The week got a little goofy around Monday evening. I had been at the computer doing a lot of 3D work and had been having a dialog with my higher self regarding the crap that seemed to be stalling out.
Over the last couple of weeks I had some big mood swings, but I listen to my body and rest when I need to. Then there are those nights when your body says, “Nope, not today.”
I should have suspected that the equinox would have affects on my bodies - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and etheric. The physical made my stomach feel a bit infiltrated. I had images of parasites going through my mind. Yuck. I’d like a cleanse.
I could go into what I’ve been seeing about body parasites, but there’s other parasites I’m talking about. Though it all started with a photo of a bear with worms. Double yuck!
The parasite I’m talking about is on the etheric level. Probably even more disgusting!
A download of sorts
Over the years, I have become sensitive to downloads of the energetic and physical type. In a weird way, it makes me think of being an energetic body like a computer hard drive. My program gets upgraded from time to time, and now I note these as a positive, that I’ve cleared some stuff off of the old files and made room for new instructions or information. It’s nice to think of these as progress.
As I feel electrical brain stimulation on different parts of my brain, I feel like I’m being upgraded or downloaded some series of codes. I’ve heard very few others talk about the same thing. How about you? Do you notice what feels like tingling on your brain at times?
When I’ve experienced these before, I know that I’m moving forward somehow. This time is no different.
Masonic answers lead to another break through!
So, I was able to explain this situation to a couple people this week. It was Saturday night and I had a strange day of napping. I was out for several naps - once around 2pm and then again around 7pm. Just really wiped out. After waking up on the sofa in the evening, I was tired enough to get off to bed, but I checked my emails. I had been emailing with a potential client and he needed to postpone our conversation from 3pm. I wondered if he had gotten my next message.
In looking over my emails, I found a message from Dylan Louis Monroe. Dylan does the Deep State Mapping Project. He calls a small group and himself the New Templers. Now the Templers and the Society of Jesus were started as good things, then they got infiltrated and went wonky over the years – to the point that the Templers are the predecessors of the Masons and the Society of Jesus become the Jesuit Society which is a military, secret police order who claim to run very high levels of the world. They also claim to own a good chunk of it.
They have a nutty oath of allegiance to them, see a version of it here:
The Templers were to protect Christians traveling to the Holy Lands during the Crusades. They begin the first banking system because they create depository banks at the origination point on the journey for Christian Pilgrims from the West to the East end point of Jerusalem. You wouldn’t want to travel with your wealth on you as the journey is fraught with robbers at the time. So you deposit your wealth. If you happen to run into robbers and an untimely death, then your deposits turn over to the bank created by the Templers.
Because the Templers are traveling to Jerusalem, they are well aware of the riches of King Solomon. King Solomon was supposed to be one of the benevolent protectors of humanity who supposedly got the downloads and magick that would have made him a great ruler. But, just like Golum in the Lord of the Rings, Solomon got greedy and stored ill-gotten gain in his mines – somewhere near Temple Mound.
It’s plausible that he was also given command over the global repository or much of the world’s known gold at that time because he was one of the “chosen ones.” The story of this is also told in Lord of the Rings when King Thorin gets all greedy with the gold that he has in his mines. He converts and defeats his greed in the film. Solomon didn’t.
This is why the Zionists chose the Great Seal of Solomon as their symbol that appears as the star of David. Its origin in as the Seal of Solomon. And it clearly shows the “As above, so below” concept. This also depicts his “fall”. It also shows duality. Duality is positive and negative or black and white - which eventually brings us back around to the Masons.
The Templers find out of these riches held at Temple Mound in Solomons Mines which were under the Solomon’s Temple. They get aligned with Jewish Talmudism and transmute into the Masons - paying tribute to the Grand or Great Architect of Solomon’s Temple - both the physical and etheric. They celebrate this fact with the “G” in the middle of their seal. It also stands for Sacred Geometry and “God” who is seen by them as Lucifer.
The Grand Architect also, they say, is both Lucifer who helped helped Solomon fall from grace, or Hiriam Abiff, who built the great temple.
This is the story from memory and I’m running rough shod over the details. Check others out there about the details please. Of course, they will be hard to find. However, the fact that I’ve been running this order over in my mind for a long time, needed some closure. I had seen these groups as a boogeyman and needed to change my perspective on them.
Do Mason’s rule the world? No, but they are the footsoldiers of those who do. They call them “useful idiots”:

There’s are many orders and I’ve discussed some of them over the course of my blogging. Though the Masonic order is a strong one that is marching to the path laid out by Albert Pike - Satanist – the order itself is at a major crossroads or rubicon. This was key for me to put into perspective.
The crossroads is that they are losing members in great numbers. This has happened before, and I’ve noted this. After the Civil War, there were increasing numbers of Lodges, but they began getting into trouble and some even were outlawed. The general populatrity took hits as they began being linked to KKK lodges throughout the South, though there’s a very clear connection with Albert Pike and the KKK. Big pill here, the KKK is another word magick device for Kukulkan - the worshipped Feathered Serpent of the Mayans and Mesoamericans. Beloved because the serpent, and the serpent is a representation of Lucifer, brought “light” or intelligence to their society - they say. This is a basic but deeper primer into why Pike is so revered in the secret society. But most miss the darker elements of his character.
