The Spiritual vs. The Material
Why the powers-that-were want you focused on the material world
There’s a lesson to be learned regarding the spiritual and the material. As we move the whole of society towards a better place, we must appreciate that we are becoming more spiritual. This shift is what moves us from pursuit of the material. The material is the “greed is good” mentality or the “it’s just business” perspective.
Perspectives are all these are. Another one is, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Or “trust science.” These viewpoints are subtle ways that we’ve been conditioned to not trust our instincts or intuition or inner voice.
It’s known in the academic world that we see only a small part of what is materialized or visual, so why would you limit your concept of the world? I’ve written and spoken before on how we only see the visible spectrum of our reality. This spectrum is only 1% of all that is there that constitutes the electromagnetic spectrum.
The electromagnetic spectrum includes a wide range of radiation, from gamma rays to radio waves, with different wavelengths and frequencies. The visible spectrum of light, which is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes can detect and that we perceive as color, is only a small portion of this spectrum.
The visible spectrum of light spans wavelengths from about 400 to 700 nanometers, which represents less than 1% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The majority of the electromagnetic spectrum is composed of other types of radiation that are not visible to the human eye, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.
So, these other rays are where all the action is happening. That’s where the spiritual and astral and aetheric levels reside. This is why we need to raise our vibrations. And why, controllers who have this understanding of all that is, manipulate us with their scientific jingoisms, such as, “I am science.” Or “Trust the science!”
My question is, why, when science sees so little and understands even less than they see? Our science of today is telling us that men can have babies, so, no thank you. We must have self-reliance and scrutinize these claims.
We see even less with our eyes
Did you know that we don’t see everything with our eyes? Our eyes let in light, but the images are assembled in the brain. This is why the focus on the pineal gland and inner vision is such a crucial element for mystics. There are stories of some people who’ve been confined in restricted spaces but manage their time there because they can travel anywhere with their mind. Doing this is an aspect of creativity. Dark forces do not want you to be creative.
By limiting your creativity and by being spoonfed what to think via programming or grooming or teaching, you’re unlearning your own abilities and letting your world be shaped by a controlling narrative. This is why seekers are encouraged to get out into the world and learn stillness. When we quiet the brain from outside interference, we learn to get in touch with our authentic selves.
The technical way the brain sees is we perceive the world around us through a complex process that involves both our eyes and our brain. Our eyes capture visual information in the form of light, which is transmitted to the brain via the optic nerves. However, the raw visual information that enters the brain is not in the form of fully-formed images; rather, the brain has to assemble and interpret the visual signals in order to create a “coherent visual experience.”
The brain's visual processing centers receive the raw visual input and begin to process it in a hierarchical manner, with lower-level areas responsible for processing basic visual features like edges and colors, and higher-level areas responsible for more complex visual processing, such as recognizing objects and faces. As the information is processed, the brain integrates it with other sensory information, such as auditory and tactile input, to create a unified sensory experience, as far as our current understanding of the process works.1
So, while our eyes are the sensory organs that detect light, it is ultimately the brain that assembles and interprets the visual information to create the images that we perceive.
Now wouldn’t it make sense to put blinders on humanity if you wanted to maintain control over the herd? As I recounted recently in this article, “Hello 5D” regarding “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave,” we see what we want to see or what we’re allowed to see. This is also the premise of the Matrix movies. By programming our reality, we stay in that box. To venture out of the box or the animal pen is to seek higher knowledge. The adage, “seek and ye shall find,” has never been truer than at this moment in humanity’s recent experience.
They want you disconnected from source
If you’re not a seeker and a person that just accepts what is provided for you, then they will deceive you every chance they get. As a long-time seeker, this has been a tough lesson to learn. But, apparently, according to messages received from Galactics, through several contacts, benevolent cosmic cousins are providing healing energy now to those that need to re-ground their being. These have been troubling times, and we need to clear out negative inner energies or traumas so that we can usher in our new reality.
They want to harvest your energy, your thoughts, and emotions. There are many ways that they have manipulated your connection to source. Have you noticed the outright attack on religion? The attack on gender? The attack on critical thinking? The attack on the prevalent culture? The attack on history? The attack on race? The attack on the Constitution?
