I don’t usually post on Saturday, but today is a somewhat significant day. My post yesterday presented many of the various scenarios that swirl around in the esoteric alternative press. This press – really a rag tag group of assembled occult researchers – are the “out there” versions of intel providers that speak about financial resets, coordinated global corruption, bloodline families, Babylon, Atlantis, space operations, planetary liberation, gold tranches, endless abundance, free energy, mind/body wellness, the spiritual, the esoteric, and just about anything that doesn’t fit into the controlled mainstream narrative. They believe, as do I and the loose team of contributors to Naradigm Shift, that we’re very powerful beings that contribute to shaping our reality.
We further believe that the world holds many secrets. And that these secrets are kept from the public for reasons of control. Knowledge is power, as they say.
These “truth seekers” like to do a lot of research. The internet has given these seekers the opportunity to push the boundaries of all the knowledge that has accumulated on this planet, and even takes into consideration knowledge that exists “outside” this planet. When those factors are considered, a few prevailing narratives shape up. Most significant among these are the path of good and evil.
As I’ve been around people as a council member of Prepare for Change and as a person who’s explored several intel providers such as Q, Kim Goguen, Taygetans, Galactic Federation of Light, former astronauts, SRA survivors, financial system moles, dragon families, secret societies, the Vatican, the Jesuits, Illuminati, Masons, Order of the Black Sun, Vensians, royals, bloodline families, etc. you begin to see the world quite differently than the many others who live ignorant of occult beliefs.
Real or imagined, these beliefs create reality and elites and secret societies have had a hold on the power strings of the financial world, leading research, science, politics, religion, etc., by using these beliefs and knowledge for power.
Occult beliefs, we have to remember are the secret things that are hidden. They can be the truth about the moon, Mars, Venus or the secrets about Babylonian Money Magic. Secrets can be about who wrote the Bible and why, what’s underneath the Vatican, why Temple Mound is so important, who the Khazarian Mafia is, who is Q, who are the Illuminati, what’s the deal with the Annunaki, how to manifest, and how do thoughts turn into things, among many other things.
The Apocalypse means simply the revealing of these hidden things. And this year has been a highpoint in the revealing of hidden things, thus I deem it Revelations. Is this THE Revelations. Could be. Maybe not. But it is significant.
One major Revelation is about the Event. The Event takes on everything summed up in the paragraphs above. To understand the premise of the Event, I’ve found it useful and been led to have knowledge about all the possible outcomes. From the knowledge, I’ve been able to find some level of wisdom and acceptance. Why is this so? I’m reasonably certain that I have a human design to have intuition about pending events. These things will become known widely in time. Likely fairly soon – which is in itself remarkable! But I’m also a “wayshower,” or one who’s here to help people through the transition. So are you. There is no coincidence that you’re reading this.
Seek and you shall find. The thing is, that we all come to the journey with different filters. And that’s a very good thing. Because we have knowledge of these many new options or possibilities, means that we can each add our contribution to the whole as the new society takes place.
This just released interview with Cobra by Debra of the Sisterhood of the Rose goes into his version of the Event which includes Cities of Light, planetary evacuation, more open contact, and the removal of entities from the etheric planes:
Synchronicities are all around us. If you allow yourself to find balance, you’ll see things begin to manifest. Being in the flow means that your thoughts flow out of you, swirl around in the universe, and come back to you mixed with the thoughts of others. In this way, a prevailing narrative emerges. It is much more scientific when you scrutinize quantum manifestation, but, I’m big on simplicity. Or at least trying to take something big and making it summarized. (Again, I hear Kat making some funny comment.)
As I did my version of meditation this morning, which was mixed with some lucid dreaming, dreamwork, and stillness, I woke with a thought, and the first things I saw were messages about two relevant things which made me get to this writing first thing.
In a thread from a restoration team I follow, one member made a perfect post, that flowed into my thoughts from yesterday. I mentioned the post I made yesterday, that may seemed to have besmirched the patriots, or Operation Disclosure or the Nesara/Gesara precepts. My point is that those concepts haven’t been realized yet, though I’m aware of them, and they have been around for awhile now. This doesn’t mean that they won’t manifest. But that the likelihood or probability has lessened, or at least morphed into something revised. Also, that there are operations out there that will attempt to sabotage those efforts.
I believe that we have to collectively create our reality. That said, we’d have to be aware of the possibility for it to become manifest. There are a lot of people that understand the possibility of Nesara/Gesara, but the reality of it changes and takes shape by what people believe. If we are at odds believing in St. Germain, or Jesus, or Madame Blavatsky, Ascended Masters, or the St. Germain Trust, then we’re fragmenting the probability. From my perspective, they all take part in shaping that narrative, yet many poo-poo the idea of benevolent ascended masters. That the act has or hasn’t manifested becomes less probable. Just as, “Trust the Plan” becomes less probable as time goes on with the plan details unfulfilled.
