Learning About Your Avatar to Achieve the Next Level in Your Ascension
And what makes it so important to the human? Well….Everything!
By Tina Angel
Let me start out by saying I am not a doctor nor scientist. I am just a human experiencing the shift here on Planet Earth just like you. I have been compelled to write this article because there are a lot of people with different theories about the shift. What is it really?
In a nutshell, if true, the 26,000 year cycle has ended. Our planet used to flip flop back and forth from Light to Dark and Dark to Light (is this Universal Balancing?) And because of us dumb asses I guess from being tricked, poisoned coerced, indoctrinated, programmed and selling out for greed darkness was gaining momentum. Earth was under attack becoming consumed by darkness. And finally due to the fallout of the darkness spilling out to other planets, our distress call was heard. Now that should make you go huh? Heard by whom?
Anyway, Our Calvary came in droves to overcome this darkness and to their dismay it was bad..They (not really knowing who “they” are) got to work and boy did they have a tough task to achieve. Fast forward, Congratulations! The Light won! I’m grateful to all who has assisted and I am grateful that enough of my brothers and sisters were able to awaken and help hold the light because it took a lot of work to get us to this point. Yes, you helped in the takedown of the darkness whether you knew it or not.
So here we are entering a new era of Light, a place of higher consciousness. The veil is being dropped and profound truths are being revealed on how and who has been hurting and killing everything on this planet including us. But the most important truths that are being revealed, is about Us, you and me who and what are we? They say the dark is afraid of us for when we find out it’s the end of them. It has been an unfair fight for a long time now. How about we stop that forever by taking off your blinders and taking back your control.
When we decided to come to Earth we all chose an Avatar to keep our Soul safe and it was fitted with all it would need to play the game to its fullest. Our Avatar is Our Temple designed by God (Source) No One but you are in control of it. (1+1=3) the human body is an extraordinary biological machine, they have been beautifully made with every part connecting to each other. If one part is weak or strong it causes a ripple affect. (The Law of Cause and Effect) either way you are going to feel it.
This is a secret that the dark has worked so hard for millennials to keep us from remembering and in turn stealing our Sovereignty. The dark succeeded by adding dis-ease to our lives and since birth we have been bombarded. We didn’t have a shot and that made the darks job easier. But now we know. So let us help ourselves, get up and wipe off the dust. You are amazing! Open your doors to the Universe it is time to know and it is time to take back your Sovereignty.
Shall we begin? Let’s begin with our bodies.
You are a Vibrational Being in a Vibrational Universe
The Universe creates everything through vibration. Law of Vibration states energy is constantly vibrating at certain speeds nothing is at rest including you. Your vibrational speed is what makes you you.
You are both a transmitter and a receiver of energy. You are continuously sending out signals to the universe and it is listening. Depending on your state is what you will receive back. Whatever vibration you are sending out you get back.. It naturally occurs and there is nothing we can do about it except make sure you send out great happy vibes or else you reap what you sow.
They say make affirmations and I agree but be careful because the universe does not hear certain words so keep them short and to the point. Say them out loud for the vibration to be felt and learn about word magic. Everything at this point will help. Remember there have been a lot of trickery laid before us. Becoming a master is to be able to identify the program, that you have been installed with. And once you do identify the program say thank you and good bye. Your DNA will record the program and shut it down for it to never return. Remember You are in charge of your temple, (avatar).
Return to Harmony and balance within, know the laws and live them and you shall be in alignment with Our Creator, we have that stored within. For far to long love with conditions became the norm as humanity sank into the density from negative thought patterns and all other self-limiting concepts that became your truths/beliefs . In order to reprogram your sub conscious and conscious mind you must learn how to monitor your thoughts and still the mind.
Quantum physics states that everything in your universe is energy and that is again including humans. Our bodies are made up of millions of cells and in those cells are tissues molecules and atoms. What creates molecules and atoms is energy vibrating at certain speeds.
Energy is the life force that flows through all things. It is the source of our abilities (power) and the key to creating anything we desire.
Frequency is the rate at which energy vibrates.
Vibration is the intensity of energy usually measured by hertz (hz) Look out your window. Everything you are looking at is vibrating at different frequencies. You know what else is vibrating at different frequencies. Your thoughts.. your thoughts affect your emotions..
Everything is intertwined so pay attention..
