The Quickening Effects
It’s all happening really quickly right now. I’m trying to document it.
Was feeling a little weary over the weekend, but Monday saw new energies emerge and the Portal of Light activation might have had a positive result on our fate.
The Quickening is this period that we’re in now where revelations are happening very fast and consciousness is growing exponentially among the public. The poles of our duality are drawing people in towards light or dragging them down depending on how much consciousness they have. If they’ve done inner work to release trauma or mental work to see the world around us as it is, then you’ve worked on detaching or unplugging yourself from the past.
Awakening goes hand-in-hand with the sense that everything is going faster. This sensation is being caused by the vibrations of our plane of existence moving at a faster rate. You can either go with the vibrations and match it, making yours faster (the Quickening) as well, or you can get stuck.
Many people on Earth are refusing to make their vibrations faster, causing them to become an opposing force. The people who have raised their vibrations can feel this opposing force, and in raising their vibration, they allow their very DNA to be changed.
Personal growth
I woke up the other day having felt like I made a huge breakthrough in my understanding of the galactic war, and the physics of our world. I also understood a new level of the energy flow from our sun to each planet neighboring us and the relevance of this. It was as though I leveled up in a video game, because my whole day, my head was feeling like it was in the clouds and by body felt different. Good thing too, as there were some significant things that came through that day.
My dream work has been what seems like days of training. My dreams are very purposeful and come with significant messages of our emerging roles, contact, and victory of the light over the dark. I’m getting a lot of work done in my dreams.
Events are culminating
I’m sure a good number of people took part in the coordinated meditation and that the well intentions played a part in harmonizing peace on the planet. Of course, the dork ones try to bogart their way into the synchronized thoughts and co-create their negative agendas. I had the sense that this time, they didn’t have a chance. Light was favorably anchored on the planet unequivocally.
Confirmation of this came from Ground Command, Kim Goguen, who had a lengthy report on last Friday and also a significant report on Monday, May 1.
I had intended to spread around the focus of my reports on various intel providers, but in this period of the quickening, I find myself drawn to covering Goguen’s reports which are more detailed and I feel revealing than any others as far as the real deep stuff.
Of course, on Monday, First Republic Bank got bailed out by the FDIC and an illegal maneuver by regulators to allow J.P. Morgan Chase to take over the second largest US bank to ever fail. On top of that there is an onslaught of stories about the imminent banking crash. You know that we mean a global banking system crash, yes?
Perhaps because of this, the powers that were believe people will hold Biden responsible, so they are executing their execution of his administration by having the Hunter Biden information released steadily. It’s only May 2, but the month is already crazy.
May day
May 1 in many parts of the world is celebrated as May Day. For some reason, likely because something is lined up with Uranus (that one never gets old!), they take the occasion to roll out their weapons of mass destruction. You’ve seen the big parades of legions of weapons rolling out in communist countries like China, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union countries.
They recognize the day and feature workforce parades. This is their Labor Days. Woohoo, the slaves in the mines get represented by ranks and files of tanks, missiles, guns, and coordinated marching soldiers. Surely this would make any worker full of pride that their hours of slave labor has bought one the security of mind knowing that their warmongering leaders can protect them – largely themselves - from enemies. I’ve always wondered why souls are born in one country as opposed to another? One question I’ll have when I’m able to go to higher planes.
This May Day was a bit different than past ones though. As the dark forces have been foiled time and again, they tried to co-opt the activities of the Portal alignment that opened up.
There’s a story I’ll share from Goguen. Her Friday recap will be in the posts on AI that I’m doing final editing on now. This will come out as a post each day next Monday through Friday. For Monday, she noted that the mass meditation had taken place, and also that King Charlie’s Coronation is forthcoming on the 5th. Is it funny that he is celebrating Cinco de Mayo as his celebration day? I guess they’ll be serving Corona at the shindig. Maybe they should invite Dylan Mulvaney?
Anyhow, the reason for this day is of course a full moon. But here’s the fun part. According to Goguen, the portal was thought to bring about a continuing layer of negative essence over a positive goddess that has been anchoring light for the past 3 billion years on the planet. This being, who she described as the positive female aspect of Source, was able to be released as light overall has been secured on Earth through the crystalline timeline. So, the hopes of keeping her as a “slave” failed. And light had risen. As the day developed, physical clouds cleared and after a nap, I myself, felt a sense of calm and peace. Goguen says that light is free to return fully now. Though, she’s been saying that darkness had been losing time after time for a while now, we’d always said that light has been secured in the higher planes only needing to be made manifest on Earth. Maybe this is the key indicator of this?
