Seeing with New Eyes
A few ways to see the new world with your own eyes (really brain)
There are times where I get frustrated with the seemingly slow progression of things. In particular, we’re all waiting for new Earth to begin. In reality, it already has begun.
I think what we’re going through is the bifurcation from the old Earth. In the image above, you see the new being born from the old. We’re tethered to old ways and traumas and we need to free ourselves from those negative vibrations that hold us back.
I understand the desire to stop paying attention to the old world. This is a good thing, as it will largely confuse you. I want to see the big sign but have to take solace in the small signs.
Having been on this path, there’s many different experiences that I’ve had. Unless you’ve experienced things, you can’t speak from the position of knowing. Knowing that things are different is different than understanding.
A classic example of this is understanding that there are other life forms in the universe, but until you are among them, you don’t really know that they exist. When you are among them, then you take everything in with a different perspective. And we’re among them a lot more than you think.
From multiple contacts with Source and people who have contact with higher beings, we’re all here to learn a few major lessons. The major lessons are things that I see humanity going through right now. I tend to see the good in things. I am hopeful that everyone learns these lessons. The sooner, the better. I don’t like seeing people suffer. This is one of the big lessons however.
Earth is a school of learning. We have been placed on this planet because we vibrate with the frequency held here. Some of us, came here to help raise consciousness and teach others to raise their consciousness, else they will suffer longer.
Here’s a big lesson
In our galaxy, everything radiates out from the Great Central Sun, also known as the Galactic Central Sun. It sends out frequencies that harbor life. As the energies pass through each of the solar systems in the galaxy, planets are born that harbor life. The life of any planet resonates with the frequency of the collective on the planet. The proximity of the planet to its local sun determines the level of the consciousness of the planet.
If we were to be on a planet closer to the sun, or one that is getting more energy, we wouldn’t survive. Our bodies aren’t yet ready to handle the extreme frequency. However, as we’re ascending, according to my interpretation of Venusian teaching and others, we’re able to handle more frequency. Venus is closer to the sun and therefore gets more frequency, thus they’ve got to vibrate higher. Mars being further away holds a different vibration. This difference is likely why they are lower vibe and base frequency – thus thought to be warlike. While Venus is loving. Earth is thought to be Midgard and had held balancing frequencies until this completed ascension cycle. (Read my previous articles for more support on these concepts.)
So, with this thinking, it stands to reason that the dark order tries to push war and control, while humanity is naturally breaking from that matrix. Has already broken from that matrix according to many sources. Again, see previous articles.
We need to believe to see
There are all kinds of things that we cannot perceive, simply because of the frequency that those things are perceptible on. And there are things we see on Earth because of our filter. For example, the reason that we see stars twinkle is because of the ozone and atmosphere of our planet. They might be gaseous or plasma that we’re seeing, but they appear as stars. And indeed, it’s claimed that there are structures on the surface of the moon, but they are aligned to frequencies that we aren’t able to see.
We have to expand our consciousness to first believe that there are things at higher frequencies, then do the work to mentally be at that higher frequency. What dark has tried to do during this attempt at the reset and through the pandemic was to separate us from the higher frequencies and from Source.
Getting back to seeing stuff. In our future, and in the true physical world that will be shaped around our thinking or consciousness, we will see many a great thing.
The “invisibility” cloak is a great example. The cloak works by “bending” light around the object that’s behind it. Since the object is made up of atoms, the light interacts with the atoms that changes their frequency to a higher visible rate, and the object appears to disappear. Or something like that.
We have the same phenomena with light like the aurora borealis. The light is reflecting the energy that’s overflowing the living planet Earth. The lights are so strong now that they’re showing themselves at lower reaches on the planet. That and the planet’s axis has been shifting on its poles.
The aurora is like the aura of each individual. Already, there are people we know that see people’s auras. This used to be an unusual thing, but also, glasses that are dialed in on this frequency can see the aura of an individual also.
Like attracts like
You know how like attracts like? So, the colors of the aurora borealis is mirroring – in a way – the need of the planet. If it’s high indigo or violet light, that’s a positive thing. If it’s green, then its exhibiting the frequency of love. If it’s reddish, orange, or yellow, then it’s reflecting the base energies of the planet. Since we are one with the planet, we’re determining the aura’s frequency. It’s nice that it’s been high lately.
This is perhaps the frequency we want to be at. It’s also the frequency that dark does NOT want to be at. It would be natural for the beings of lesser vibration rate to be having problems with the planet’s frequency.
The aura or aurora holds the consciousness of the being and shows it in the physical.
Tina’s connection had told her to increase your awareness and hold it in the cosmic, not just here. Try to have awareness without fear. This is a tough trick for many. This is the result of inner work. And work done with higher or ascended beings. These beings, and there are many around us, have mastered accepting information – often dark – and control their reactions or emotions to information. They also have had to deal with dark ones and accept that they hold a place in creation. Their place among us probably won’t be for much longer, but we are who we are and we aren’t who we aren’t. Meaning, that as a collective, we’ve let these rulers program us and take away our strengths. This is why we have to be teachers during this time. Can you imagine how much teaching we’ll be called upon to do?
Think of the reeducating we’ll have to do to all humanity when more disclosure or a big fait accompli occurs? For myself and with Prepare for Change, we have done years of work trying to prepare people for this moment in time. And for the pending transition.
Remember that Ronald Reagan said in 1985, “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
Nevermind an outside threat, think of what will happen when the banks do something crazy, or something crazy comes out as it is now about corruption of public figures. Not to get into it, but I’m sure you’re aware of the multiple things coming out right now regarding world political figures, child trafficking, money laundering, pedophilia, and the like. I don’t have to tell you about the insanity that we will likely see soon.
Extraterrestrials want to assist us, but we’ve got to do a massive clean-up on aisle nine soon! Though our mess isn’t completely of our own doing, we are going to be expected to be the adults in the room. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.
To that end, we’re told to use our higher mind informed by your heart to shape reality – not our egos. Earth was a place for biological life to evolve and grow. Creation happens when you understand frequency. Understand the basic nature of matter and quantum and that the universe is endless possibilities.
Tune your frequency into a new tune
I’ll leave you with this funny thought. What I’ve read this week about some cosmic neighbors is that they have larger craniums to accommodate their larger brains. Their brains are larger because they’re using them to a higher degree.
A thought I have about this is that they understand the need to be respective of other forms of life in the universe similar to how we must respect all the various forms of life on our planet. And we support a ton of life! We live and let live.
It’s not our right to extinguish life if we can figure out a way to all get along. And the universe is pretty dang big, we can all experience it.
The radio station I’m looking for is the one that has good vibrations! I think we can all tune into a higher channel and get along. The universe is our oyster, why an oyster? I don’t know exactly why, but it’s gonna be a great place to explore and for us to get off this 3rd rock from the sun.