I will talk a lot about the Universal Laws, God’s Laws, and the Law of Nature. Then there’s also Galactic Codex. Each of the Laws complement each other and I’ve seen them used many times and very appropriately in life affecting situations.
In my experiences, I’ve been able to be around many very gifted beings. To work in the astral planes or the higher planes is a thing I’ve seen enough times and done enough times to know that it’s quite real.
There is a difference between “understanding” and “knowing” however, and until you’ve done something, can you believe it’s possible. The need to impart this concept has been noted with us by our higher plane’s guides. It is one task that we’re all going to have to undertake right now, ie - learn the application of new concepts, and then teach to others who will use the knowledge to ascend. In the minimal sense, it will help one break from the matrix.
By knowing the Laws you’ll go a long way in finding your sovereignty. This is because the Laws of the Universe govern the Laws of the Universe. And they are very simple. I’ve presented them and dug into individual ones previously and will continue to do so, as they are useful and applicable in many ways to many situations.
The Law of Divine Oneness (Again)
The first law tends to be more universally applied than the rest: The Law of Divine Oneness which is the basis of the Golden Rule. In the Law of Divine Oneness, it is stated that everything in the universe is connected. We are all connected to one another and everything else in the universe. We are all made of the same energy, all connected to the same source.
When we understand this principle, then you get why you should treat others as you would like to be treated. It is because we all are one.
The Laws of the Universe are what the Luciferian rebellion rebelled against. Given that they “fell”, they were higher density beings. As a higher density being, to be in our earthly realm, which is physical and material, they had to lower their vibration to become materialized in this world from the spiritual realm.
Lucifer is a great manipulator. His greatest weapon is deception. His followers like Aleister Crowley stated, “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law.” And this is the basic fault on the side of the satanists. They know that they must live in balance and not pretend to be greater than nature or the creation. By “doing what thou will,” however, a being violates Universal Law. Doing what they will, means causing death and destruction, oft times by violence or depraved means and most often against the will of their victim.
A Confusing Topic
Since our orientation up to this point in history has been from the fallen ones, it’s not surprising that the Law of Gender is a very confusing topic of our times. But only if you’re unaware of the Laws of the Universe. Hence, it being a very specious argument. Such is the way of the deceiver. They’ve created a narrative based on specious argument.
Definitions of specious argument: an argument that appears good at first view but is really fallacious.
Here’s a few examples:
Would it come as a surprise that most laws of man were created by the self-appointed rulers of our planet? Yeah, the “Draconian Laws” are truth hiding in plain sight. These “manmade” laws effectively began with the Law Code of Hammurabi. Don’t be shocked that these early laws came from Babylon around the early 1700’s B.C. proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi. These Babylonian bloodlines come from descendants of Cain who was conceived as the occultists understand by a fallen follower of Lucifer or in some traditions, Lucifer himself. If you’d like to hear this story from a high-degree occultist, check out my interview of Juan O’Savin from October 2020. These beings claim that their originating home planet is Alpha Draconis in the Orion star system. So, they go very deep on using manipulation tactics on the rest of us. And they aren’t actually human to begin with. This is their own claim.
For them to achieve power and control, they have gotten us to buy into their many nonsensical laws and we play their games when we appear in their courts. Again, hiding in plain sight is the notion of going to court. The dude in the black robe? The swearing in, the complexity – all part of the theater. We give it power if we agree. And we must vocally disagree, because to them silence is consent. They try to get you coming and going, don’t they?
Confusion is the name of their game.
In reality, the Law of Gender is very elegant:
Law of Gender
Everything in the universe is made up of both masculine and feminine energy. The Law of Gender states that life works best when your divine masculine and divine feminine energies are in alignment.
The divine feminine represent the part of our consciousness that connects us to qualities like intuition, feeling, emotions, creativity, and spirituality.
This feminine energy is the exact opposite of the divine masculine which connects us to qualities like logic, authority, confidence, objectivity, and action-taking.