I heard from another key source that the multiple timelines had been collapsed and there’s only a single positive one and a single lower vibrational one now. I would assume this means the 3D and the 5D timelines. I had wondered about this since we are supposed to be ending a covenant with the old agreements regarding time. I also received some info about vibration, frequency, and material/spiritual manifestations which I covered a bit in last Friday’s post.
The idea I presented Friday, was that the Sun has the highest frequency, then Venus who’s in between us and the Sun, then us, and then Mars. As we’re between Venus and Mars, we’re the Mid Guard. We held the frequency of both. Because of this, we could experience duality. When we hear of the planets that are most like Earth, our cabal has always suggested Mars, right? Mars would be a lower vibration planet and thus be more hostile or base frequency. Venus would be loving and higher. This is why Mars had masculine energy and Venus is shown as feminine.
It is because of this that some of our contacts have dialogue with Venusians, who are our closet neighbor and cosmic cousins. They are supposed to be helping us with our ascension since they’ve been there and learned those lessons long ago.
Given that we’re on the positive timeline, we are going to ascend which means vibrate higher. Those who weren’t ready, were going to stay in 3D.
There are other providers that are revealing some very interesting things. Among them, Aurora Ray that talks about contact happening soon.
Kab from Taygeta who has been reporting a lot of supposed Galactic Federation information including Pleadian messages has a lot UFO sightings and indicates that we’re having contact now and that the Galactic Federation makes themselves visible so as to not frighten people.
I’m reading Venusian work and understanding a lot of our physical universe and about quantum and spiritual structure and meaning. As well as historic.
Ascension Glossary always provides a good resource for the long term history of the planet and the different beings here.
Then we’re seeing plenty of 3D reports of the status of the Fed, the WHO, and the criminals among us who keep losing their shit. In fact, this funny video of Jerry Nadler actually losing his bowels at a press conference came up to which you can only laugh at.
Sticking with laughing at the cabal, our friend Tina was told by her source to get people to laugh at them, they can’t stand that.
In general, I see many plans spectacularly failing. But, they always have had back up plans. Do they have access to the system, and do they have money to bribe their way out of the pit they’ve dug themselves into? It doesn’t appear that way.
A scorpion is most dangerous when it is cornered
Remember the old axiom and you can somewhat gauge the time we’re in right now. With all the failed plans, it is likely that they will retreat and the others that are here helping clear the way have had a great effect. We have done plenty as well in holding light- so give yourself a good pat on the back.
We don’t want any Great Resets, more vax agends, more pandemics, more slavery, more debt or more wars. We’re done with corrupt politicians, and satanic agendas, gender confusion, and black magick. Goodbye to you, don’t let the door hit ‘cha on the way out.
If light is now seeping into all the cracks, we will see it more and more. And you’ll feel it more and more. Aurora Ray asked that we get ready for the next step in ascension, which includes more disclosure and more contact among those ready for it.
To get ready for this contact, she points out things we’ll need, such as certain skills and qualities, including:
Knowledge of yourself and your abilities;
Recognizing your true life purpose;
The ability to communicate with higher-dimensional beings in a clear manner (especially by using symbols);
An open mind and willingness to learn something new;
Patience: understanding how long it takes for things to happen;
All that matters is your faith, trust, and belief in yourself!
Prepare yourself with love and joy:
Prepare to meet your higher self in a new way, as a being of light, as part of creation and life itself. You are going to receive all your questions and doubts as they are answered by your true inner self. Prepare yourself with love and joy because this is how we receive our answers from within us.
Prepare yourself spiritually:
Prepare yourself spiritually because you will be able to connect with the source of life itself in its purest form, which will give you access to higher dimensions of reality where only divine beings dwell. Prepare yourself spiritually because when you enter into higher dimensions of reality, it is necessary for you to become more aware of who you are—your true inner self—so that it can come through in all its glory.
It's getting fast
So, the Quickening will continue to provide revelations hot and heavy. What drove me into the madness of creating this blog, is that I’d been in service to others for a long time and have wanted to help others get to the doorway.
I got a kick in the pants to put out this info with purpose. The purpose was to bridge the divide between 3D and 5D with the general public. I’m towing a heavy line and it gets burdensome at times. I do get joy in helping others break out of the past matrix. I feel a sense of accomplishment when knowing that the dark has been abated. Though I know that they have the right to exist, there are rules of the game that they like to bend. If I can level the playing field, then I’m serving my higher purpose and mission.
Information is coming at me like a clarion call. Please help me spread the word and help prepare for people for the change. The changes are internal, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and etheric. We’re in a period of quick awakening and I know that amazing days are ahead of us.
May light continue to brighten our days.