Well, I promised a Kim Goguen update. There’s so much going on, I’m just skimming the highlights.
Again, take her information as a potential possibility. I have reasons to align with what she says. But I question everything. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We’re still waiting on the big things to become apparent, but much of what she talks about does show signs of taking place. And there’s plenty that she speaks about in real time, that makes you go, “huh?” In my humble opinion.
In the end, our realities are created by our perspectives. If we believe, then we are adding to creating that reality.
With that, here’s the top recent revelations from Ground Command:
• We entered the Quantum flip.
Kim described this in several ways on her Wednesday, August 23 show: https://www.unitednetwork.tv/videos/01-sep-23-news
1. The parasitic universe could not “leach” off us anymore (my words)
2. Lucerne, a fallen angel like Lucifer, wanted to take over the entire multiverse but was unable to (because of this shift of energetic vibrational frequency)
3. 12 existing timelines and universes (the multiverse or an aspect of it?) was going to collapse – this could bring much of our manifestation together and bring in a “greatest hits” of your dreams into this experience (my interpretation).
4. No spaces exist in the “in-between” anymore. Reported by “PJZ” in the justempowerme.com https://justempowerme.com/umbrella-military-declares-they-are-in-charge-new-pindar-installed-which-is-not-a-thing-anymore-expecting-events-based-on-book-of-rituals-which-still-require-marduk-to-push-the-button-claim-they/ blog
“As we were going from one Age to another Age there was a space that was created in between by her Predecessor. Those spaces in between gave an opportunity for the non-dominant party. In this case since we are moving from dark to light the non-dominant party being the dark was supposed to participate in a last battle which was to be a year-long battle. Except that program did not function without her predecessor’s participation, therefore it failed.”
• The triggers that were supposed to happen at the Blue Moon on the 31st were eliminated because of the loss of the “in-between”. This resulted in the inability of Lucerne to return (that crazy parasite!)
• Expected events on the dark side – the Dark Forces were expecting certain things to happen that weren’t going to happen and didn’t. These were going to culminate at the Blue Moon.
Marduk provided a book of rituals to them. All high-level cabal agents were following this book. Those agents include operatives at: Langley, the Pentagon, the Treasury, and the Trump operation. If you’ve tracked what’s coming from the Judy Byington’s of the RV/GCR/ NESARA/GESARA world, the “well-placed” generals, admirals, financial institution insider, et al were talking about the BRICS gold-backed currency, the XRP/Ripple valuations, the redemptions, the CBDCs and the PLAN (Patriots/Q operations). As such, the trigger was going to be the Trump mug shot, which was supposed to trigger the Biden collapse, the Kamala Harris disqualification and eventually lead to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) stepping down as Speaker of the House, to allow Trump to be voted in by exaltation to be given the Presidency before 2024 elections. This in turn, would allow him to drop all charges against him and announce to everyone that the Biden presidency was a false presidency and that he’d enacted military martial law prior to the end of his term with Executive Order 13825–2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States.
The culmination would be the taking over of the emergency broadcast system, the ”Storm is Upon Us” Trump tweet, the coming forward of the military to pause the presidential election and to begin the crimes against humanity Nuremberg style tribunals.
Alas, the dark forces were left at the Blue Moon, standing alone, without a dream in their heart, without a love of their own. Boo hoo. (See what I did there?)
• Umbrella Military declared that they were now in charge.
• A new Pindar was put in place to shortly die thereafter by the Rothschilds
• The US Government is broke and might last two weeks or so
• The US was going to be sold to China – this is a long-standing goal of the NOW
• The BRICS alliance met and were expecting to announce their gold-backed currency to which all participating countries would get paid in this new currency. The plan behind this, is that the BRICS nations are extracting payments already in the billions to be part of BRICS, but the currency wasn’t announced and the members were pissed. According to Benjamin Fulford, this left the speech that was going to be made by Chinese leader Xi Jinping:
Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday unexpectedly skipped a business forum of the BRICS economic group in South Africa, sending his commerce minister instead to deliver a fiery speech in his name that decried US hegemony.