One is not better than the other. Both the divine feminine and the divine masculine need to work together harmoniously to create solutions for the highest good. This is why we must restore our connection to our divine feminine as a whole society to restore balance in our lives.
Now, knowing this, think of how radicalized our children have become. They are unnaturally manipulated, and their own souls know this and yearn for understanding. And love. Given that they are being treated as pawns, is very demonic.
And the Cabal and societies who’ve deemed gender a topic worthy of the elite academic institutions are once again perpetrating a scam.
Their scam goes like this – in a very loose order:
Come up with a good sounding, superficial argument like equality and inclusion.
Be vague in the terms.
Decree that this is legitimate at highly regarded institutions like the UN.
Make this a topic of your agenda (tell a lie big enough that people eventually believe it).
Get your minions in education to follow the plan.
Begin the advocacy in elite institutions like Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Berkeley.
Offer degrees in the academic area of study.
Normalize the movement.
Incentivize the agenda through financial means.
Offer financial ratings such as ESG and get minions on wall street to embrace it.
Call it something like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Promote it in the military.
Begin a highering incentive for enterprise.
Push the agenda via useful idiots.
Begin teaching it in schools.
Congratulations, you’re well on the way to normalizing the agenda.
Then begin to claim the victim.
Prosecute those who oppose or expose your hypocrisy or delve deeper into the psychological or social ramifications.
Do this quickly, because the public will wake up and if the objective is not a fait accompli, you risk exposure.
Lie repeatedly.
Now infiltrate the movement and radicalize it.
Begin violent acts but use the controlled police to sanction activities.
Claim it’s not happening until the objective is won.
You get the rest and can fill in whatever I’ve missed.
Here’s a young teacher fully programmed:
You can watch this video I did at Prepare for Change with Kat on Weekend Awakenings that details the Rules for Revolution. Endorsed by their highest ranks, Hillary Clinton did her master’s thesis on the Rules and is an ardent follower of the writer and Luciferian admirer, Saul Alinksy.
These are the key rules, which are presented as the Communist Rules for Revolution.
Please appreciate that the Communist Rules for Revolution are similar as the Rules for Radicals as each advocate the destruction of the state, values, corrupting children, and use specious argument to effectively brainwash people.
Why is Gender Bending such a thing with them?
The Luciferian’s leave a large swath of destruction in their wake. They have abused the good nature of people to wrangle their way into mainstream consciousness by trying to normalize their perversion. They are literally hell-bent on pushing gender politics because they know that the time is now for them to call Lucifer back to push the Armageddon and rise as the ruler of the planet.
I wish I was joking.
This is literally due to prophecy, religious beliefs, and the awakening that’s happening with humanity. They can’t have any of that. And they must again use deception to manipulate the public to support their agenda. They have a lengthy plan that involved infiltrating academia, manipulating science and using their media trolls to paint a false narrative regarding gender. They call this DEI. Diversity, equity, and inclusion.
They will say that they want room for all viewpoints, and then melt down when confronted about their efforts.
You’re well aware of this scheme but have seen it play out as pedophilia and pornography trying to groom children in schools across the country. The play with children satisfies many goals: make them weak, get them radicalized to go after adults, this creates lack of faith in institutions and values, which allows for the destruction of society. And they get the benefit of reducing the population! You can see this playbook applied many times previously in many toppled countries. It’s very much what Putin called out in a December, 2022 addresses.
The videos of this are hard to find, but I’ll continue to dig for them. He’s over the target, so no surprise that the videos are scrubbed. The elites know what they are doing and what effect it has on the destruction of society. It’s not something new.
There, there’s also the fact that they worship Baphomet, a Ba’al or dark Lord that is transgender. In reality, the transgender is a big F*** You to the Law of Nature and God.
The Creator made everything with balance. Because of this balance, there’s a natural cycle to everything. The cycle is that you are born, you live, then you die, then you get born again into another experience as you progress along the immortal existence that all living beings have into all experiences as the narrative goes.
