We are on the precipice.
The precipice is the edge of our society. About 8 – 10 years ago, my wife and I would be on a semi regular walk. I was undergoing a shift from the years of study of the 3D political world into questioning the levers of power and why well-intended candidates would end up in office and not follow through on promises.
It was very obvious that we were at the beginning of the end of democracy in the US. This lead me to question the whole line that society walked on – the line between the social contract. I would say, “We’re only held together as a somewhat sane society because we all have agreed to the moral contract of our society. At any moment, people can cross that line. And it’s only a value one holds mentally that says, ‘hey, you shouldn’t do that.”
A case in point is the thief that sees an opportunity to take something while a store clerk is gone from sight. Think of the looting that’s happening regularly in our communities. It’s not that people don’t know right from wrong, many who are succumbing to temptation have been given license to “get away with it.” Or that they are “entitled.”
I remember being shocked early on at a video of a person who was stealing something being stopped and asked why, their reply was something like, “They (other people) have stuff, I want some too.” The implication was that they were just entitled.
In one way, I agree. The universe is infinitely abundant, and there’s plenty to go around. But in the sense of our social contract, and to keep some order, we need to agree to a value system.
If you’ve followed my blog, you’ll note, that I write frequently about the Universal Laws and about flow of energy and about the tactics of the cabal and dark forces/covens to use energy and emotions to convince people of doing illicit things. Right away, Gordon Gecko comes to mind when he said, “Greed is good.”
This is a specious argument. A specious argument is one that seems good on the surface, but with a bit of logic, doesn’t hold up, or is subject to critique. The quote from the alien interrogation video I ran last week also is pointedly about this idea when the “alien” tells the interviewer, that humanity needs to protect its democracy from the “rejection of objective facts.”
These are big concepts. They cut to the core. We have always walked the line of doing good and doing harm.
We are the ones we’re waiting for
It is our own actions that will determine the path we travel.
I spoke with Rob Potter today and we touched on this topic in a way. As we talked about information from his Venusian sources, and also that he shares a perspective on the Galactic Federation, he offered that in his understanding, galactics may not show themselves in jumpsuits and make themselves obviously known, but they will be here – and are here already – to help us with the transition or shift we’re going through. This made sense to me. Also, that we’re probably working with galactics already in night school.
Our growth, our ascension and evolution are going to happen on our own schedule. And it’s up to us to use catalyst to achieve growth. So, we’re all on that precipice or edge. We’re collectively going through the dark night of the soul especially when it comes to finally breaking free from our oppressors.
Maui wowie
What’s happening in Maui is a moment of catalyst. We have to see what is possible by experiencing it. There’s been so many reports of what’s going on there, but in the end, there are opportunities to learn from what’s going on there. And the voices that are questioning the events are really good for us to hear. We need to have those conversations about DEWS, DUMBS and dickheads.
DEWS, DUMBS and Dickheads
The fact that we know DEWS and DUMBS are a thing is thanks to the dickheads who’ve created those things and would use them against us. There are claims that there were DEWS used, and claims that they weren’t used. There’s a report from Kim Goguen who says that the instagators of the fires were Chinese factions who used plasma weapon from underground – which would explain trees burning from the inside out. Ismael Perez says that a white hat remote viewer friend told him the fires were a white hat operation to get rid of really potentially dangerous bioweapons being made there, in underground labs.
PSYOP or Shift?
From the shift perspective, the eliminating of labs and/or also destroying a reptilian stronghold on the island can be a thing. This was also in Ismael’s report. I’m not endorsing him per se, but the info could be part of the underlying story.
From a “shift” perspective, it’s also possible that Gaia herself wants to purge evil doers and there are many narratives in the ascension school that speak of natural events happening as Gaia herself ascends as a planet. If you were a planet and could “poop” out some bad toxins, wouldn’t you? These proponents say that there will be natural events happening. Cynically though, we know of HARP and weather weapons also, so we have to be critical and speak our truth, which helps wake others up.
I personally think that there’s a combination of all these things at play. They are certainly possible, so what is probable? When you look at the patterns of destruction and the after effects or visual evidence, the burn patterns aren’t normal.
On top of that, the response from police and the proclamations of the government going to take over the land is right in line with the UN Agenda 30 stuff and the WEF 15-minute city stuff. Of course it is. Is that a coincidence? Lol.
How planned was this? I certainly wouldn’t put it past them, but also leave room to know that they always take advantage of an opportunity. That’s simple order out of chaos.
Switching gears
I began this post with the intention of presenting the idea of catalyst. Catalyst in our day and age is very extreme. It’s downright exhausting!
Being in the multifaceted war that we’re in, the effort is to beat us down by submission. But, as Elton John said, “I’m still standing!”
As one of the tactics of this war fare, a tool is to mobilize forces, send out the dog whistle, and attack the target or messenger. This was the case with Evergreen University professor Brett Weinstein.
Weinstein got caught up in a DEI sting. DEI is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is not an organic operation, but a stated objective of the Learned Elders of Zion or a tactic of the Khazarian Mafia who in turn run parallel with Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Mosad, intelligence agencies, the Military Industrial Complex, the Masonic orders, et al. Now those higher and more militant organizations had influence for years over aspects of the public sector like science, energy, environment, academia, finance, banking, government, and more. Where there used to be infiltration and influence, we have to understand that in more recent years – the 16 plan to destroy America is a good place to look – the institutions like regional state operations and global health organizations have been captured.
