The world is at an apex right now. We’ve been moving towards this big hoedown between good and evil or exposure of duality for the past six months in a hurried-up fashion.
As a reader of this blog, you are certainly well aware of how your own place on the path of ascension is further along than many others. Your consciousness is well-developed, so we are waiting for many others to catch up with us. It’s been said that many others won’t “catch up” and that they will repeat this cycle or stay on a different path. That path has probably already bifurcated.
To be in the present means to let go of things. I get stuck between wanting to inform others of what’s going on, but also feel the moments of being in 5D. I hope you have felt those too, and that you relish being in those moments.
I was talking with our friend recently and she let me know that we’re being given opportunities to live in 5D more and more. These may be in simple ways. One may feel a disconnected sense from reality or feel like you’re floating. You may feel out of body. Others have seen vibrant colors, others are seeing people’s auras.
I find myself seeing things that weren’t previously visible on our timeline before. When I spoke with Raymond Keller recently, he said that there were things that are now visible that happened before 2013 that had been hidden. What that suggests is biblical prophecy of Revelations. We are seeing things now that had been hidden.
Here’s one thing that I hadn’t seen before that just popped up. A self driving car from 1928?
Reality changes
By seeing “new” things in our collective reality, we’re co-creating this reality with enough people taking part in the creation of it. This line of thinking reminds me of people at a sporting event that see the same play but react to it emotionally in different ways depending on their perspective. Half of the stadium may root for team A and the other half for team B. So a goal scored can mean joy or heartbreak – if we let our emotions carry us away.
So, the same principle applies to the overwhelming creation of our reality. Here’s one example:
The Wagner offensive.
With the recent Wagner offensive, the west were vehemently opposed to Wagner until General Prigozhin was said to be leading a march on Moscow and Putin. How quickly they went from hating to celebrating! First of all, would it be smart to announce that you’re going to march on your enemy? No. According to the Art of War, the principles are clearly stated, “When near appear far. When far, appear near.” And “When weak, appear strong. And when strong appear weak.”
The former was seemingly used by Putin to appear blindsided by this turn in loyalites. But the former seemed to catch the west by surprise. They let their rooting for the visiting team get the best of them in thinking that suddenly, Wagner group was turning on their “master.” The whole misstep of supplying $6.2 billion which could have been funneled to Prigozhin, and he and Putin are having a big laugh at the guffaw. The loss exposed weakened Ukranian factions while gifting the Russian Federation with valuable intel and money. And it could have smoked out traitors.
If I’m reading this situation correctly, the west is losing this war and are still trying to use their counter intelligence programs to change the tide. What’s interesting about this from the esoteric perspective, is that NATO, Ukraine, and the West has already effectively lost in the physical realm and definitely has lost in the etheric realms.
I should say also, that I take the perspective that Russia is the long-standing fly in the ointment to the cabal, Black Sun, or effectively the Rothschilds. Russia had been the country that forced the Khazrian kingdom to stop publicly worshipping Molach or Satan. As a Christian nation, before becoming Communist at the hands of Rothschild agents, Russia is the ages old foe of the Khazarian Mafia, aka Zionists. See this thorough article on who the Rothschilds are and why they are your enemy: The Complete History of the House of Rothschild
This concept goes back to my introduction statement. As aware beings that we are, we know that there’s a different “reality” in the etheric realms that takes time to manifest in the physical realm. And that’s where things get interesting and try our patience.
This meme is a good example of this paradox. We’ve created a new co-collective consciousness by shifting our thoughts. We know that darkness has been defeated, but that thought has to become physically manifest.
We are waiting for the rest of the world to wake up and help manifest this new reality. The dark are trying to keep us in the old reality. Basically, every planned chaos event is trying to do this. But this is against all hope at this point.
Because we will not allow the negative timeline to exist, the headlines that the media were screaming for a few days have fizzled to dust. There is no weakening of Russian positions and no drawing them into a greater conflict. And no need for the US to be more involved. It just lost its energy very quickly. I hope you noticed this.