Frequency is a level of vibration. Every frequency is connected to the ONE ABOVE & to the ONE BELOW. Thoughts are vibrations and anything that matches the vibration of your thoughts manifests itself. Our personal energy is impacted by our thoughts, beliefs and our emotions.
You are the frequency you think on and that will dictate the results you are going to get. Your beliefs create your reality. Your mind and your thoughts must be focused on the same frequency of what you want. Make a committed decision and follow through with no excuses. You can not make a committed decision and then do it if it is convenient, that will not work. Learn how to change the way you respond in your reality. Our reality is a direct reflection of the beliefs we have about who we are. The more positive your emotions the higher your energetic frequency of the I AM.
Our bodies have Seven Energy Centers, (actually more, but that is for another time) and it is said that a human emits at all times a measured energy of 12 gigahertz and according to David Hawkins M.D he states that most humans vibrate at 200 or less.. What controls that energy and frequency that we emit? Our heart , (emotions that we feel) and brain (the thoughts we think).
Here is a list of the chakras from your head to your feet, it is very important to get to understand the way they work.
The pituitary gland is known as the master gland because it regulates all of the other hormonal glands in the body. This energy center is where the highest level of consciousness originates. When this gland is in balance, you are in harmony with all things. This is your freedom point. Its written somewhere that Freedom is placed at the top, is this the meaning of Sovereignty?
When this energy center is in balance our brains work better, “You are lucid, more conscious of both your inner world and your outer world, seeing and perceiving more each day. This center is concerned with the pineal gland, which secretes serotonin and melatonin, which regulates your circadian rhythms in response to visible light the pineal gland is sensitive to all electromagnetic frequencies besides visible light.
It is concerned with the parathyroid, thyroid, salivary glands and associated neck tissues. This energy center is involved with expression; expressing the love felt in the fourth center as well was speaking one’s truth, “You feel so pleased with yourself and with life that you just have to share your thoughts and feelings. This is where God sits, Rod of Power, baton of free will. We handed over the baton and in doing that it put you in slavery.
Associated hormones thyroid hormones, and the parathyroid chemicals which regulate the body’s metabolism and calcium
The nerve plexus is the thyroid plexus.
It is concerned with the heart, lungs, and thymus gland. Besides being part of the immune system, the thymus gland is also responsible for growth, repair and regeneration of the body and associated with love, nurturing, caring, gratitude, compassion, thankfulness, kindness, appreciation, inspiration, selflessness, wholeness and trust. When in balance, we care about others and we want to work in cooperation for the greatest good of the community. We feel genuine love for life. We feel whole and we are satisfied with who we are. This center is where a sense of divinity resides. The seat of the soul. The nerve plexus is the cardiac plexus
It is concerned with the stomach, small intestines, liver, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys. This energy center is associated with our will, drive, self-esteem, personal power, and directed intention. When this center is balanced we can use our will to overcome obstacles in life. An imbalance in this center can lead to aggressive or dominating behaviors.
Associated hormones-adrenaline and cortisol, kidney hormones, liver and stomach enzymes.The neural plexus is the celiac plexus, known vernacularly as the solar plexus.
governs the pancreas, colon, ovaries, uterus and lower back. It is concerned with consumption, digestion, breaking down of food into energy, and elimination this center is in balance, you feel safe and secure both in your environment and in the world.
Associated hormones-ones that balance blood sugar levels. The nerve plexus is the superior mesenteric plexus.
The root chakra governs the region of our reproductive organs, lower bowel and anus. When this center is in balance, your creative energy flows easily and you are also grounded in your sexual identity.
Associated hormones- estrogen and progesterone
The nerve plexus is the inferior mesenteric plexus.
I added the nerve plexus because I have learned through my own experience, if your nervous system is out of whack so are you. Our nerves (branches) are connected with these energy centers that is connected to our rod.. When you are in kundalini the serpent goes up your rod. What is your rod? Your spine.
Yes, but what does it mean?
Now that you kind of get a general idea of you and how you are connected with the universe and everything else around you what does this mean for you?
Well, do you struggle with managing your emotions, mental health and overall happiness? Do you find yourself getting sick often? Do you receive all that you wish? Is your life hunkey doorey or is it a mess like most. Can you manifest at a whim? As you experience the reality of matter to be a vibration you will start experiencing the reality of the mind, perception, sensation and reaction.
