Navigating Today and a Weekend Awakenings Call - Please Join Us
Mowie Wowie! What we've learned in the aftermath of the fire
A bit of time always gives us some new understandings, revelations or perspectives.
This video I recorded on Tuesday has some good messages in it regarding surfing the waves of confusion that are being thrown at us. Enjoy.
Weekend Awakenings Call this Saturday
Good friend Rev. Kat is hosting the discussion topic this Saturday on Weekend Awakenings and we’ll be talking about the aftermath of the Maui fires. I’ll be there to add some kernels, and we’d love for you to join us.
Our aim is to review what the cabal might want to have achieved in their part of the fires - either premeditated, or taking advantage of the situation. We’ll discuss the possible tech that contributed to the destruction and go through reports from people that were there. We’ll also have some interesting insight from some remote viewer’s perspective.
When disasters like this happen, they are cause for concern and being that we’re in a hot war, WWIII, it is helpful to understand the methods and tactics of this new style of war fare.
I’ll hold the position that the war is won, and the skirmishes continue. As we manifest the golden age and new world, there are still many things of the old world that have to be dealt with. In dealing with them, a lot of dark information is going to come out. Plenty already has.
It’s thought that the puppet masters and the dark overlords are gone from the higher planes and that is manifesting now on the earthly planes.
I’ll use the example of the hurricane Hilary. The dark wanted to manifest another major fear event. But it really fizzled out. This is good news. To me, it tells me that we’re able to counter the plans and desires of the dark ones.
Maui did get through however. With some perspective, we might learn that there was an even greater atrocity planned. And that some worse plans were halted. Such has been the case with the kinetic war that’s going on.
There are things that are coming out of the tragedy in Maui. We will discuss those things and take time to hear each other out and do some healing.
Together, we must keep faith, and hold light. We can accomplish great things and there’s reports that there has been a quantum shift also. Dark were trying to bring in evil demons again, but they failed again.
BRICS was having their summit, and it didn’t go off as planned. There are reports of open strife among the attendees who lost it when they found out that they weren’t going to implement their currency yet. These are countries that have put billions of dollars into the BRICS plan, which ultimately is an Order of the Black Sun plan, intending to give over the global hegemony to China. This has long been the plan. It too is failing.
So where are we in the global situation? Come to the call and let’s find out.
Join Weekend Awakenings this Saturday
August 26, 2023
10 am Pacific, 12 am Chicago, 1 pm NY
5 pm UTC, 6 pm London, 7 pm Paris
A Lot of Wowie Surrounding Maui Fires and rightly so!
A lot of questions have arisen since the first reports of the Maui fires. For those with family and friends on the island, our thoughts and prayers go out to you. Maui, a tropical paradise, seems lost, but the people are strong and rallying together.
There are many questions as to why Maui didn’t have water, why kids were not in school, why communications were shut down, and why people were shuttled back toward the fires when they reached clear skies.
An emergency proclamation was signed just 2 weeks before the fires that gave Governor Green the power to suspend building codes that preserved the historic site and develop as he sees fit to “stop a housing crisis”… during an emergency. The bill covers natural disasters and Covid pandemics, which we are already hearing may surface again this fall. Will we fall for it again?
Was this a cabal land grab for profit or a white hat effort to take out certain facilities and people that the public has not been told about?
There will be a short presentation to review some of the headlines and images of interest. After that, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings about the situation, and what we can do, if anything, to help. We would like to discuss what’s happening in Hawaii and raise awareness of how Emergency Acts take away our rights during natural disasters or “plandemics”
Please join us Saturday, Aug. 26 at 10am Pacific. Click on this time converter link to see times in other regions.
We hope you’re feeling fired up and ready to join us for this heated topic. (Too soon?)
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