So What is 5D?
It's a density that carries more frequency. More frequency means more information. It needs you to be a super computer and see reality for what it is.
5D is what I understand as the fifth density. Densities are made up of the ether, in tight wavelengths or vibrational mass. There’s a ton of stuff we’re not perceiving because we live in the veil of the matrix. This matrix is in part created by our controllers and played out by our own perceptions. If we have fears, we will live in a world including those fears.
The key is to see the world as it is and move beyond the lowest vibrations. And it’s really all about vibrations.
What if I said that what we know is all a lie?
Most of what we perceive is a creation or a story. His Story.
The story of the victors. Because history is written by the victors. Now, if we had an invasion which is known as the parasitic invasion, then our reality is shaped by what we worship as god. The quick story goes that we were created in the form of our god, but from the esoteric and mystic perception I’ve been provided, this isn’t the case.
There’s a universal force we refer to as source or the creator God which is the creator of all. The all is much bigger than the notions that limit us to the earth. And to earthly religions. I won’t go into the psyop of religion right now, but you’re here with this knowledge or intuition already. So, we know there is more in our emerging 5D world waiting for us.
All that is, is frequency and vibration. That is also energy. As such, the vibrations of the 3D world are actually low and have gathered together to form the terra forma of our earth. What’s all around us, as I tried explaining in the previous Monday post, is the ether. This ether is also close to a plasma. We don’t see it until we’re of a high enough vibration. Think of it as a dog whistle. The frequency is much higher than our receivers are able to perceive. But we’ll see this as we prepare ourselves for it and as the new frequencies come in - with a big help from those that came in on the equinox just a couple days ago.
Speaking of plasma, here’s a reputable scientist pre-moon landing saying that the moon is made up of plasma. This is what I’ve been taught in my training on rudimentary quantum physics.
![Twitter avatar for @FlatEarthZone](
The reason given to me (things like this just come to me sometimes in dream work, in “night school”, through things I’m reading or researching, and I’m often guided to things as I’m at a computer. Am I being manipulated or taught? Jury might still be out on that, but I will say that I’m understanding stuff at levels that resonate with me, though I’m open minded about how much I’m unaware of – which is massive amounts. We all are just children in the universe. We are only entering into 5D now, with so much to learn. But isn’t it exciting?
In a 5D world, there’s more mass to our ether. Because of this – as I’ve been given information about, or learned – it holds and processes more information much quicker. This is what is thought of as quantum. How is it powered? Not like the quantum stuff mainstream science is pursuing… everything is frequency and vibration and these frequencies and vibrations are around us ALL THE TIME. Because of this, there’s a limitless supply of energy to power our thoughts.
Couple this processing power with information as I described existing in cells of water or ether, and one need only access the corresponding vibration to the other pice of information and you connect the two seemingly disparate pieces of information. Thus, your CONSCIOUSNESS which exists outside of your physical vessel can locate any information or event by resonating with the thought or event. This is Law of Attraction where like attracts like.
So the plasma or ether that’s out there is visible only by raising our vibration to match the much higher frequencies of the things that we can’t yet see.
Apparently, the ether has “color” to it also. It’s said that the ether – which is vibrating energy at a very high frequency – is creating ultraviolet colors like the colors of this artist Louis Dyer. This is the stuff we’re not seeing yet. This is kinda like the energy waves of the aurora borealis which are energy waves that pierce the veil perhaps because the veil is thinner at the north pole?
With thinner atmosphere and with the amount of high radiation that’s coming in at us, we’re going to see this new version of earth, called Nova Gaia. We’ve been in between densities where negative and positive could reside. But now we’re going higher. The influx of energies are causing this.
So beautiful things are here for us. Some of us are tapping into the new 5D frequencies according to Aurora Ray’s information from higher ups. I’ve got our intel provider with Naradigm Shift who already is seeing these colors. To be at this higher frequency we are much denser – kinda like a computer processing chip. The new chips process more info faster and this allows for greater computing ability.
