For months we’ve been on a precipitous slope. We’re holding faith and holding on as the world continues to slide. Who will wake up? Who will rise up? Who will be the leaders to create the shift.
You know well, that we’re the ones we’re waiting for. The job has been ours to accomplish. This video gives a perspective that will provide some insight as to what the galactics plan for liberation was.
In summary, we were supposed to rise in numbers big enough to force the change. This was to be visible to all. We still haven’t passed the threshold. But we’re always teetering on it.
I’ve been out of sight for the past few months as I realized that we had to go through this period. Something is going to break big. What will be the cause? Perhaps Trumps trial? Perhaps the border crisis? Perhaps the financial system collapse? Perhaps any number of the other black hat plans that are supposed to cause pain and suffering.
The black hats still believe that we have to undergo this tribulation to truly react and finally wake up en masse. But, this is supposedly part of the old plan.
New plans keep taking shape. As they do, I realize - perhaps you do too - that we’re still waiting on others.
There was a little glimpse behind the scenes that I’d seen and know that removing the old system is a huge job. Much bigger and more interconnected than most can understand. Because the grand scale of this, I personally sought a “backup” plan, one that would stave off the wolves for now. It’s been a tough grind.
Message from Hakann
I don’t want to be bleak, but want to share this thought, which I ascribe to. There are black hats, white hats, and those caught in between serving two causes - the light and the dark.
Because we’ve left the dark age and are birthing the light age, we still are bringing along the masses as a wave that picks up energy as it moves along.
Because the new world that we’re birthing is so radically different than the old world, we still can’t really visualize what our own freedom looks like.
Because of this, those who were called to transition us have fallen short of their missions.
Apparently there’s a lot of debate that goes on with the beings here to help us through this shift. There are those who want us to make it on our own, and those who think we can’t do it. The root problem is power.
As this video goes into, power is the achilles heal of humanity. Once our leaders have the taste for it, they can’t imagine life without it. Thus, they don’t do for humanity (service-to-others) what they rather do for themselves (service-to-self).
We will get there. Soon. But how soon is soon? Not right now apparently.
Take in the message and prepare yourself. I’ll try to help sort through what this all means and do more posting as we try to figure out the way forward and the current confusion that has us stymied right now.
I hope you’re well. I miss our conversations. Please add comments in the comments section. Be blessed.
Happy to see you posting again Gerry! There is so much happening and the changes in information are also beginning to shift in a more positive way. Whether it's the 100th monkey effect, or positive interference in our timeline, something is happening and rapidly. I'm pleased to know the celestial beings are working with us, and all we need do is ask for help.
Hi Gerry,
I am very touched by Hakann’s truthfulness, courage and simply speaking his heart. Thank you Gerry for posting this. It truly feels like such a support to just hear from him and I feel very grateful to have heard his words.