A great many good things are happening in the world. As the old transitions, we need to praise it, honor it, and let it go.
I was able to share this story in the past week with a new friend. We had time to do a lot of work together and the past weeks have allowed me the opportunities to really do some healing. This healing has been both internal and external.
But, for a story that’s about release. My own shadow work.
A few years ago, I underwent a plant-based ceremony. The end result was the release of many years of trauma and toxins. The journey was long and took many turns. There were plenty of discoveries.
Along my path, I’ve had lots of ups and downs. But, I persevere. I’d say that everything happens for a reason, and that there are no consequences. When I look back at everything in my life, it makes sense and has lead me to this point right now. In fact, even to this past weekend. Which was a huge blessing.
I have met many wonderful people on my journey. This past weekend culminated in some of those people, some old, some new, getting together and hopefully deciding to work together. The fruits of this coming together might produce some significant results. But either way, at least a sizable effort was made, and for that I am grateful.
In this group was an old friend. This same friend was crucial to this other significant event in my life.
“Your little symbol won’t save you!”
Aho. These words came at me from a Satanist at my weakest point. And strongest point.
I was literally on my back, on the floor, and struggling to be in the moment after receiving dozens of astral “attacks.” I held onto a small cross made and given to me from my wife and a photo of my son
“Yeah, it will,” I offered back as his bent over body and long black hair just about enveloped me in a threatening stance over me – violating my personal space in every way.
If you’ve ever had an astral experience or opened yourself up as a channel, you’ll appreciate part of what was going on here.
I had done group efforts in the astral and been able to raise my vibration very high - still do, but am much more cautious about it. I had been doing a lot of spiritual practice and fortifying my own personal shielding. Being in control of my thoughts and emotions is one thing, being in an astral fight for your life is another.
To take part in the ceremony, is something like a vision quest. You’d diet and be ready to purge for hours. To go into the ceremony with a single intention is the stated goal. Mine was to be a better father and husband.
One thing that was difficult for me at the time was finding stillness, as my mind would wonder during meditation. I’m better at that now. At the time, I’d require the help of others. Luckily, I had some really great masters that appeared and did help me.
I was at a good place and thought I’d be ready for this spiritual journey. I had actually had the desire to do something like that for a long time.
The Dark and the Light
Knowing that there was a dark and a light was obvious. How strong both sides were was one of those things that you have to experience to really appreciate. As for knowing the dark, it was prevalent and easy to see any time you want to look. The light is equally, even more dominant if you want to look for it. But it tends to be omnipresent yet subtle, I find. Light is like a whisper sometimes – you have to be quiet to hear it. It can be a simple as a smile, or a high five, or a thanks from some stranger that you open a door for. Or in the eyes of a child.
As I’ve recently been drawn to read Confessions of an Economic Hitman darkness is tricky. I see how it’s been distributed throughout our society. It’s knowing it, meeting it, standing toe-to-toe with it and in a way rising above it – is the lesson to be learned if you see yourself going down that path as I have found myself.
Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real
What I hadn’t expected was the amount of trauma and baggage I needed to clear, to open up room for good new things to come in. I feel that we as a collective society are doing this right now, which is why I share this story.
To let in new energy, we have to clear out the old. I’m reminded of this all the time. I am thankful that I see it for what it is – a learning opportunity.
When we look back at these times and as we go forward, we will draw on these experiences that prepare us for the many changes we’re going through. It will be the job of some of us to move others through the changes. A gauntlet so to speak. The challenge will be to get us to break from the past. Even in small ways.
We fear so many things. That makes sense. We are born into this experience as innocent children. We take on so many stresses that we were never intended to. This has given us resolve. It’s made us “tougher.” But it’s also toughened our hearts. And that doesn’t help us reconcile old wounds.
My “friends” who got together this week taught me something about faith and hope. I hoped that they would get along a be able to work toward a positive future. I remain optimistic in that. It would bear a lot of fruit.
As for my wounds at the time I took this ceremony. It kicked my ass!
So after communing with the Shaman and going to our own spaces to be at one with the spirits and great mother, the medicine began to kick in. Just about the same time my friend began freaking out.
Their freakout was completely fear-based. Luckily, I knew what they were afraid of, so I didn’t take the issue too deeply, but when screaming loudly to the others to get out of there and that we were all going to die, I did the duty of breaking out of my ceremony in an attempt to quell the foreboding message. Thus, I crossed the swords.
From there, an unimaginable onslaught of physical depletion began. First came the bodily fluids, then the psychological torment, then the astral attacks, then the efforts to assist my friend from an attack and choking, to then dealing with demonic attacks, as real physically as spiritual, then the clearing of my bowels and an incredible amount of purging that I didn’t even think possible. But they say that our bodies are largely water, right? Seemed like every drip of water or liquid was coming out. Out of every orifice!
