Over the past month, I have taken to heart the idea that what we put out into the universe would manifest. Though, I’ve spent years trying to inform people of the world as it actually is, I’d been reluctant to overdo it recently with the observations of negative scenarios that were attempting to take shape around the world.
Though, I became observant of the happenings, I didn’t want to feed their energy. This is primarily why I hadn’t been posting as much as before. I also had opportunities to work behind the scenes to bring about a small part of this massive new news of the Legions of Angels arrival!
Eliminating the old demons was part of what I was doing in October. I was placed into a scenario where I met many of their ilk. They were as children who wanted attention from their parents. They’d come around and say, “look at me! Look at what I can do!”
It was getting kinda sad. I’d think or tell them “That’s nice, now move along.” This would upset them to no end. They weren’t getting the results that they needed. I told a friend that I was doing exorcisms. In a way, I was. In a way, like my last post about my releasing negative entities, I was releasing more negative spirits from this world.
It’s interesting how it all makes sense. How, I got put into direct contact with some beings. And I was even able to facilitate a high-level meeting between evil emissaries and those most high of the light, active in our 3D matrix. But now it’s time to move on.
“Now it begins”
I’m duty bound to report this information, and I take it as truth. I’ve gotten several confirmations that we have entered the transition. I won’t call it the shift yet, but we’re almost there too.
The transition is the biggest news of our world at this moment. The announcement came in part from Marina Jacoby, Aurora Ray, Kim Goguen, some other personal connections, and my own guides. I’m sure that there’s others out there to confirm this as well, but it signals the most significant shift in our reality. It means that the biblical Legion of Angels are now here to do clean up on isle 9.
Or as Marina described it:
So, they have finally arrived! Marina gave us a prayer and a set of codes to repeat daily on her last podcast, this is the prayer: Prayer to the Angels: In the end of times you pray for the Angels and you say:
“Dear Angels we ask for your assistance now, so it is time to take our freedom back, to lighten our souls again with the true power of God. We ask you Angels for you to come to each true human soul and protect us with your power and wisdom, so our thoughts become yours and yours become ours, so that they are one with the Creator, in the end of times we pray for you Angels to give us all the strength of yours to merge with ours, so we pray, and we pray and we pray, and so it is”.
Prayer given to Marina Jacobi by the Angelic Realm. The Golden Age has started and you the humans will have all the power now to take your freedom in the final battle. Armour your angelic shield you all have now, so dear warriors prepare for your final battle. After the prayer, read the codes they have given us 1013 301301; 7173 718881; 0001 000131; 4341 301371
So, the angels are also known as the Legion of Angels who are supposed to be here to return balance and cast out the negative ones. Each angel has the ability to remove 185,000 men at a time.
If “The Legion” is angels:
1 legion according to Biblical scripture = 6,000 angels
1 angel can take out 185,000 men at one time
So, if “The Legion” is what The Bible refers to and that is who has arrived, looks like things are looking good for humanity. Kim said that she was woken up repeatedly by many alarms telling her to tune in on the morning of the 15th. Actually at 12:45 am her time. Tune into her announcement on UNN if you’re able.
Summarizing Goguen’s claims
Kim described it this way: the Legions are assisting the GIA. GIA is the Global Intelligence Agency. She said that 120,000 appeared and could disarm humans at will. She said that they went to the Pentagon, the US Treasury, the White House, and to Congress as these US institutions are at the top of the snake. She also mentioned the UN.
She said that they would go to other world’s governments also and clean house. They give Order members the option to cooperate, but most chose to go back to Source. She did say that Treasury operatives were glad to talk and willing to cooperate, given that they know they have had no money or options for some time. Perhaps the highest level of operatives and obstacles have been removed. She said that Source spoke to her and said, “It has begun.”
This would mean that the Legions are able to be on the ground and visible to the operatives. She described that they would look somewhat unusual, with something slightly off about them. She said that we’ll be able to see them around the people we know – politicians, government people and media personnel.
Goguen also went on to say that the beings would be stepping in at the world’s top cabal corporations. Especially working with media to begin telling the truth in the upcoming weeks.
Additional information from Aurora Ray
Aurora Ray put it this way:
Dark Forces Defeated! Long-Awaited and Thrilling Gaia's Ascension Begins!
As Gaia ascends into the fifth dimension, the prevailing consciousness will shift towards unity, unconditional love, and a more heart-centered awareness. Linear time and separation dissolve as higher dimensional perceptions take hold.
Some key aspects of Gaia's ascension:
Increased awareness of energy, vibration, and subtle realms beyond the physical
Awakening to cosmic consciousness and unity with all life
Emergence of intuitive abilities, telepathy, and multidimensionality
Environmental healing and regeneration
Shifts in social, political, and economic structures to align with unity and compassion
Accelerated spiritual growth and connection with higher guidance
Activation of latent human capacities through DNA upgrades
The transition into 5D is already underway across the planet!
Old structures based on fear, domination, and disharmony will crumble to make way for more enlightened systems. Much of the chaos in society is part of this purging process.
She went on to discuss the elimination of dark forces:
Gaia is transitioning away from being a third-dimensional planet. Any energy that aligns with the third dimension will vanish alongside it. This means the dangers we have faced for so long will be eliminated. We no longer have to live in fear or worry about threats to our safety and security.
The Earth will remain a safe place for you, your family, and your loved ones. There is no need to be concerned for your well-being anymore. The days of living in fear are over. You can rest easy knowing that the dark forces which have plagued humanity have vanished!
With the elimination of dark forces, the worries and anxieties that have kept you up at night stirring restlessly can now fade away. You can relax into a deep, restful sleep knowing you and your family are protected. The Earth is now a sanctuary, not a place of strife. Let the calm serenity of peaceful sleep envelop you nightly!
We have entered a new era, one of light and peace. The elimination of the dark forces allows us to move forward freely without constraint. We can follow our hearts and souls without hesitation. This is a precious gift, allowing us to blossom into our true nature.
Cherish the removal of dark forces and the serenity it brings!
Please see her whole report:
In conclusion
I’m very excited at this news and feel it is truth. I might check in with some other sources and get more confirmations. As this battle has raged for such a long time, I had the feeling that we were nearing the end of the old ways. For months, I had been hearing the song, “Maybe it’s time to let the old ways die.”
In my own guidance, I think that we’re there. Others have talked about the transition as the beginning. This is thought of as the beginning because we are now free of the lies about our reality. In the future, I can speak more about what the transition will look like, but for now, suffice it to say, the way that it’s playing out, is how I’d been shown at this point. We’re seeing the old crumble and our cosmic cousins will help us through the transition and have healing technologies and the desire to assist us. They have roles to play with us by their side, learning, and going forward. We will come to know them and come to know the truth.
I think a lot of reality can be shaped by people’s beliefs. So those who believe the Bible may be affecting this prophecy. And the negative ones keep putting out fear, clearly trying to sway many to their beliefs. Hopefully, this will end. I expect it to and haven’t been willing to play into their attempts to manifest.
I encourage you all to do the same. Let them play as children, but know that many of them are being removed permanently and finally.
And all of it will be just the beginning.
Be well. Be blessed.
Isn’t it so exciting?
I left my beloved church when one Easter Sunday, the rector literally mocked people who believed in guardian angels! I guess he hadn’t read Psalm 91:11. Needless to say, my angels are with me and have been protecting me on many levels through some harrowing medical moments! They are God’s messengers and now are here to say enough!🙏👍🏼💕