The Idea of Lack
Unfortunately, because the fallen ones have fallen so far from the Creator or Source, they can’t seem to right themselves with the ego that they’ve built up to seek forgiveness. Many have and many jin who get released from their spells are thankful that they aren’t serving another being any longer. Such is the path of those who followed Lucifer.
The example of those that defied Universal Law like Lucifer in the Luciferian Rebellion is pretty close to the example of many that we’ve seen rise to power in our earthly realm. This stands to reason as Lucifer was given dominion over earth, but that time has ended recently. So, for many of them, they were supposed to learn their lesson and return to the true light. But they fell far off the path and had a difficult time, in effect they created their own cognitive dissonance in regard to accepting that they needed to repent or ask forgiveness. Which, we must honor.
I had the experience of releasing a couple hundred demons from our reality some years back. It was otherworldly. Many beings came to me to be released. I obliged and with the help of my higher self and guides and angels let them transmute to their perfect place. Without judgement and with thankfulness, as well as unconditional love.
It was quite a trying experience, but one that is most profound in my own awakening. I am very humble to have been of service this way.
We see the same lost souls in some of our brothers and sisters today. There are people among us who were born into situations that they came into. From an mystic perspective, we’d say that they choose those experiences. Still, they get lost in this experience and don’t know that they can escape or reclaim their sovereignty. You might know people like this.
A person like the one I’m describing might be a heavily aligned political person. This person might be heavily into a particular party and can’t change their mind under any circumstance. It’s believed that very soon – I’m talking about this month – energies might hit us that changes everyone’s consciousness. If this were the case, we might see people that act like they’ve just woken up from a dream. Or a nightmare.
I partly expect that there will be people who cross the threshold and see the world closer to the way we see it. This would be a remarkable thing, in the sense that their whole world will turn upside down. The same thing could be said about the Luciferians or radicals that I’ve described.
The gender confused will have an extremely tough time with accepting truth. If the list I provided above were to be presented to those who’ve got enough confusion about themselves and their gender, that list would melt their brains. I feel strongly that that list or a reasonable facsimile of it is much closer to the truth than telling a person that a doctor made a mistake about your gender at birth. That is practically telling a person that God made a mistake with you.
And that educators and health professionals tell a child that gender is a choice is utter horseshit. And this needs to be called out.
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I haven’t been the one calling it out. But I sure appreciate the person that does. I would, in a situation that I can see as being productive, rationally go through my details that are included in this post, but I’d lose most people at my second point. Right?
So, I proceed as Jesus said, “do not cast pearls before swine.” Jesus was pretty rebellious himself, was he not?
In seriousness though, this is a hurdle for us as a society to get over. Among a few other big things, if we want to live in 5D paradise, we must graduate with the lessons I’ve presented here. This is what balance is, and what is truthful. The dark ones are finding this out the hard way.
It is also with the knowledge that energies are increasing and that we’re all seeking out more truth, that we will come into alignment with these higher concepts. It’s not even a thing to win, but a thing to do, and a thing that’s already done. We just must bring it about, because we love all. And all are one.
For our lost brothers and sisters, we perhaps tread lightly but lovingly. Some of the radicals out there aren’t coming where we’re going just yet. But we also can reach plenty as plenty are in confusion. Maybe a time of clarity will be self-evident? I believe that soon, we’ll be called upon to help a lot of people.
Then there’s the idea of bifurcation.
Beings have the right to choose their path. Should that mean taking another go round in inverted world, then that’s what they choose. Because they have confusion, and instability, doesn’t mean we give way to their childish demands.
But, again, to be silent is to consent. I consider that I’ve weighed in on the matter.
May we all find strength and resolve to do so with integrity, heart, and authenticity.
I want to say that I will return to my published posts and add some more detail to them every once-in-a-while. I’m pretty stream of consciousness as I write most posts. There’s gonna be a lot of perspective on what I write about because of the nature of the topics. It’s my intent to inform and with the knowledge one can make their own decisions and live their own life. Let’s all just be honest about what we’re doing here.
Now, here’s a cute bunny and a cat.