. He further asserts that Deep State efforts to manufacture a war between the US and Russia are failing, and long-term cooperation in space is assured.
Thor Han further explained how the Galactic Federation is training Earth Alliance military forces for space combat and how technological, rather than genetic, enhancements are the preferred choice by the Earth military for improving a soldier’s performance in space. He further explained how Pleiadian warriors are trained, and the differences with Earth soldiers in terms of using consciousness to interact with the consciousness of spacecraft. Thor Han also explained that 20 and back programs are coming to an end as the Earth Alliance incorporates Solar Warden and makes public the truth about secret space programs. He further explained what is happening on Earth’s moon and what the Seeder ships are doing in Earth orbit. Finally, Thor Han answer questions about how extraterrestrial disclosure was planned by the end of 2023, but has been delayed to 2024.
I think we’ll have to learn patience before we find out how all this will come to pass. Be well and blessed.