There’s a saying that I use frequently, attributed to Jesus, “Don’t cast pearls for swine.”
When I was younger, sayings like this wouldn’t mean much to me, but as I’ve aged and gathered all the experiences that shape the perspectives that I now hold, I get it. And especially in the crazy world we’re living in now, I find myself holding myself back a lot. Lucky, you, here’s where I let a lot of that lose!
You’re a winner!
I was watching some summary of Andrew Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people” the other day, and this was followed by another summary of some book regarding how to change your thinking about success, etc. While I support these concepts and they do often ring true, the Carnegie book was interesting because of the basic insincerity that he espouses others to learn to empathize with others. His teachings are sound and leave one with a neutral enough position as to how to deal with people. Perhaps, he just cleverly understood how to treat people, and took the wisdom to heart. The same approach could be said to be true to the most successful prostitutes: leave your clients feeling like they are the only one who matters.
The other salesperson was pretty much only interested in how the dynamics of personal interaction benefitted himself. His summaries were easy to see through.
As I absorbed the information, I felt my own situation come into the equation. I’m on this bridge between 3D and 5D. My consciousness is pretty out there. Yours, likely is too.
In a group call today, my beloved friend said, “I wish the Event would just happen already.”
Yeah, me too. We’re so ready for it.
But most still aren’t.
Support for change
I made the point that something feels like it’s going to break publicly soon. This week was full of intel of some incredible things:
Janet Yellen is supposedly locked out of a job and entry into the Fed, which explains why she is in China begging and extending the charade.
The Jenin, Israel raid that killed at least 12 Palestinian’s came and went in 2 days, leaving more than 100 injured. But at least it happened quickly. To me, the fact that it was a quick operation and not longer shows the discoordination between the order givers and their controllers. I’ll keep an eye out for more reporting on this one.
Biden was reported dead. Again. This story originated on Friday, July 2. Of course many in the patriots community claim that he and many others have been dead a long time.
The claims are that white hats have replaced many we see publicly with actors.
Or other tech:
A court ruling came down that specifically lists who cannot interfere with social media platforms including CIA, FBI, DHS, DOJ, and many administration officials.
Libor did switch over to SOFR
And extraterrestrial existence was publicly announced on mainstream media platforms.
We laughed about the woman who left the airplane the other day, warning the others that the person she was engaged with was “not real”. Then another passenger said that the being she was having a loud exchange with never once spoke to her or to the stewards on the flight. This same person said that the guy in the hoodie looked at him and winked, but did so with a vertical eyelid indicating a reptilian.
Now whether we accept these claims or not depends on one’s perspective. From mine, I get it. I’m just waiting for the show to fall.
This claim however is the granddaddy of them all, and the general point of reference that separates the occult from everyone else. We’ve heard these things and have had so many confirmations throughout the years, but here’s a whistleblower speaking of the fallen overlords that many in the Pentagon - which extends to bloodline royals and society members around the global ruling class believes:
Then there was this video that’s allegedly leaked from a former military intel officer.
Psyops or shift?
My thoughts segmented these claims as either one of two things: collectively, they’re either psyops or they’re shifts. However, there are plenty of revelations that keep coming out and its work to stay aware of them all.
Of course, we do know that media is a psyop too, so, perhaps this guy is right. Either way, we keep hanging tight.
Given what I’ve learned from the years of diving into this stuff, I’m open to the possibility of either, and I’m trying to not get too emotionally attached to the outcome. The only outcomes I support are ones that get us closer to planetary liberation and human empowerment. I have reduced my thinking down to these two things from all possible outcomes. HOW we get there exactly… will be the culmination of our co-creative collective consciousness.
So, back to why I think of the Jesus quote. We as wayshowers and the tip of the spear that’s in the disclosure movement and into the esoteric have the unique perspective of seeing things differently. As I’ve been around plenty of people with special abilities, I’ve come to broaden my perspective of human potential. So, that someone says they’ve meditated and received messages from Source, isn’t a stretch for me, but I see them the same way I see mainstream media sources – in other words, it could be. And it may not be, but I’ll allow for the possibility. The claims aren’t that far from things I have experienced myself. So, it’s all about your perspective. In that regard, if we are saying certain things and the world isn’t ready for it, then that’s fine. That’s their path.
When you become conscious or wake up, then you see the world differently. If others don’t get it, then “don’t cast pearls for swine.”
Does that sound very Jesusy? Perhaps not. Who knows. We can all have angelic moments and regular person moments. What Jesus reinforces according to the book, Mystic Christianity by William Atkinson under the pseudonym of Yogi Ramacharaka, is that it’s not the forms but the intentions that matter. He wasn’t going to judge anyone based on their ability to perform ritual tasks of standing up or sitting down, or saying a prayer in a certain way, or that you made it to church, or that you made sacrifices, and on and on. It was about what you held in your heart, and how you treated others, and yourself. His lesson was always about love.
When thinking of the incident in Jenin, the actions of the Israeli troops and the message sent by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu aren’t loving. They’re controlling, tyrannical, awful, and wrong. Too many people let them get away with their bad offenses and murder.
But, as what happened when the Khazarian empire fell, the people woke up and spoke out against it. They finally did something about it. This is required again. It’s not enough to have meaningless debates or let someone else determine your fate, no, we each have to speak truth to power. What’s wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. What’s right is right even if no one is doing it.
It does come down to perspectives. Reality can be formed by the repeating narrative, or we can become quiet, get in tune with nature and listen to our hearts to get a truer sense of what’s right. When evil has ended in societies such as the Khazarian kingdom or in the Kingdom of Heaven, it was cast out by love. Love can hold a steadfast position. Don’t mistake this for anger. Justice is a strength.
Hold on tight to your highest honorable convictions.
Amor Vincent Omnia
Here’s a cute red panda:
PFC Town Hall Meeting - Open Call Tomorrow
I almost forgot to mention that there is an open call tomorrow that I’ll be part of with the Prepare for Change council:
Please join us for conversation on our quarterly update call scheduled for Saturday, July 8 at noon EST, 9 am PST.
We will provide brief updates on current happenings from our IT group and our Sisterhood of the Rose/Goddess Returns groups, as well as a summary of recent disclosures made by Cobra. The main focus will then be an open discussion on whatever is on your mind during this most interesting and stressful of times. As we move forward and deeper into the Great Awakening, is it any wonder that nothing seems to make sense any more?
It is increasingly becoming more important to discuss and share thoughts and concerns, as well as good news and good intentions. These are controversial and sometimes divisive topics that are difficult to talk about. Offering a safe and comfortable space where there is no judgement is therefore critically necessary. We are in the midst of historical change and our collective support for each other is and will be needed more and more. Your ability to communicate compassionately with others who are stepping into their awakening process will be a means to pursue the greatest good for all.
See below for Zoom call details.
Prepare For Change is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 5130 5250
Passcode: 524963
The Sumarian gods are not returning according to my channels
Exactly. If they’re going to wake up, they will. If not, so be it. It is a colossal waste of one’s time and energy to keep trying to inform and assist those who just don’t want it. Better to move on to more fertile ground.
“Don’t try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”