You’re a wise individual, so, yes, you’ve seen these attacks. However, many don’t see them as coordinated. Even Ukraine, the financial system crash, and Trump’s indictment are attacks. Each of the attacks are meant to elevate ones fight or flight mechanism. From the dark forces perspective, they win either way. If we succumb to fear, then you’ll be easily manipulated, which they’ve proven with the pandemic. If you get enraged, then they will try to get you to do their fighting for them. They’d be happy to cause a civil war, and I have long been saying this. In the US, this has always been the objective.
And apparently, now puppet leaders in government have to push the civil war:
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So why does this all come down to Material vs Spiritual?
To have spiritual mastery means to have a belief, even knowing in higher powers. If you know that we’re connected to others in our universe, then you will ask, why are we listening to these scam artists?
If we were to understand that we are immortal beings having an experience in the physical, then we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be manipulated. When we move away from the spiritual, we are turning off our own connection to source. They call it nature vs. nurture.
We are born into this experience having come from source, so as children, we understand love and thrive from it. Around seven years old, they say, we begin to develop our own sense of independence, i.e. – we move out of the nest. It’s no coincidence that we are put into the public school system then and the next 12 years of our lives are spent programming us. This is nurturing us to buy into the system and become useful slaves. Or confused persons - which will turn into duped slaves.
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At this time, we lose those magical abilities. We begin to get plugged into the matrix. It is reported by the American Academy of Pediatrics that children and adolescents in the United States watch an average of 4 hours of TV per day, which amounts to about 28 hours per week or 1,460 hours per year. The report also estimates that by the time a child reaches 18 years old, they will have seen about 200,000 acts of violence on TV, including 16,000 simulated murders.2
The mind that assembles those images, thinks that those events are real. It’s no wonder that we are traumatized.
This is a very disturbing statistic and is old data, given that children now are plugged into their mobile devices and watching social media. And moreover, many boys are engaged in online violent video games. We have all but lost several generations of children to a bleak, dystopian view of the world, which was all Hegelian dialectic from the Cabal. They knew that they were lowering the expectations of children for generations, and they knew that they were using radicalized liberal educators to nurture children on issues of the material. This is why tests are by rote. There’s not a lot of room for creativity anymore. Then they come in and act as moral superiors to the family proclaiming their expertise because of their degrees from the very institutions that play into the system for their material reward.
The physical or flesh suit is the ultimate material
The material is what the Luciferian wants to revel in in this experience. From their rebellion, they argued that they had the right, via free will, to rape, murder, torture – all acts of the flesh. “Do what thou will, shall be the whole of the Law.” Sadly, they acted in opposition or as the adversary to Universal Law or God’s Law. This made them Satanic. Their followers are as well, believing that they can oppose the highest laws in the universe. The Satan, was the name of the adversary in ancient Hebrew courts, thus they are Satanic for opposing Universal Law. I’ll write more about this in my posts next week on AI.
Lust also plays into the ultimate material experience. So does greed, which can be summarized as the lust for money, wealth, and power.
Of course, the material pursuit is in opposition of the spiritual pursuit, and what I would say is the prevailing pursuit. As one evolves, they should move higher and ascend. That’s what mystics understand about the human experience and even the eight octaves of life as described in the “Law of One.” A being, or soul, is always progressing. It’s rare that one stays on the negative path. Those that are so evil corrupted actually will be returned to source, they say.
As such, it is the time that we as one individual or as one species, graduate. While others have been returning to source.
So it is that God, spirit, the ethereal, angelic beings, and the higher vibrational things are found at the higher vibrations. The place that the elites don’t want you to look at. By using food, fear, pornography, war and all other deceptions, they want to hold back your vibrations and connections to source. This is why the jabs had traces of material which was intended to cut off the connection to source.
You’re more than the material body though
Describing our various bodies is always fun for me. We have multiple bodies and they all need to be nourished.
Along with the physical, there’s the mental, emotional, spiritual, and aetheric bodies. So, protect your mental and emotional bodies. Then there’s the spiritual and aetheric. These are the bodies that we’re just beginning to re-member.
The spiritual connection is where we become limitless, as is the aetheric body. This is the body that we travel back to when we dream or mediate. We get snapped out of this body when we awake. The spiritual body is very strong and yearns to connect with source. Once tapped into, it begins to do the work. This is often done when your subconscious is unleashed.
My goal as a messenger, is to drop the crumbs and let your subconsciousness take over to figure out the rest. Remember all those events your subconscious has taken in over your lifetime? It does, and in these times can be put to use for you to take you higher in consciousness. It is the real super computer because it taps into source.