From being around the Event talk for years, we’ve had to change the definition of it several times and have come up with precursors to the Event. In essence, several events. But, to me, at least, that makes perfect sense. It’s one thing to have a plan, but another to put it into action. As time goes on, parts of the intention begin to roll out. Part of the Event as imparted years ago at Prepare for Change through Rob Potter and Cobra through the Resistance Movement, appear in the “Trust the Plan,” Plan.
Please research the Event support materials on PrepareforChange.net - we literally have provided templates to navigate your way through the Event, large or small:
In the Q plan, the main stalwarts are financial system crash – bank failures, bank closures, a military takeover, massive arrests, Nuremberg-like trials, emergency system takeover, public documentaries, media system takeover, and the need to prepare for a period of unrest. This period could be 2 days to 2 months or longer. This kinda talk has been around for at least a decade.
Everybody has a plan until they’re hit in the face
Mike Tyson said the prophetic quote above. We can all agree that the world is changing and morphing rapidly before our own eyes. Even the dark forces know the world will change, which is why they use their magick to try to instill their outcome, the Great Reset.
Perhaps there are several positive plans, and they need only merge. Here’s the summary provided by Martha who summarized a presentation of Ashayana Deane called Keylonitic Discourses on Daily Living:
“The theory of everything need not be mutually exclusive, pitting various ideas perpetually against each other in a win/lose battle, war for supremacy of value, and ultimately stalemate stagnation. From the Gurdian Alliance perspective, the theory of everything is inevitably inclusive, a win-win conversation, through which greater potentials, growth and understanding can be fostered.
What we focus on expands, what we resist persists, what we energize comes alive and when you be it, you will see it.
The Question of what is your truth? Is it right? Responsibility and intrinsic quest of every person born upon this planet. Common truth is a relative term and exists in a direct relationship to whatever theories, beliefs, and idea sets to which it is compared. Sometimes the truth is not either this or that, but instead both. And each person will see the part of it, upon which conscious focus is pointed, while being blind to the rest of the picture. Perhaps also, thre is an eternal indelible truth of how everything actually works, through which all common truths are ultimately united, and comprehensibly understood.
The question is, do we choose a heroic truth that suggest the greatest potentials or do we choose a mediocre truth just because it’s currently popular and endorsed by present day theories?”
Wow. Deep stuff. So, we take all potential possibilities and can mash them up. But will we go big time or stay restrained?
I wanted to say something yesterday that we’ve received from extraterrestrials and Source, but it didn’t fit into the context. It’s appropriate here now. They are surprised at how long it’s taking us to wake up. This means we’ll probably have to see more things that wake us up. Honestly, if you just watch the Biden show, you would think that one would think that it’s a sketch comedy. Or anyone genuinely paying attention to Ukraine would not know this leader is a problem? Or that Ukraine itself is a deception?
I guess we’ll have to wait longer.
For me, I see a massive positive potential. And I write about this from time to time. But I also acknowledge that others think differently. This is why I mostly support the idea that we need planetary liberation and human empowerment. If we’re all on the same page, then we’ll be rid of darkness in our world and we can unify around love. That seems to be the beginning point for me.
From our friend Rob, he says that everything goes down and this is actually the beginning. What the Venusians called the beginning. His view is that we go down to a very rudimentary place through worse case scenarios, but I share a more positive viewpoint. As time goes on, there’s actually more chances for more to wake up, thus share the common goals, thus make for less chaotic of a transition. But a change is gonna come, be assured of that. How drastic and how deep is the question.
So from the wonderful citation of Deane’s work, we can make room for tribunals, documentaries, and the Global Repository that Kim Goguen speaks of. We could even enact the big parts of Nesera, those in my mind never have gone away – the idea of ending the Central Banks, that the universe is infinite, and that criminals will make way for a new, transparent system. We can even allow for a positive quantum based financial system of sorts, but the exact names change – as long as the principles are enacted. Everyone on the planet of natural or organic lineage would agree to this, and likely, I imagine, in their heart of hearts, yearns for openness, transparency, sharing and peace.
We should all cooperate in building this future instead of spending too much time debating over the naming of operations. Let’s agree on the concepts first. I think we can get there.
Significance of July 1
So, the other piece that I got today from Kat, was a reminder that we have another transit going on right now. Because of this energetic planetary alignment, it’s a good day to do something amazing!
The dork forces are trying to launch some tomfoolery in France with their immigrant problems. I can’t tell if this is the MSM trying to spin the losing countrywide protests against Macron as immigrant problems? But, apparently, Muslim immigrants who somehow have weapons in a country where there are strict gunlaws – I wonder if those were weapons intended for Ukraine? It seems plausible that these months of sending weapons to eastern Europe creates the opportunity to be used in this situation. To know your enemy is a key concept here. The motto of the Khazarian Mafia tool Mossad is “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.”
The positive force can also use the energies of today to do some incredible things. I feel that some traction will be accomplished. We’ll have to wait and see what comes of this auspicious weekend and July 4th in America. It could truly be an independence day.
And now, here’s some cute animal videos.
Animals remind us to be in the moment.
Have a great everything!