I know you a little bit. You’re a wonderful soul searching for answers. You’ve had the strange dreams and you still find yourself waking up into the earthly planes. Sometimes you’d rather stay asleep, it seems more real there sometimes.
The dream world and the waking world are two worlds that are merging. Even though they sometimes seem at odds with each other, we’re actually combining them. The powers and experiences that we remember in our dreams are often intermingling with our waking consciousness.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to fly in the “real” world? Or use your energy blasts? Or use your healing powers? To more or less degrees, we’re hearing of people who are doing this. It won’t be stopped. It may be contained, but not stopped.
When I posted on Monday that I felt we collectively manifested a fairly peaceful petering out of the once in 100 years hurricane, I felt like we accomplished this thing with our intention. Our will. That is how I understand that this is going to keep happening.
I think we’ve all experienced the ups and downs of this roller-coaster ride called the shift. Shifty like sucker this shift thing is. One day you’re energized and mellow, the next day you feel as though you were short-sheeted and grabbed by your ankles and tossed upside down by some giant. My wife wishes a giant would pick her up and put her to bed. I wish that I could wiggle my nose and clean the house!
I remember the dreams of flying when I was a kid
Those dreams were so awesome. I’ve always had an active imagination. Could the power of our imagination create limited scenarios for our waking hours? I think that they can. I know that they can in some parallel universe. The multiverse is something I’ll give credit to being, yet can’t fathom how it works. But in crazy ways, we are incredible creators.
I mentioned Monday that actors have this understanding of the occult. I tend to think anyone at very high levels of success get the opportunities to be in the club that George Carlin talked about. If you’ve been paying attention, some high-profile actors have been coming clean about others bad doings. Mark Whalberg said he was going to commit to punishing or outing pedophiles in Hollywood, some have provided dirt on Oprah – especially in light of her Maui fortunes and hubris. You’re hearing more dish out crap on Biden and of course Trump. Benjamin Fulford did some dishing on Macron. But Benjamin is always dishing out dirt on people – it’s the people he doesn’t dish out that make you wonder. But that’s the case with so many.
So many public and entertainment people seem to have been given the deal. Some seem to have been born for the role. Some even created for their roles. If all the world’s a stage, are they all really just actors?
So, what about your acting? Are you and I acting in our dream time? Could we refine our dream time to be more efficient.
There’s a belief in the mystery schools and the masonic tradition about using your third eye and manifesting, and also using your subconscious to work in the Akashic to create. It’s pretty wild. It goes something like this:
So if we can create through our own intentions – I think, therefore I am. Or, “In the beginning there was the word, and the word was with God. And God said, let there be…” Then God goes about creating. The interesting part of the line is that the thoughts happen in the mind or the spirit or ether, and they become the word or vocalized, and then they become material.
Did you get what just transpired? A thought, a vocalized intention, then a physical manifestation. The thought is more than just a word with no meaning. Uh uh. The thought has all kinds of mental visualization to it… in the example of the light – it is opposite of dark. It is bright and warm and life giving. Or then he creates the fish. Well the fish exist in the water and they swim. They can provide food for men. And what are men like?
I know that a lot of us in this community understand manifesting, but keep visiting the idea. And think of how it works from the etheric body to the physical world.
We are manifesting the physical world
Last time I talked with Rob Potter, we both expressed how frustrated we were at the slow waking up of the population. We’re both challenged with debts and obligations in the physical world. Sometimes those obligations come with a team of grim reapers like the Ringwraiths from the Hobbit who like dementors don’t stop pestering you. I’ve been able to shoo them away a few times, but they are like the undead and keep coming back like soul sucking zombies.
In my reality, there is no legal United States Corporation and no legal IRS, as well as paying taxes is voluntary. But I live in other people’s realities and they say affirming things like, “The only thing assured in life are death and taxes.” Um, no, that’s less than a half truth. Taxes are voluntary and death is a construct of the mind. In the occult, they say that all deaths are suicide. But I digress, there are so many things that we don’t know. But, the taxes part ain’t a thing, but it is a thing because we collectively have bought into it as a thing. However, you do know that the wealthy don’t pay taxes? That’s why they set up corporations. Corporations are fake entities that they also have convinced you of being alive and thus being able to contribute massive amounts of money to political campaigns.
The above is another example of how we convince ourselves of reality.
So, as Rob and I talked, I asked him about night school. Do you remember being in night school? I’m there a lot. It’s like I flunked something I guess, because I’m there learning something every night. And I always get woken up at these really opportune moments. It’s like my teacher saying, ok, Gomez, wake up… that is your lesson for today.
I wake up and I ponder the meaning of the lesson or lessons. Sometimes I get back to sleep quickly, other times, I roll around thinking of other things. That is my meditative time.
So, we’re both wishing that things were moving quicker on the planet right now, but we had this epiphany… we’re probably organizing and meeting with all the others that we will work with on the restoration phase IN our dreams! How’s that for efficiency?
Let me say that another way. For all of us who are sick and tired of waiting for things to become manifest on earth, like the arrests, the financial reset, the extraterrestrial introductions, etc, … what if this is happening in our dreams?
How many of us have had the dream where they show us just enough to let us know that they’re real and the experience is real, but then we forget the details of the experience? What if they’re briefing us, organizing us, and preparing us, but we’re forgetting this when we wake up? But then it’ll all come back to us when we finally break through?
Who knows, could be, or could be wishful thinking, but either way, I’m gonna roll with it and manifest. Let’s see how we do.