Important Equinox Message from Guides Part 1: Ascension Portal Readiness
The upcoming equinox is an ascension portal – Here’s how to be prepared and why its so crucial
This is going to be a long 2-part post with a bunch of critical information in it that’s been given to me and a small team from source and our guides. Please review it all as a lightworker. There are instructions included within that are needed at this time.
We’ve been made aware that it is our job to get ready and help our family members to start waking up. Because of our reach, we can get this information to a lot of lightworkers and the general population.
At the end of last year, some of us at Prepare for Change where I am a Council member, noticed that there was a shifting of energies compelling some of us to:
Deal with deep trauma healing
Move on from current situations or organizations
Focus in specific areas of our missions
Learn some specifics about the ascension shift
This manifested in people moving from our organization to others, or to go on to personal projects. This has been a regular occurrence with PFC over the years, where people come to the organization, learn what they need to learn to awaken and then move on to do their light work and missions.
It has been a blessing to see many succeed and an honor to help early awakening people go through the process of learning, healing, then leading.
I am now being guided to broaden the message. I am creating regular posts on and invite you to become a subscriber there. I’ll circulate important posts on PFC (with their blessing) also when there’s a vital bit of information to share. However, what I’m covering here has been provided by higher planes work, guides, and source through myself and a few friends.
Important Guidance
The messages and opportunities I’ve personally received have pushed me very clearly to leave some old things behind and to jump to a couple new missions. Where PFC has been there to wake up people at the “tip of the spear”, a few of us are being guided to try to get more numbers of people awake. Maybe this is happening with you too?
I’ve written a Naradigm Shift blog about this called, “Good in theory, WTF in practice.” The point of the blog is this: UNDERSTANDING IS NOT THE SAME AS KNOWING.
What this means is related to ascension in a very tangible way. As a lightworker, you’ve been aware of the several key topics that are out there like ETs, the Event, the reset, using higher energies, meditation, spirituality, etc. The time is here to assimilate those ideas into the mainstream consciousness. To do so, is to help prepare humanity for the revelations that are now coming forward. If a majority understands the potential of our reality more, they will raise their frequencies high enough to move forward as ascension is happening now – for those prepared to see it.
For those that are in denial still, they will stay in 3D until later – and come along perhaps after another cycle or period of time. They say we do all get there, but that it’s a matter of individual choice and readiness.
We’re at the opening of the window and sightings and public discussions of UFOs reveal who’s ready to expand their consciousness. And even those MANY of us who accept or understand that there is a lot of intelligent life out there - even helping with our liberation - there’s a different reality of interacting with them and KNOWING that they exist and are here.
Source says that 1/3 of humanity are ready to go to 5D per our contact.
Among the lightworker community, the above should be a massive headline seen everywhere. Because of this, it’s game on!
Our guides keep telling us to prepare people for ascension.
This report covers:
a) Why this is important
b) What tools can we use
a. Breathing Prana – Detailed in the second post
b. You are a portal – Provided in this post by guides
c. Universal Laws – though a video presentation
d. Galactic Codex – find it here
I’ve recently done a Weekend Awakening episode with Kat, that goes over Universal Laws and the discussion of why this is so important. Find that video here.
Here again is the key reason for the information in this post:
You have to be conscious to vibrate high enough for the incoming ascension frequencies. Being conscious means being aware of the reality of our experience. This is physical and emotional.
Regarding Portals
Over the weekend of March 12, there was a solar flare large enough to have easily sparked our DNA awakening. This flare went off from the sun AWAY from earth. Had it come towards earth, we’d be talking a whole new game today. We would have experienced the SHIFT.
Higher density beings are telling us that the upcoming Spring Equinox will be a game changer. Perhaps the cabal is aware of this and that’s why they’re going forward trying to crash the global banking system. You should know their game by now: Create the Problem, Get a Reaction, and come forward with the Solution. In the Silicon Valley Bank crash, this is the plan:
Crash SVB, a regional bank
Create a run on all banks – in particular regional banks, fail them, and the whole financial system
Say that only the large banks should be trusted and move all assets there and then bring in the Central Banks Digital Currency
NOTE: This is absolutely a cabal or Black Sun Order event as they tell you in the designed percentage loss noted from “” where the stock price dropped 66.6% or 666. There are no coincidences.
Nice try cabal, but we’ll note the plan and counter it with the knowing that we can control the effects of their wishes with our desires.
Guides have told us this regarding portals:
“Each portal has its own function intensity and frequency.
Monthly on every equal day and month date in your annual cycle we place a portal so that the frequencies can reach this planet more intensely and powerfully.
Vibrate high as possible. Try to match the frequency that comes through the portal.”
They tell us to be very aware of our bodies intake of food and energies.
“Drink plenty of water. Eat living foods only on portal opening days. Stay as natural as possible on gateway days.
Be in harmony with the universe. Connect to nature, Mother Gaia.
Don’t clog your body with artificial things.” And they continue commenting about the importance of eating living foods, which are, “Uncooked foods taken from nature and eaten. Vegetables, fruits. Make them your support help and balance into your physical body.
Repeat every gateway day.”
Our guides continued by telling us about dealing with stress, “Whenever faced with a stressful situation if you physically do nothing to expend this energy, it starts to react on its own. (It) causes tension and stress resulting in agitation and anxiety.”
The lesson here is to deal with your energy intake. By grounding and being mindful, or by exercising and meditating, we must address the energy and neutralize it because energy is shared by us all. Because we are sending and receiving the same energy, we are connected to the divine oneness (Universal Law of Divine Oneness). The very high energies that are coming this equinox has the power to throw us off balance and create stress if we’re not prepared.
Why is this important
We are in the shift. As it’s upon us and especially with the gateway portal of the equinox on March 20, our consciousness is spiking and so is our awareness. Enough of us are awake to allow the transition to 5D. We are aware of:
the past control system
the crash of the financial system
out with the omega and in with the alpha system
we are aware of our cosmic cousins
we are becoming aware of our own abilities as creators
Because of this, we can’t hide from judgement. But judgement is a personal thing. And it means that you can raise yourself up to the higher frequencies of love and everything from courage and above on the 17 Levels of consciousness scale.
With that rise in vibrations, you are ready to begin on the 5D path.
Mental Awareness
With consciousness, you attain the mental awareness to ascend. You already are far down the ascension path. Your mind has done the shadow work, you have experienced healing, and know what it’s like to quiet your mind and meditate.
Sovereignty comes with understanding the Universal Law, Galactic Codex, and Natural Law which gives you control over yourself. This allows you to graduate from the lower vibrations to the higher where others are already waiting for us.
To go further, you need to have physical mastery - some of which comes with your diet which has been included in this post. Another method in the toolbox is breathing.
I will continue the lessons that our guides provided us on Friday’s post and go into breathing.
Be well, and be blessed.