It is important that whatever is really behind Russia – I tend to think a Christic energy – does defeat Ukraine. The region is the home for Satan worship and would be your home base for the New World Order. So, this can’t happen.
Still trying
The dark forces evil cabal is still trying to drum up demons, war, starvation, and plenty of other chaos. But these attempts fail quickly. The financial crash that was doom and gloom predicted, hasn’t happened – though there is “patriots” talk about this going down around July 1 – 4.
There are factions of patriots in military that believe they are “following the plan.” I personally don’t give them much credence but won’t be taken by surprise if they do act out. Should they act out, I would content that they’ll be the new boss, same as the old boss. As long as capitalism and materialism is still alive and well, good hearted men all have a price. Is that price planetary liberation and human empowerment? Or is it another promised payday? Is it really about preserving America? Hard to get behind that when the military are still spraying the skies, poisoning our water supply and now setting our farmlands ablaze. So, what is it then exactly that makes the US military stop their destruction and follow their oaths to uphold the Constitution?
Will Nesara/Gesara take place? I don’t see it happening, but I’m ok to be proven wrong. The white hats are supposedly always ready to execute criminals at Gitmo. Yet, criminals are within their very ranks. There would have to be some very extensive rooting out of the canceer within those ranks that goes to the very top to stop the crap that they do.
What fails the test with the Operation Disclosure crowd is the hundreds of times that things were going to happen on Tuesday. Something will eventually happen, but as the Event gets closer and there are plenty of precursors to the Event which will expose the corrupt evil-doers of the world – exactly how that will play out is not clear, given the many accounts that contradict each other. And I’m open minded about all of them. But, I try to not be stupid.
I take the position of being aware of all the possibilities. And there are some big concepts out there: peaceful transition of power, mass arrests, extraterrestrial intervention, military psyop fake alien invasion, the World Manna trust, the Global Repository, Trump Bucks, the St. Germain Trust, the return of Sananda, the GFL, the anointing of the Maitreya, the Pleiadians, the Taygetans, the Venusians, Lyrians, Syrians, Arcturians, Atlantians, et al. I’ve heard many of the possibilities.
So what do I want?
I simply wish to shift the pendulum from the era of dark rule to the era of light. Whoever agrees with that can take part. I simply support planetary liberation and human empowerment. I certainly am willing to sit with anyone with an open mind and some evidence of intentions. If you can abide by the Universal Laws, then we can sort out this mess.
As to who is to be trusted, I’ve got some criteria on that which I sprinkle throughout my posts, but perhaps I’ll do a post later just on that. In some intelligence operations, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And, you generally know people by their deeds.
Hold on to the knowledge that man is fallible. Man is ego driven. But, take in all possibilities and then form the prevailing vision of what you want to see happen.
And that’s the exciting part of this all. We’ve won the war and are finalizing the battles. As we go through this purge process, we are letting go of negative outcomes in small ways. There are flare ups, but nothing cataclysmic yet. We can weather these storms. Think of it this way, there were events planned that didn’t live up to their expected results done by the dark forces. We’re aware of 6 or more earth ending types of events that had been planned from earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, volcanoes, summing of many highest-class demons, crashing a moon-like satellite on earth, and still the alien invasion. Not to mention health blips and food and water issues. Yet we’re all still here and eagerly awaiting the day we see a clear shift.
There are signs around us. We just have to see them. All the crazy stuff that’s coming out, is good. It means we can cure the ailment. There’s gross stuff out there. It has to be shown to us to wake us up and to shift our consciousness. Then, we determine what we want to do with the information, ie – cast out the evil from our reality, and create beauty again.
With that. Have amazing, vibrant, fun dreams. Get creative and think of positive stuff you’ll do with your newfound abilities. Whichever positive narrative prevails, it will be the right outcome. At the right moment. And soon after, we’ll understand why.
Be blessed. Be happy. Be loved.