As 2023 rolls on, it’s becoming apparent that plenty of new and deep information is coming out. This itself should be the topic of a post – how to deal with new information - though we covered this also recently on Weekend Awakenings and with Joanne of the Great Awakening Show in the UK. On the one hand, we’ve been told that this is the year of revelations, so many hidden things will be shown to us.
The idea behind what I want to propose, is that we have to consider the furthest stretches of our imaginations to be able to see the world and universe as it is: limitless.
It’s bigger than big. It’s limitless
In a universe of limitless possibilities, first I know that abundance is limitless. Secondly, I know that we are not alone in the universe. It is said among some occult groups that humanity has had 4 turnings. And that the earth is 53 million years old.
Consider for a moment that it’s also said that a society needs 200 to 250 years to go from horse and buggy to have the technology to go off-planet. Going off-planet is supposedly one of the criteria that a society has to achieve to be ready for inclusion in a cosmic society. The material part of this, ie – the creation of technology has to be in balance with the spiritual part also, which would mean being peaceful and loving.
Thus, it stands to reason that we have had plenty of time to “play the game,” of humanity a few times. Also, if the universe has no beginning and no end, then what we’re experiencing here on earth right now has likely been experienced somewhere else before. It becomes a brain twister, doesn’t it? Many things from this perspective, which goes completely against the idea of lack, will change your perspective on things.
As this year goes on, I’m having amazing conversations with people about our human potential. We’re talking about all kinds of new things, which I am excited to share. We can feel that the vibrations and those who are seeking out information is really dynamic. These days are really waking people up. Many new ideas are emerging, many truths are coming out, many possibilities are popping up. I think that’s a good thing. We have to break out of the old and create the new.
But waking people up comes with its responsibilities. As we stumble on new information, I believe that we are going to be rewriting history. It’s also said, that much of our history is false. And we know that history is written by the victors.
So, in the pursuit of what’s possible and our own human potential, it is that I wanna share some information about giants.
As an introduction to the subject, there’s biblical stories and occult stories of giants. There are ancient myths also. Recently, there have been a bunch of images appearing of giants. Many seem to be historic.
David vs. Goliath
We know the story of David vs Goliath from the Old Testament in the Book of Samuel:
A young shepherd boy named David volunteers to fight a giant warrior named Goliath who taunts the Israelites during a war between the Israelites and the Philistines. The child, David having no experience in battle, refuses to wear armor and uses his slingshot to strike Goliath in the forehead, killing him. David's victory inspires the Israelites, and they go on to win the battle.
Goliath was somewhere between 7 feet tall to above 9 feet tall.
The Nephilim
There’s a belief in the mystics and new age community, as well as the Black Nobility and Black Sun type of secret societies among the ruling class that the ”fallen ones” came to earth upon destroying their home planet of Tiamat and moon Maldek. These are the followers of Anu, otherwise known as Satan, their god who made man in his image. Variations of this story are out there and the rabbit hole is deep.
The Tiamat Planet Theory is a book written by Zecharia Sitchin and claims that the asteroid belt was once a planet which the Sumerians called Tiamat. They destroyed their planet and sought exile on earth where they enslaved humanity. This is the elites’ story and right they’ve given themselves to rule over us.
This story has plenty of nuance to it and goes back hundreds of thousands of years to previous turnings of man. Side note, calling man, man is different than calling humankind, humankind. In the narrative of being created in his image, the men designed by the demi-gods, would be a kind of man. Thus, they claim rule over humanity by this technicality. THe “kind of man” created was humankind. This is different that humanity which was already indigenous to the planet. Though some have claimed very recently that their covenants that gave them rule have recently expired as well as they have ruled in violation to higher universal laws, thus allowing the real humanity to have the right to ascend if they choose to.
In the Hebrew Bible, the Nephilim are mentioned in the Book of Genesis, and they are described as giants or "mighty men" who were the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men." This part of the story breaks down something like this: The gods were the Annunaki, or followers of their Lord Anu, who becomes their God. As a condition of blowing up their planet with nukes (these are the same people who rule our planet today and threaten to blow it up also), they were given the right to “fall” unto our planet and to integrate with the inhabitants.
It may not surprise you to hear that there are supposedly 22 or so ET races carrying out 60 or more gene and biological experiments on earth – which isn’t too hard to understand when you look at all the diversity of life on the planet. We’re an incredible biological petri dish.
Nonetheless, man was here already, and as the Tiamat and Maldekian beings sought refuge traveling back and forth to their collapsing societies in the area that is the asteroid belt – hence the remnants of the blown-up planet and moon – the beings tried enslaving humans to dig for gold. They needed the gold to try to protect their atmosphere which they were destroying due to an ongoing nuclear war. These are the same people who say we also must save our planet from the energy of the sun with geoengineering or chemtrails. They’ve convinced themselves and their pilots to do this which is really said to limit the sun’s energy because it’s coming through and waking up humanity – creating the ascension scenario.
