The Importance of Logic
"Logic is the skeletal structure of reason. Without it, the flesh of imagination and intuition would have nothing to cling to." - Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology.
I quite enjoyed my logic class in my first year of college. I was quite precocious as I sat in the large lecture hall of Dr. Lucy Keele’s Principles of Argumentation and Debate class.
I’ve always been an outsider and didn’t follow the pack. This has gotten me into trouble in my career and cost me some jobs to be honest. It certainly limited my opportunities.
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Thank God for that.
Because I strayed off the course I thought I saw for myself when I was entering the job market, I had to “let go and let God” as my friend Kat tells me. Put differently, I have travelled the more perilous path, and had to learn faith.
As I looked back at my life recently after gaining clarity from my awakening, I know that every decision in my life had a purpose. How exciting this gnosis is, is a topic for another day, but today, I will emphasize the importance of logic, critical thinking, and reason.
"Logic is the science of how to evaluate arguments and reasoning." - John Pollock, philosopher and logician.
The above quote emphasizes the importance of logic as a tool for evaluating the validity and soundness of arguments and reasoning. By using logic, individuals can make informed decisions and avoid being misled by fallacious or irrational arguments. This highlights the value of logic as a means of promoting rational thinking and improving decision making.
When you use logic as an individual, you set yourself up for the path of critique and will test your will. Or, rather, your will will be tested by many. To do so and to constantly work on your knowing who you are and your value system is a big part of being sovereign. To be sovereign – which is a big, recurring theme with my teachings – is to be accountable for your own actions and consequences of them. You end up having to become much more conscious of the world around you and how your thoughts shape your reality.
There are those that say the past few years have been a test. From the perspective that I share, I agree with that. Being familiar with the occult, we are given lessons all the time and there have been forces that tried to trip us up repeatedly. These forces enjoy toying with people’s emotions and sucking energy from you.
The lesson is to recognize the deceit or trick and energetically raise your frequency to a higher level to move around the possible mental or emotional block. And to recognize reality for what it is.
On the campaign trail in 2015, presidential candidate Donald Trump told the folktale of the scorpion and the frog:
“A scorpion asked a frog to carry it across a river on its back. The frog was hesitant, as it feared being stung by the scorpion. However, the scorpion promised not to harm the frog, as it would not want to risk drowning in the river. Reluctantly, the frog agreed to carry the scorpion across the river.
Halfway across the river, the scorpion suddenly stung the frog, causing it to start to sink. As they were both drowning, the frog asked the scorpion why it had stung him, despite its promise not to do so. The scorpion replied, "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature.”
Some will say that Trump was candidly providing qualities about himself. Former president George W. Bush said something similar when he misquoting said, "There's an old saying in … Texas … that says, 'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.'"
Additionally funny is that he was in Tennessee at the time and the standard proverb is "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," but George the Younger had a humorous way of mixing rock n’ roll lyrics of the Who with down home hokum speech to create a memorable Bushism.
The point is, through applying logic, one should learn from the lessons of history – a scorpion is a scorpion, a snake is a snake, and a tiger does not change its spots. Applying this logic to current themes, one should realize that the news lies, politicians are out for themselves, the defense industry is an offensive business, and the largest buildings in our reality are dedicated to banks where they were once dedicated to churches. This list that colors our perceptions of the world could be really long, but you get the idea. We need to be honest with ourselves and accept the reality around us. By doing so, we are identifying the problem so we can create the solutions.
Dangers of Mass Hypnosis and Group Think
Mass hypnosis and group think are psychological phenomena that occur when a large number of individuals become influenced by a single idea or belief. These phenomena can have serious consequences, as they can lead to a loss of individual autonomy and the spread of dangerous or harmful beliefs.
Mass hypnosis occurs when an individual is exposed to repeated messages or stimuli that induce a trance-like state. In this state, the individual becomes highly suggestible and susceptible to the ideas and beliefs being presented to them. This can result in the individual blindly accepting these beliefs and acting on them, even if they are harmful or contrary to their own values and beliefs.
Group think is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of individuals become so focused on unanimity and maintaining group cohesion that they suppress dissenting opinions and ignore potential problems or risks. This can lead to a false sense of unanimity and a dangerous sense of invulnerability, which can cause the group to make poor decisions and ignore potential consequences. These two social constructs are paramount in today’s manifestation of “reality.”
By not being critical to claims or logically applying the lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat prior mistakes. The group I’m involved with look at these claims from the perspective of history, methods of control, Hegelian dialectic, stated plans, and a small group of nefarious actors on the global stage. Whereas some of the performers are being called out in public now and should be familiar names to you, having the perspective of intel agents, mystics, occultists, and insiders paints a very different view of the activities of the past few years. These realities will emerge and are clear to see for those with eyes to see them, but for now, let’s accept that there has been and will be a different collective consciousness emergent from these events.
Both mass hypnosis and group think can be dangerous, as they can lead to the spread of harmful or dangerous beliefs and the suppression of critical thinking and individual autonomy. For example, mass hypnosis has been used by charismatic leaders and cults to manipulate individuals into accepting harmful or dangerous beliefs and actions. This will become painfully obvious to everyone soon. It’s to be a lesson to all humanity. Group think will be seen as a contributing factor to major historical disasters we’re just now ending.
To prevent the dangers of mass hypnosis and group think, it is important to promote critical thinking and encourage individuals to challenge dominant beliefs and opinions. This can be done through education and transparency, which teach individuals how to identify and resist manipulation and propaganda. Of course, the new society will be built on sharing of truth that not everyone is ready for. Where our pendulum has swung so far one direction through manipulation, we are entering a new period of being able to resonate with truth – as though the collective consciousness will become awakened from it slumber.
I am tasked with taking on this challenge and hold the responsibility with the highest regard. As the Delphic Oracle maxim “know thyself” is a call to self-discovery, the lessons and my own path demands introspection, the application of logic, and pursuit of truth. One must have a deep understanding of one's own character, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. By knowing oneself and applying logic, an individual is better equipped to make informed decisions, and navigate the challenges of life.
In conclusion, mass hypnosis and group think are serious psychological phenomena that can have dangerous consequences. By promoting critical thinking and encouraging dissenting opinions, we can help to prevent the spread of harmful beliefs and protect individual autonomy. We can return to balance. From there, we will begin anew.
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