The message here is that we have to align our frequencies to the 5D frequencies, or we won’t see it. We can work on being at 500 hz or above which are the frequencies of love. And we need to bring others along. You get there by seeing the light that’s shinning into the cave. But you gotta work your way through the dark to get there. And you have to observe the dark to really have knowing of it.
Therein lies the biggest challenge for us. To present reality to those who need to get us out of the cave. If they don’t see their way out of the cave and if we’re not helping them, then we’ll stay there. Or some will leave the cave while a new, revamped group of slavemasters will fortify the cave control again.
This is particularly relevant today as the long-prophesied bank crash is upon us. If we don’t help the people out of the cave, they’ll get stuck there with their slavemasters who are more than willing to take them with them or keep them in the 3D matrix.
4D by-the-way seems to be the state of transmuting between 3D and 5D – though some say we go to 4D next. I can’t say for sure, but I can say that we are leaving the old world behind. Klaus Schwab seems to be thinking the same thing which is why he’s trained so many of the world’s leaders to launch their blitzkrieg of fearful events.
The key is to power through those fear tactics and see the negative for what it is and go forward. Don’t stay there but get yourself in control of your emotions and go forward.
As we do this increasingly, we break the chains. We see the tactics. We see the pathetic attempts of the Dork Forces to keep us afraid. Be afraid no more and shine your light on their Dorkness. They, like the wicked witch of the west, hate that and shrink back into their creepy underworld to go where the goblins go, below, below, below.
Soon, we’ll be singing too:
…And thru the town the joyous news was spread…
Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed
Wake up, the wicked witch is dead!
She's gone where the goblins go below, below, below, yo ho
Pretty crazy huh? Always hidden in plain site.
More about facing fears
Many try to avoid unpleasant truths. They find them hard to deal with. Many lightworkers think that they will lower their vibrations. To a degree this is true, but it’s difficult to see reality for what it is. And avoidance doesn’t change the existence of bad vibes. This is called “bypassing.”
Instead of addressing the negative vibration, they’d rather ignore them or pretend that they don’t exist. They would label these events or classify those people that are truth seekers or share this info as fostering negativity. This is actually an ego defense mechanism somewhat similar to alcoholism. Ignoring the issue never makes it go away. Negative energies have to be transmuted.
To achieve mastery, one has to be able to see the world as it is. It’s the Universal Law of Relativity. You aren’t a bad person, but there are negative energies in this world. In the same way that others have to be shown reality of jabs, or corruption, or our physical environment, we have to deal with bad things. Bad things are part of reality in 3D. To go higher, you have to master your emotions to them.
BUT, this doesn’t mean to dwell on them.
It’s a funny conversation, and I’ve had it many, many times. It goes something like this: “What you talk about is crazy. I can’t go there.”
Me: “Well, if you’re using any of the things in the physical world, you’re already there. Because it is all paying into the capitalist system. The system is bad and there’s people exploiting others every step of the way.”
But we like our relationship to pain.
Just like the banking collapse that’s been occurring. A bad system has to collapse, as painful as it’s going to be. Hopefully, it’s only short-lived. But this again depends on society demanding change. And that change will only come if they see the horridness of the collapse BUT also understand the guilty parties who are behind it. And we have to KNOW them for the evil that they intend to do to us all. This is what the evil overlords depend on. I think they’re wrong for many reasons, as I’ve previously posted. But it ain’t over til it’s over.
It’s a big pill to swallow. If WE as lightworkers don’t get it and work past some unpleasant headlines or memes. How are we going to be in service to the mass of humanity that will need this stuff explained to them?
I’m not necessarily putting all the burden on assisting ETs or really anyone but myself. If there are White Hats or an alliance, well, they need to show up pretty soon.
I’ll keep doing the work and passing along info as I can to help out. Blessing for all YOU do. Let’s plan the big party.
Your comments are welcome. I’m a seeker and still on the path. This higher planes stuff has many perspectives, knowledge, and views. I’m trying to reach those who can help build the new society with various contributions. As long as we come together for planetary liberation and human empowerment while seeing through the veil of corruption, we’ll get along fine.