The organizations have been captured
I put that in bold to underscore the point. These agencies are captured. You wonder why Jan 6 was allowed to happen? The agencies in place to prevent such an event are captured. How did a global pandemic roll out and defy prior institutions like doctors, researchers, virologists, epis epidemiologist, media, government and more? They are captured. Same with the gender pushing groomers in academics and wellness. They are captured. I would say less so that the other branches, but pretty close.
This person is a representation of what a captured agent looks like. They act in lockstep with their handler. Their handler tells them that they are special. They have brainwashed them and they are bribed for their service. To not understand this is being naïve. This is a conversation one can have with others.
In the same sense as these examples, we have Weinstein. I’ll add the video link to him discussing his situation with Jimmy Dore. But here’s his conversation. I present this because it is the logical argument and presentation of tactics in his experience of being ralled against by the Nazi youth of today – the entitled, leftist children of his university. Until they are taught differently on history or that they are tools of the cabal, we are losing them. But that again, is a moment of precipice.
Brett Weinstein on the events at Evergreen University
“My opposition to that first equity proposal was voiced to my colleagues with no students present. Demands for my resignation one year later in May of 2017 were not the result of organic student confusion, they were payback for violating a de facto code of faculty conduct in which one's right to speak is now dictated by adherence to an ascendant orthodoxy in which one's race gender and sexual orientation are paramount.
The students were on a mission. They were unwitting tools of a witting movement. This committee should take my tale as cautionary one. There is a free speech crisis on college campuses one can certainly make that argument but that portrayal is at least as misleading as it is informative. What is occurring on college campuses is about power and control. Speech is impeded as a last resort used when people or groups fail to self-censor in response to a threat of crippling stigma and the destruction of their capacity to earn these tools are being used to unhook the values that bind us together as a nation.
Equal protection under the law, the presumption of innocence, the free marketplace of ideas, the concept that people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin – yes even that core tenet of the civil rights movement – is being dismantled. Am I alleging a conspiracy? No. What I have seen functions much more like a cult in which the purpose is only understood by the leaders and the rest have been seduced into a carefully architected fiction.
Most of the people involved in this movement earnestly believe that they are acting nobly to end oppression. Only the leaders understand that the true goal is to turn the tables of oppression. Something is seriously and dangerously amiss at this moment in history. The center does not hold partisan polarization and political corruption have rendered government ineffective. Predatory and often cruelly indifferent to the suffering of American citizens, tribalism is the natural result.
Evergreen's public meltdown placed me in the eye of the storm and cast me into the spotlight as a member of the Intellectual Dark Web. I find myself at the vanguard of an emerging non-ideological, nonpartisan movement along with the heterodox academy and the foundation for individual rights in education. We are fighting to restore civility and respect for competing perspectives. The electorate is starved for honest debate and for the good governance that follows from it. My advice to this body (Congress) is to put the nation and its core values ahead of partisanship and join us in the center to end this cultish power grab and return us to a forward path as the nation.”
Sadly, as intellectual Weinstein is, he is denying the reality of the situation which I’ve touched upon above and in the work of this blog. We are in the war already, and we need to change our tactics. We need to shift our perspective of the narrative. There are those in this audience that know this is true. But to admit it, is where we run into cognitive dissonance among many other observers. I think Weinstein will contribute and be a general of sorts in his battlefield. But he and we need reinforcements.
The conversation with Dore then shifts to comparing his academic situation with the same tactics used in the pandemic battlefield
“…You're absolutely right the thing that jumps out is that the topic is different but the tactics are obviously very similar. And you know personally I will say that COVID was in many ways like a rerun of what happened to us at Evergreen and I I thought so at the time. It's sort of you know the way Heather and I describe it to each other, we feel like we got picked up by a tornado in May of 2017 and then that same tornado picked up everyone else in early 2020 and you know it's never put us down.
We live in a very different world than the one I grew up in and you grew up in and it is one characterized by you know an almost constant fog of war where even knowing what's true has become very difficult because all of the tools that one would normally use to figure out what's true have been compromised, right? The universities have been compromised. The courts have been compromised. Journalists have been compromised, and what we are left with … the regulatory agencies have been completely captured completely captured.
Wikipedia looks like an encyclopedia until you look up something controversial at which point it's pure propaganda.
So all of the tools that you would tend to bring to bear were broken and what we are left with is exactly 0 institutions that work and the only thing that works at all are individuals who are unaffiliated enough that they can still keep their heads above water. But that's not a substitute for a working university system we need something to help us deduce what's true because it's not always easy to figure out.”
That’s where we come in
By being the beacons of reason and logic and by staking our claim, we are the saviors we’re waiting for. We have to continue to speak truth to power. We have to continue to shine a light on darkness and call it out for what it is.
We need to ride this wave and add a surge to it that shows others what our leaders are really doing. We have to expose them. I know that we all do plenty of work, and I honor and give praise to the heavy lifting many of you do. Together, we are winning this war. And this is becoming more and more apparent.
It is always darkest before the dawn. God does tend to show up at opportune moments. Even when all else seems lost, we have faith and it usually works out.
Many blessings to you all. Support Dr. Weinstein, Jimmy Dore, each other and those that are on the frontlines of the fight. Please send good vibes to Southern California and Mexico that we survive this weekend’s Hurricane Hilary. Yep. We lucky to be getting some drippings from Hilary, ain’t that a peach?
Send prayers to those in Maui and around the world in trouble spots. May these events lead to the final reveal. Peace, out.