I’m quickly summarizing this and some of the details – actually all of the details are debatable – but the prevailing story is what the elites more or less agree on. These elites that came from Tiamat originated in the Orion Star system on Alpha Draconis. Thus, we came under rule of Draconian Law. And the major pyramidal complexes in the world point to their home of Orion.
The exact meaning and origin of the term Nephilim is unclear, but it is generally believed to mean "fallen ones" or "those who cause others to fall."
The Nephilim are only briefly mentioned in the Bible, and there is not a lot of information provided about them. Occultists and secret society types, even some scholars believe that the Nephilim were the offspring of fallen angels who had relations with human women. This is finally the point dear readers! (Thanks for hanging in there). The “fallen ones” were forbidden to have sex with human women. But they supposedly found them so attractive that they couldn’t contain themselves. Their offspring were the demigods of ancient Greece who live upon Mt. Olympus. They also abound around Egypt, Sumer, Mesopotamia, and the holy lands. Some even make their way to North America.
Giants in recent times
It’s through these stories that we arrive at modern times.
Modern times are documented by photography. So, what’s been popping up lately on social media are many images of these beings. And also of their homes.
The idea of giants extends to the lands they were from and what types of buildings they built. Hence, there’s lots of monuments to them all over the place.
Giants carry an ongoing lore. Stories are out there about the Giant of Khandahar which was a giant in stasis that was awakened and fought his way out of a cave.
The story of redhaired giants is that they are the royal class and they have been covered up. There’s stories around of them waking up at this time when the energies rise that they will come back and rule once again on the planet. I’ll share those stories at a later date. Below are photos of one such giant:
Limited Narrative
I caught Graham Hancock speaking with Russell Brand recently. Graham is a thorn in the side of mainstream archeology. He challenges the status quo as much as anything included in this article. But he does so with a bit of reserve and reverence. It isn’t his position to say that archaeology is wrong, but just working from a limited perspective.
He and I share that sentiment. What I’ve been able to determine, if I’ve been able to determine anything, is the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.
With that spirit, he who controls the narrative, controls the narrative. This is to say, that there’s a group of ruling class who consider themselves an exempt or special class, and then there’s all the rest of us.
From the mindset I described of the Nephilim or Annunaki who’ve morphed into our bloodline elites, they truly believe that they are our rulers by divine right. That divinity being Lucifer.
Lucifer is their leader, because he rebelled against God’s Law and God or Source itself. By destroying their planet, defying the Laws of Nature and by raping human women. They claim to live by free will, but that to them meant that they could do anything, including rape, murder, and pillage. Among other worse things. But that isn’t or has ever been the case from what I’ve gathered in years of this type of study. At the very least, they had to live with balance. And they used way too much deception.
Truth always wins out
Deception always gets you in the end. In considering who controls the narrative or who writes the rules, it’s easy to understand what Graham Hancock extolls. He knows well that any archaeological site doesn’t get truly examined. And dig sites are always controlled by government or the Smithsonian.
Thinking critically, isn’t that a form of narrative control? It’s said that there’s ancient artifacts all over the Shahara Desert. Lidar radar has shown massive cities under the canopy of jungles of Mesoamerica and Africa. Hancock mentions the under researched coastal remains of large complexes. Many also question the narrative of the massive stones of many pyramid structures. Pilots are forbidden to fly over the Antarctic. Egyptian artifacts are found in the Grand Canyon. Why are these so controlled? You should know the answer by now.
To control the population, one has to control the narrative. When the narrative gets out of their control it becomes a tenuous situation for the rulers. Thus, the animals on the farm need a swift and thorough shut down and herding into their pens. This is the idea of the Great Reset and the 15-minute cities. Other factors contribute to the reset plan also but the intention is to keep you with limited perspective.
But technology is helping get the message out. I’ve felt recently that people are going to bifurcate. Those who are awake are on a path of massive disclosure and revelations. Those who are still asleep will stay under the control of their controllers to wake up on their own timelines.
So, I’ve presented some interesting images of giants sprinkled throughout this post. Are these all manipulated? Some might be. Others may not be. From the elite perspective, they are playing a numbers game. If they can get the truth out about giants or other beings, then they have the chance to say, “we told them that they existed.” This allows them to make their claims to maintaining control of us. That coupled with the claim that they “created” us by original sin? They are a nutty bunch.
Anyhow, expand your consciousness and create your own story. Do giants fit in? Is the truth hidden in plain site?