It has been my hope that more would look into them and the order to see what they really are all about - as had been done in the late 1920’s when people began to break from their popularity of Masonry and forced their numbers to fall. And this is happening again today as noted in the video below.
The most notable sign is that they are the police force of many towns and cities in the US. This isn’t good, as their loyalty is to protecting the bourgeoisie, not the proletariat or regular people. This is why we’ve seen massive spikes in crime and the police looking the other way. They are intended to let our society fall for their masters.
A lot of this and the state of who they are and what they are up to is covered in this work and that is why it is vital to learn.
Here’s the detail of the video from Dylan Louis Monroe:
Freem@sonry Insider LEAKS ALL! w Joshua Abraham
Folks, these are the moments the New Templars was made for! In this bombshell video, Joshua Abraham dishes on all the secrets he learned while infiltrating the F.M. lodges of LA and beyond. He studied occult literature for years to pass as a member, without taking the initiatory oath! Bigger outlets like Infowars and Project Veritas will not touch his information because it is too hot (and they are part of the same secret handshake clubs themselves!). We are totally unfiltered at the New Templars. Find out firsthand what their BIG Secret is! (Hint: Their God is Lucifer!)
Encounter with the Biggie
So, I watch the video and it’s late at night now. I try going to sleep and toss and turn. I had developed a very stiff neck and shoulder. As I roll off into lucid dreaming, I encountered Lucifer or a Luciferian type of presence. It wasn’t much of a fight.
I had processed a lot from the video. What I understood was that my power was really over invested in the illusionary power of Lucifer’s. Sure, there’s going to be nut jobs who derive power from their overlord and their practices, but I see that their beliefs and methods of control are things of the past. I pretty much held up my hand and said, “Not tonight Satan. You have no power over me.”
It was pretty outstanding.
I feel that there’s a waning shift away from that once powerful world. That these geezers want to do what they do, I just don’t need to vest much time or my energy into it. And what I’ve been writing about this year is all about reclaiming our own power and dealing with the great war that is going on.
As for the Masonic order. I do understand that they are still prone to doing bad things and that we still need to expose them. I hope you watch the video and do a little bit of exposure on your own. The Los Angeles Grand Master is revealed and where he can be found. If that leads to scrutiny of him, so be it.
We are the masters of our own story
Though there are other orders that need to be dealt with like OTO, the Golden Dawn, the Rosecrucians, the Jesuits, the Black Sun, we’re making inroads into their exposure. And the universe is playing a part as well.
I woke up lighter on Sunday. On Monday, after writing my post, I got a download. By purging this information about the Masons over the weekend, I let in new room for some new codes. I have a suspicion that these codes will open up new doors for me. They already did in the job hunt and my own personal path.
In small but significant ways for myself, I scored several long-in-the-making victories. Those victories were hard fought. But, I’m a new person today than I was a week ago.
Then I came across this writing and subsequent video:
Synopsis: It's all just about the energy. For we are apart of the BIG picture and ALL is/are part of the varying levels of CYCLES, RHYTHMS, EBS FLOWS AND ENERGETIC SEASONS along with nature. And we can have more grace and ease through the journey by becoming PARTNERS with said Natural Source directed cycles. Indeed.
Also, its about divine timing. For we did just go through a few MEGA life-force renewals from the Lions Gate and the Source light just a few days/weeks ago. So the timing to slow down and integrate these shifts .... is being asked of all ... in different ways.
Here is a video and msg i have been sharing with soul family and friends. It can help bring a bit of clarity in a time when many things feel like they are:
- slowing down,
- not as fiery in activity like the earlier part of the year,
- feeling slow/low energy at times,
- feeling uninspired,
- reliving & releasing certain PAST experiences
- being asked to redo and repair or restore
- deep healing being asked of self & relationships
- not feeling clear about ones next steps
- releasing releasing releasing
- pausing to get a grounded deeper focus on ones future
- taking care of ones personal domain, home, finances, health and more . . .
- etc etc etc
... and what to expect in this nest phase:
"We just pass the Mercury Retrograde the last 4 weeks or so. So communication issues, planning, electronic device, travel and other Mercurial issues etc ... should start to come back online and clear up.
But now we have 6-7 more reasons as to why we have been slowing down. We are feeling sensing into the more that is to come ... by revisiting and restoring our INNER and extended selves over the next few months ..." - see video
DISCLAIMER: This is just a perspective shared in the video. As always, of course do your own research into your own own truth on the energetics ...
But. She does a bang up job of explaining things in a positive way. Reminds me of Mrs McGonagall with her hair and glasses ... a little bit lol. Enjoy. And then ... BE in your joy. Indeed. :)
Exploring Cosmic Phenomena: 7 Planets Retrograde August - December 2023 :
I’ll add that the big takeaway for me was the idea of ebb and flow, or let go of old stuff and download new information THEN integrate it. Good stuff!
Another video
This summary was good too. Basically about letting the old things go to allow in the new but tied into energy waves.
That’s what I’ve got for this week. Been a bit of a crazy week. Gonna have some fun this weekend. A lot of things got rebooted for me and I am thankful.
Feel free to write about your own experiences this week in the comments.
Be well. Be blessed. Remember how powerful YOU are.