And around that time, as I knelt on all fours entity after entity passed though me. I had opened myself up as a channel. In retrospect, I believe that I do hold light enough that I was first off, attracting energies and secondly, allowing them to pass through me. It worked like this: entities saw my light, and came to me. I was a connection to other realms. I allowed them to travel through me and be released. I did this for about an hour and a half: “Thank you for the lesson you have taught me. I release you with unconditional love and forgiveness. I hope that you find your perfect place, for it is not for me to judge but to bring you to Christ for judgment in only the way he knows how.”
And they’d come blasting through me being by being. It seemed like a couple hundred.
After this time of pure exhaustion, I probably had to relieve myself again in the poor, restroom of the facility. I was amazed at how any liquid could still be coming out of me, but now I think we all carry lots of junk and parasites in our bodies. I think I was purging that, and that was a good thing. I also believe that our traumas become metastasized, so an emotional trauma can become physical. Like you worry yourself sick or create a cancer.
After looking outside at a wicked God’s fingernail moon, I came back to pray with my friend. Then fell over. I laid on my back. At the time, the energies that were coming through me and to me were not pleasant angels, but dark ones that took the opportunity to check out. And that I stopped the conscious release, I had still opened the portal within myself. So, I invited darkness to use me and go through me. Their using me wasn’t over either. I’d be used until I closed the portal with help of a few very gifted friends about a week later.
One friend who helped me then was Edwin Spina, who discusses connecting with your higher self here. He also knows of opening and closing portals and in this segment, is using his hands to do so.
I actually needed to utilize another gifted few friends to combat the entities that were now residing in my freshly cleared out light body. This friend sent an army of positive energy beings and I literally felt my left lower body jumble around and clear out. It was wild stuff.
Going back to the middle of the night. It was likely around 3 or 4am and I was largely incapacitated. Having just been attacked by these many energies, our friend decided to come over and try to give me some curse. I suppose that he was there to infiltrate the group and do a number on a few of us. Very naive by me, but a lesson well earned.
I was holding onto the photo of my son and quietly saying over and over again that “the love of my family will save me.” Though I had stepped way out over my skies, being steadfast and holding love was the antidote I required. This irked the dark friend. He sulked away.
I made my way through to the dawn. We’d be released and I had some words for this fellow in the morning, basically something about Christ and embracing the light. A few other incredible friends were with us. Over the years, I came to understand and really appreciate those friends and the small gestures that they made to me. Love had saved me. My family saved me. My friends saved me. I saved myself. Christ saved me. God saved me.
And now the battle began
The night kicked off months of rebuilding myself and finding my strength. Many nights thereafter, I thought I might lose the fight. I found my angel in my beautiful dog Indy. She allowed me to sleep. She knew that I needed her protection and comfort. Her daddy had changed. She would’ve given her life for me, and our family. No doubt in my mind.
For months afterward, every night held a challenge of what past trauma would I confront? What fear did I need to neutralize? I had asked mother for help. She gave me shock therapy. I was tested. That’s how I see it. It didn’t kill me. It made me stronger. I went through hell. I kept releasing entities and do to this day, most recently in the last week. The overall energies are stronger, and we can continue to do this. And I have gained in confidence and experiences.
I faced lifelong fears through lucid dreams at that time. Night after night. For 4 to 6 months. The dreams continue. The intensity wore off. The big gunk I needed to change had cleared. The connection I made with higher planes stayed open. I had other abilities at this time, and some I’ve improved on. Others, I’ve let lay for now.
The experience changed my sensitivity. I was a better father because I could be more forgiving and patient. I got rid of a lifelong, short temper that found me hurting my son. I asked for his forgiveness and he graciously gave me it. He’s a wise kid. I know he’s here for something pretty cool. I found more patience with my wife. And more appreciation. Over the years, I began to keep working on myself and us, and I’ve been able to remove a lot of barriers that’s lead to more respect for each other. And a deeper level of love and commitment.
Because I had my experiences, I’ve set out to learn more from trusted sources on their experiences with the higher realms and higher planes beings.
Since that time, I’ve come to learn so much more about angels and demons. I’ve learned much more about the spiritual fight. I’ve learned more about observing. And about having empathy. It created a profound change in me.
I know that I let go of tons of baggage and continue to have let things go that allow me to make room for the things that are happening now, have happened in the past few years, and will happen soon.
I’m pretty clear on what my mission is. As one with experience, and the ability to communicate those, I help others through their own changes. I am to bring others to the shift and through it.
The experience made me stronger. I am happy that I was able to purge years of dense material from my physical and mental bodies. It took a toll but I understand the need for it. It set me on a different level to do the stuff that brings me joy.
It’s all about perspective too. With lots of those traumas in the rear window, I’m moving forward. And forward is a place we all will find ourselves in. If we haven’t cleared ourselves, then the universe will do it. This may be in the way that so many will wake up. And it might be pretty scary for others.
You have to think of it this way, we know of so many truths that they don’t. When they find out about so many lies, it will be hard on them. But that has to get done.
Thanks for being part of this moment in history.
Be well. Be blessed.
Very powerful! Thank you for sharing.
So glad you had the inner strength and knowing to be able to handle all that.