Back to ascension
According to Aurora Ray’s guides: “Ascension is the energetic process of rising above your physical body to higher levels of consciousness. It is a process of transmutation, of shedding your lower vibrations of matter and matter consciousness and moving into higher frequencies of thought, feeling, and being.
“When your consciousness expands, you expand. You expand from the illusion of separation and limitation and move into the awareness of your oneness with the Universe, with the Divine, and with the God-Self.
Ascension is energy that reminds you that you are never alone. It is the energy of unconditional love, compassion, and divine connection. It is the energy that comes from being one with God, with Spirit. Spirit's energy is responsible for bringing forth the charismatic light of God within. It is the energy of divine spiritual consciousness.”
Step into the new
What we are doing is creating a new paradigm shift. We are creating a new reality. There was a rumor that April 1 was going to be very significant in this creation.
You are forming a new paradigm, and this paradigm does not include the duality that has existed for so long. Our days are filled with revelations on top of revelations.
Remember that you are greater than the material.
Last minute additions
Things are moving so quickly, that I had more information to share regarding something massive. It’s impossible to verify, but source has shared with us information worth passing on. There’s been another shift that I was discussing with my enlightened friend. It’s her information and our belief, that there was another shift – hopefully the last one that shakes off the negative timeline.
Here’s some indicators of this possibility:
So, yesterday the indictment came out against Trump. From Q, they mentioned that the first indictment would open the floodgates, or something mysteriously coded as Q was apt to do. As information, it’s interesting to hear this coupled with the other bits of information.
Financial rumblings
From pretty regular reporters, the news of the financial system has been getting attention. Frankly, the whole system has to change and our deeper placed contacts know this, and we’ve been telling people to “Prepare for Change” for years regarding this very specific financial topic.
We’re on the threshold of a switch over of aspects of the system, if not the entire system. In addition to Kim Goguen’s declaration that the system has gone from the old – Omega system to the new, Alpha system I can also say that the royals we’re working with understand that new access to monies have opened up and are on a rapid and favorable schedule. Whether these pan out or not, I feel something is going to break and the system will have a repercussion to the positive.
There are others out there talking about the move away from the SWIFT system to anything else, from a QFS, to CIPS, to BRICS, to XRP, to gold-backed, to yen and yuan based, to exchanging rubles, to SDRs. All critical observers are saying that the dollar-based system is dead but for the public realization of this.
Plenty of main-stream observers must know by now that the Fed System is dead, but the Fed overlords are the very ones who are enmeshed in the Cabal and Order of the Black Sun, so they will fight the mainstream news by lying until they will finally let it crash, as they have designed. Therein is the rub, when it goes down, how will it turn out?
Finally, there is even crazier news that came out today from the Galactic Federation, saying that “The Prime Creator has given us permission to descend throughout your planet in large numbers, thereby triggering a massive positive chain reaction that will fall into place as soon as enough people receive our presence as a sign that what they have been waiting for has started manifesting on Earth.
“Many of our ships will come by at low altitudes and make themselves visible to the general public. They may be seen in the sky at night, or during the day if they reveal themselves.”
This information comes from Aurora Ray’s blog. Her information usually corresponds to others info. Now, that this staggering announcement has been made, we’ll have to see how it plays out. See her whole account here:
In Summary
All this information leads me to conclude that something monumental is going on right now. I have the feeling that there’s been a bifurcation of reality again. But, as always, we’ll just have to ride it out and tune into our own spirit!
Does this play into your version of what’s going on? I’m not surprised by anything. I’m open to many possibilities. For me, as long as we wake up and throw off our oppressors, then I feel a victory.
The day we can regain our liberty and be free from fears, debts, worry, stress and embrace the planet’s liberation and humanity’s freedom, will be a day worth celebrating.
I hope that we are all players in that play.
Reference Material
"Principles of Neural Science" by Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, and Thomas M. Jessell: This is a widely used textbook that covers the fundamental principles of neuroscience, including visual perception and the organization of the visual system.
"Visual Perception: A Clinical Orientation" by Steven H. Schwartz: This book provides a comprehensive overview of visual perception, including the structure and function of the visual system and the mechanisms of visual processing in the brain.
"The Visual Brain in Action" by Alva Noe: This book explores the relationship between perception and action in the visual system, and how the brain integrates visual information with other sensory and motor signals to guide behavior.
"Foundations of Vision" by Brian A. Wandell: This textbook provides an in-depth introduction to the physics of light, the structure and function of the eye, and the neural mechanisms of visual processing.
2. “Media Violence” -