After the understanding of the energies of each chakra and how they affect these 4 bodily systems; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual return to harmony and balance all 4 systems within. When we become in perfect balance needed within is when the outside world of intense and progressive destruction shall not affect you. And you will be in more control over your life. Own your own Authority and stop fearing the future to change the future.
Our free flow of energy was hijacked in the past and now the truths are being revealed. Your energy is ready to be channeled clearly in a focused direction and it is going to build as the ascension progresses . We have to prepare ourselves to take an important and sacred action by getting aligned with our centers. It will bring you to a new level of consciousness.
I was told one day by a special person to “Know the laws and live within them and you’ll be in alignment with the Supreme Creator and all beauty, bounty & abundance of the universe are yours for the having.”
Take at least an hour a day for yourself and be in the now. The power is in the stillness. In the silence your heart is the center of your being, pure awareness, pure presence. Be in peace and harmony with nature return to the Unity of Oneness. In this state we begin to witness the transformation taking place within us. It can lead to profound realizations and a deep sense of alignment with your true self. Allow yourself to listen to that little voice inside, it is the voice of your soul. The balancing is happening all around us even the Earth and cosmic energies are being balanced.
You came here with a promise that you would be the pillar of frequency of Our Creator (Source) on Earth and participate actively in the greatest shift ever. Learn how to anchor the frequency and hold on strong until the timeline of Ascension has been activated. Expand your consciousness to see the world in perfect harmony for your focus needs to simply affirm and feel this light connection for the power of us is now. Your mental and emotional balance will lead to having more control over your life. Co-create a new Earth beginning. Bring back love/ harmony and peace. Our free Flow(universal water) of energy was hijacked and it is the secret to Abundance, Freedom & Sovereignty. We have the tools now let’s get to work and stand in your Sovereignty.
Align your energy centers
I added a few ways to help align yourself to your energy centers. (See below) Once you become aligned your abilities will start to manifest and you will be unstoppable. No sickness, no indoctrination, no coercion can be achieve and no one will ever have authority over you. All it takes is the ability to change your frequencies that you send out.
Before you will be able to achieve the most of what you want. One of the secrets is know your true self. What it is that you truly want? Remember the universe feels your emotions. Release and remove and let go of any and all resistance to your abundance, peace & prosperity by identifying the dogmas of this 3D place and let it go.
Here is an example that may hit a hidden area to visit and release. Men you were always told “Boys don’t cry!” That is a program that was installed to keep men from feeling emotions. Make them mean and angry, right? Women you got sucked into the women movement. Leaving the home and children to work, bills had to be paid right? Women took on the man role and that was the start of the family separation program. Remember the devil is very smart and has been doing this for a long time, plus he had access to a lot of technology, He had to make us turn away from our true selves to become weak and he knew just how to do it. Do not blame yourselves it was an unfair fight just learn to let go of all the programs and take back your sovereignty that is when you will be truly free.
The following are some ways that you can change your frequency.
• Gratitude, be grateful of all that you have.
• Love, go be around someone that makes you happy.
• Generosity, go play with children, give your time, an ear to listen
• Meditation, being in stillness is very powerful.
• Breathwork, watch your breath and focus on the 4 steps of breath, it brings you into stillness
• Forgiveness, Let it go, stop holding on to what someone did to you.
• Eat high vibe foods, living foods-fruits-raw veggies-unprocessed nuts
• Reduce or eliminate alcohol, tobacco, drugs (pharmaceutical and/or recreational) sugar and processed (packaged) foods
• Change your perception if what you see is ugly close your eyes and make it beautiful
• Think positive thoughts. Go to your happy place
• Laugh and have fun, go let your hair down and let go and do something that makes you happy.
• Be in nature or go to the beach
Here is a link to a couple of exercises that may help get you started.
• Aaron Doughty: How To Raise Your Vibration PERMANENTLY
• Bob Practor: SYNCHRONIZE Your VIBRATION and ATTRACT What You Want!
• Matias De Stefano: “The Most Powerful Way to Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY”
Tina Angel is a contributor to Naradigm Shift. She’s a highly aware individual who has been in contact with her higher self for decades. Her connection to Source has been providing very key information at this time. Her information aligns with Naradigm Shift’s ascension message, so we will present her information from time to time.