I look at the existence of aliens through logic. There are many questions and the job of a legitimate query would be to try to figure out what would the implications to our society would be with accepting that ETs exist. You also have to remove your emotions from the equation.
I absolutely believe that we are living in an information up society now, meaning that there’s plenty of perspectives and information out there. I have researched and found hacks, leaks, FOIA documents, presidential experiences/opinions, people involved in programs, whistle blowers, wikileaks, public servants, politicians, intelligence personal, researchers, NASA, national weather service, historians, etc. who weigh in on the subject. Stephen Hawkings used to be a big advocate as did Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Ben Franklin, Stanley Kubrick, even Elon Musk jokes about being an alien. Then they kinda stop talking about it publicaly at some point.
There’s tons of information available
So if we take the many examples, one should ask, what does existence mean to all the sectors of society: political, health, spiritual, religious, military, deep state, education, societal fabric, technology, world history, economy, etc. And, like everything else, follow the money and power.
Should the existence of aliens – who actually get broken down into the categories extra-terrestrial, extra-dimenional/density, EBENS (extra-terrestrial biological entity) – become public knowledge, my best research into all aspects of the sectors of society, lead me to see how the balance of power and exposure of hiding this existence would severely affect those in power. And not just a vague, “those in power” statement, but very specific families and religious and political figures who do buy into particular hidden narratives and follow beliefs formed around their ancient, handed down and protected knowledge.
Life, from a scientific perspective takes many forms in the off-record military programs and is a given. For the fringe those studies of alternative life get funneled into metaphysics – to limit its broad acceptance and put it in a corner to deride. But those who know, understand that there is life in everything. Everything has energy. Energy, cells, and the states of matter, are the cornerstones of life. But life exists in many forms: gas, liquid, solid, plasma. It’s all moving around and seeking growth (the universe is ever expanding and infinite). That’s a definition of life, but life with a “consciousness” is different.
We use a very small amount of our brain. Insiders say between 2% and 6%. We are barely tapped into our own human potential. They say that humanity is millions of years old. Just our galaxy is billions of years old. The recent narrative I’ve heard is that the earth is 53 billion years old. But then there’s reports of various densities of earth that exist in the same time and space, but on a different frequency. The names of these earths are: terra, earth, and gaia.
We’re on the very outer most part of our galaxy. Our bodies are like the galaxy in that they are connected by a nebula and nexus of electrical impulses and waves of activity – our heart at the center (like the galactic central sun) pumps out life. Eastern philosophies say that we can connect our consciousness to cosmic source through meditation. We feel energy every day – the warmth of the sun, audio waves, or when someone is starring at us.
Now take the thousands of different life forms on this planet. Differ up the circumstances and life with consciousness, intellect and squids, elephants, reptiles, dogs, birds, dinosaurs, etc. could’ve evolved into the same bipedal life as a human. Some say that there are versions of bipeds of these beings that exist elsewhere in the universe. The thought of other life can be pretty limitless IF we’re able to conceive of it. So, it becomes a question of our own limitations.
Factor in several facts that are hard to escape: just in our Milky Way galaxy there are over 16 septillion stars – that’s a 16 with 24 zeroes after it. This is about the same amount of grains of sand on the planet. If you took just 1 percent of those stars that have planets and 1 percent of those with plausible life – you end up with millions of planets with life. And you take the billions of years head start many of them have on us (we’re on the outskirts of our galaxy – all the action is in the center) and it’s a given within science that is almost mathematically impossible that we’re the only developed higher form of life. Plus our science speculates that there are 200-500 billion GALAXIES in the universe and then there’s talk of a multi-verse, so yeah, we’re not alone.
We are alive in a time of revealing. Like I said earlier about the data leaks/hacks. Major hacks/leaks have come out of NASA, NSA, OPM, military bases and the deep state. Those hacks are being battled over. There is an ongoing war over what the data reveals. Some of them reveal budgets, others personal, others projects, and others expose cover-ups or funneling of money for these programs that create exotic technologies and vehicles to explore off planet. Years after the sci-fi technologies are deemed not a threat to national security do we get to see the technologies. Often decades. Because of the knowledge that’s out there, we’ll hear and see some crazy things in our lives as science fantasy becomes science fact. But once we do get the information, realize the deceit, deal with the offenders, and HEAL, we’ll be on a fast track to a much greater future. When enough of us accept the revelations.
For now, we take it all in. Breath, and learn to accept what’s happening around us. By centering ourselves and doing work, we’re preparing to join the cosmic society. By being able to envision other dimensions, the dimensions become available to us.
There are people already doing these things and having higher level experiences. I’ll round up some of their stories and present them in the future.