• Goguen also mentioned that we’d see some US president(s) dying. And Jimmy Carter is on his death-bed now:
And additional updates came out Friday, Sept. 1:
• The whole world are living on old scripts, text that don’t exist. Behind every alignment there is always some “Oz” pulling the strings. But the beings that set up the operatives have set them up, not for the darks benefit, but for themselves. So, they don’t realize that they are really just the minions of the dark.
• This Blue Moon was a little different than other ones. Perhaps because of all the planets that are in retrograde, it held more significance.
• Dark portals in a couple new found locations have been turned to light portals
• Another Chinese deep state ascendant was ordering people around to get money from accounts to find none. No gold. No access to assets. By Wednesday, they had ordered their minions to go to Iraq to go get their money. None showed up. These were many middle-eastern operatives who are actors in the war theater. They made mad.
• US Government will be returning to session after Sept. 5. There are emergencies in the US that need funding. Biden is still promising billions to Ukraine. She says this will not happen.
• IRS is not sending money to Rothchilds anymore, so there’s actually some for use in the US government. She says that it is not much.
• There is emergency funding available for proper use. Previously, she claims that she’s in charge of money for use in these situations BUT if the US government does take the money, even a dollar, that they categorically agree to the terms created by Gougen and CARE. “We are going to clean up Washington, DC. I am willing to participate, but not in the same way as before.”
• Everyone is on a scavenger hunt being orchestrated by the Chinese deepstate to waste their time. Generals went looking for some ancient-backed trust monies but didn’t find anything. She told them to go look at every bank in the world and ask for verification of funds. After you find nothing, to come back to her. She’s the only place where they will get any money from.
• She said that by mid-September, many governments will fall.
• “I’ve never lied to any of these people. I may be off by a few days.”
• Jesuits created ISIS and Al Qaeda and were attempting to reactivate them today and order them into conflict BUT without having any money. “You’ve got terrorist groups that are demanding payment… You are sitting at the wrong cafe being fed a bunch of lies.” You will not get paid. None of these groups exist. They are subarms of Jesuits.
We should expect to see the middle-east flare ups slowing down over the weekend.
• We are going to a multipolar world. That means nobody is in control, except for the creator.
• Timelines are just overlays.
Listen to her reports if you can or get the summaries at: https://justempowerme.com/posts/
At the end of today’s report, Goguen did a bit of venting defending the information that she presents, saying (paraphrasing) that “no one is giving you this information.” The alternative media says the same thing and parrot each other. While I don’t want to take away from this report, this is a point that I do want to address in a future post. I am presenting her information with a bit of understanding and hope that by presenting a lot of information that this awake readership can form their own opinions. It’s a free world, and you’re all allowed to believe what you want to believe and put faith in who you want to. Just be aware that every intel provider has their perspective and likely an end goal in mind. I sure do too planetary liberation and human empowerment.
I do agree that Kim’s information is very revealing, insightful, different, and up to the moment. I give her A LOT of credit for taking the hits that she does. If anything, she is resilient.
What does the Quantum Flip mean?
My interpretation of this “flip” means, this could increase our latent abilities, heal our DNA, eliminate dark timelines, and turn negative energies into positive. Also, it could mean collapsing our quantum timelines. Ultimately, we’re experiencing our thoughts becoming manifest. The universe is creating a new physical experience here, and what we wanted had to go through the etheric and spiritual – all the covenants Kim describes – to become manifest in our new, emerging peaceful society. This version is still in the making.
I hope there’s a peaceful solution to the craziness we’re experiencing. I have a feeling that the outcome lay somewhere in the middle of all of our reporting and desires. Should Kim’s world manifest, cool. If it’s a mix of things, that’s ok too. As long as dark says goodbye, either voluntarily or by higher power. We will see change.
Enjoy the weekend. Be well. Be blessed.
Great summary of Kim’s information! Thank you Gerry!