Naradigm Shift teaches the foundation of beliefs for the new society
The Naradigm Shift is dedicated to shifting the consciousness of society from one of lack to one of abundance. We are not alone in the universe and the universe is infinite.
1. Why this, why now
Reality is based on your perceptions. What we digest is what creates our world. For too long, we have let others dictate this for us. We are now at the time where many of us are done with the system that has failed us and works for themselves. This shift is going from a world that is In Service to Self to one that will be In Service to Others.
2. What kind of community are we looking to build here?
We are not alone in the universe and the universe is infinite. If you resonate with the previous statement, then you will be ready to consider the information presented in this blog. We provide investigations into topics about ascension, manifestation, the cosmic community, energy, vibration, and the history of control.
Gerry Gomez is the main guy behind this effort. He has worked with global intelligence insiders, high-up financial systems people, members of secret societies, survivors of bloodline families, occultists, people reporting with off planet contacts, his own higher planes influences, and many people researching the same. He is a council member of
3. Great! When are you going to post?
We will post regularly and have a backlog of interviews, articles, and videos to repost. Content will be on a steady cadence and videos will be every week with frequent updates on Twitter. Short subject videos will make it to YouTube, while longer and deeper dive videos will be posted to Rumble.
4. Here’s where we ask you to subscribe
Although I’ve provided this level of intel through several sources over the past decade, it is time to set up my game and begin offering individual consulting and take ownership of more claims and history thorough this channel. Please subscribe to the Naradigm Shift substack and email membership. There will be lots to learn in the coming days.
This guy is kinda like me right now. I’ll be looking over a lake this week and contemplating the future. Come along!