Who do we trust?
It’s a question that comes up all the time in groups I’m involved with. The answer I give is “yourself.” And that’s about it.
Go inside or do the inner work is what others say. I say it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. I’d like to think that that lady is warming up.
But people like to put dates on things and labels on each other. What we can do is research or read or travel or meditate and tap into the flow. Everyone’s reality is going to be different from someone else’s. That’s gonna be a given, but we weave all the information together in our tapestry which becomes our collective consciousness.
The light returns
I’d say that through my research (and by-the-way, my research is different also so take my perspective as being restricted also!) I’ve learned that there’s a cosmic clock to the experience that we’re having. This is contributing enormously to our reality everyday as the universe is shaping up our experience.
Thinking of it that way, its cool to notice that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves, yet we’re an integral part of that big story. Because of the timing, everything is happening all at once it seems. At least things are quickening. And that has been known in the occult circles for a long time now.
Where we go is what’s important.
The tapestry
So, given that we’re creating our reality by all the contributions of our perceptions AND that we’re heading towards the light or higher frequencies, we’re shaking off the old and creating the new. We’ve always done this, but now they effects are magnified as we get closer to the major revelations or collapse of old systems.
Because of the elite knowing the prophesies that I often share here at Naradigm Shift, we can study what their plans are and take what we can use. What we can use are parts of the story that tell us what they plan to do with us. To be foretold is to be forearmed someone once said.
If we know what’s coming, we should plan for it. With this viewpoint, any information could be considered. To create something, you have to believe that it can be created. This holds true for the dark and the light. Supposedly the light is also ascending so dark has to get used to their new position. They know they should seek balance.
The rest of us are going to be working our way through our hidden history. We’re going to be working our way through healing. We’re gonna have to rely on ourselves. We are all going to be asked to do some re-education. We are going to have to re-imagine our society and our systems.
Once we strip off the bandaid on the vision of lack we have and begin to see the world as abundant, we will need to set ourselves on a new path. There will indeed be a reset, and it will be great, but it won’t be the cabal oriented one. It will be the meek inheriting the earth kinda one.
This is not a period to go crazy, but I hope that it would be a period to recalibrate. Tears should be cried. Shock will be among many. Though a recent report from Benjamin Fulford cited that enough Americans now see through the fraud of the Biden administration - accordingly, they are going for Robert Kennedy, Jr. in significant numbers. Whether he is the solution I would have my doubts, but it is a good sign to see and people are asking questions of the narrative.
Having doubts about Kennedy is because I hold out my 5% of criticism. We know that his family came to power as a criminal organization running illegal alcohol during prohibition and that his grandfather Joseph Kennedy was an Irish mobster. Those who have had access to power had to crawl out that position so don’t think that many of them see the world as you do.
And yet, there is always a possibility. So, I won’t judge. I’ll give God a chance to work some miracles and who knows?
By applying the measure that everyone who’s telling you something about intel or politics, or the financial system, or UFOs, or about laws or any other thing in the alternative media is 5-10% in the dark (and often more than that), then you can reserve a little protection when you find out that a hero isn’t completely honest.
My measure is kinda old school: you will know them by their deeds.
My goals are pretty simple and I’m consistent with them: planetary liberation and human empowerment.
If we liberate the planet, then all these cosmic mysteries and geological future scenarios will be made transparent. If humanity frees itself from the Dero, or Abraxis, or Draco, or Orion, or Negative Alien Agenda, then we’ll be able to restore the planet and start integrating the knowledge of the universe - which undoubtedly will be vast since everything I believe exists all around us at all times. How that works? That’s something I look forward to finding out.
As for the people. We should come together easier if we have abundance and responsible awake leaders that act as project managers in the restoration projects. We’ve already proven so many thousands of times that we are a creative people. We have all the solutions, but hadn’t had the will up to now. If we have true liberation, then we should rapidly begin restoring our planet and people. How long will it take to arrive at a utopian society? I can’t say. But we can be on the way.
To wherever it is we’re heading, that’s gonna be the fun part. I look forward to so many positive things in the future that I would write for days what that looks like. The point is that I hold a positive vision of the future. And I encourage you to hold one too.
Another thoughtful Cobra thought
In his notes from his conference in Taiwan, Cobra did ask attendees to visualize the future and draw a picture of it or write it down. I whole-heartily concur with this exercise! If our thoughts are powerful, and we are shaping our future, what does it look like?
Give it a go and try to visualize it. Mine is pretty simple:
Clean air, oceans, forests, environment
No pollution
Free energy
Cooperations not corporations
Debt forgiveness
Cosmic contact
Free travel
Ability to travel anywhere
Good food
Green pastures full of flowers and happy animals
No GMO shit in anything
The return of natural healing modalities
The healing of humanity
Advanced travel devices
Positive portalling
Peace, love, joy, art, dance, happiness
How’s that for a start? I feel this world from time to time and it’s coming soon.
Be your own guide! Discover your journey. Discover your truth. Swipe away the darkness and go ahead with peace. It’s all possible if you see it and feel it. The Law of Attraction will bring it about.
There’s all kinds of things that have lead up to this moment. Let’s grab it and go forward. Thank you to all who’ve made it possible.
Be well. Be blessed.