Fall of Archons Video
A good review or primer on who malevolent Archons are and what they aim to achieve
This post picks up where I left off on Wednesday. I was saying that I’m lucky to have a bunch of people that I’ve been able to be around to observe and see what amazing things they can do – channel, remote view, lucid dream, dematerialize, thought project, see into the future, astral project, see energy as colors, see auras, see the matrix, speak in tongues, speak the universal language, visit higher planes, see inside my own body, clear, heal, metastasize inner gunk, release traumas, shoot light from one’s hands, send demons, call demons, throw energy, communicate with the spirit world, read whole books by communion, materialize money, the abilities are pretty out there. I’m working on telepathy with my dogs. My cat simply yells at me if it wants food. We’re making good progress!
I’m humoring myself. If I hadn’t seen these things or experienced them myself, I wouldn’t have the perspective that I have. Though we see and do some of these “impressive” things, we’re here for a purpose.
In this shift, we’ll start having some more abilities present themselves. The reason we don’t get these abilities is that we’re pretty immature. Those who were given the insights before in our experience have failed the bigger picture. With great power comes great responsibility. Like that guy who I shared in the video last week who was hypnotized and channeled his dad, he was given the opportunity, because wisdom came with age.
From my perspective, it’s great to have an ability. But it’s greater to use that ability for the good of others. We all rise together. So, I’m counting on you to get us there.
The point. I’m sorry that I blather. I need an editor.
So, I’m circling back to what I wanted to present on Wednesday, because I thought it carried good information in it. This came to me from a friend who asked if I would agree or not with this information. I do agree with the majority of the information in this video. It is about the Fall of the Archons.
I made notes as I watched it. It’s pretty good and goes for about 10 minutes. From my perspective and what I have learned, I make comments on it. So take a look and you can get some reference with my commentary.
One thing to remind us as we gather information… information itself is pretty neutral. It’s what you do with the information - or how it affects you that is important to observe. A being can use information for good or bad reasons. That’s allowed in this experience. But, we are supposed to live in balance with the Universal Laws, and that’s where the fallen ones could not abide by. The basic premise of “do no harm to others” is always key. They rather, “do what thou wilt.” Sucking off energy like a parasite without consent and against a being’s will is not in alignment with Universal Law. That our experience was naively entered into by earlier versions of humans needed to be corrected. And is being done so now. But we ALL play a part.
That is a lesson of the agreements that allowed the as above, so below duality to exist here in the first place. Now is the time to correct this and return to balance. The Archons are nearly done. They have been being removed for years from the higher planes. The accompanying commentary corresponds to sections of the video.
My observations
Yeah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, I glanced it over and agree with the general premise.
Timeframes are always suspect. I didn't know them as Lords of Karma, though have heard of that term. It would make sense, given how I do understand them, and I'm getting the sense that they do work that way. I see Archons as "rulers of energy," so they can be the etheric parasite we all know and love.
Around the 3 min mark she starts explaining how they work on the etheric level and this I understand as them being set up as triggers. When you hit some positive vibration levels, they trigger the etheric implant triggering an emotional response. These are these levels of "scaler" energy weapons that Cobra talks about. If they weren't cleared very carefully, then a person could be overwhelmed with bad emotions, which I suppose could "short-circuit" a person or drive them downward so bad that they commit suicide. This is the lower astral or “mirror” phenomenon.
Yes, she touches on that at the 4 min mark. They are there to keep you repressed and dumbed down.
So, at the 5 min, she begins to talk about the Jesuits having created physical manifestations of Archons. Very interesting and could be true? I wouldn't be surprised but haven't heard that specifically until this video. Though, I am aware of the Jesuits and them being masters of secrets or mystery schools. So, doesn't surprise me. I was just looking over a thing about Dune and these supposedly benevolent witches in the story called the Bene Gesserit - which is the authors hidden nod to the Jesuits. Interesting that he denotes them as "Bene," meaning good. But that is always in the eye of the beholder. Their order maintains peace by authority, mind control, body mastery, emotional mastery – which is very occult thinking. Same thing that she's talking about as humanity slave controllers. She's showing the Masons. But same idea. A mind controlled being can be a willing tool or useful idiot. So, Archons, control people through their energy mastery. Kinda like Ben Obi Wan Kenobi.
Around the 6 min mark, she goes into a particular invasion timeline. The first I don't know. I agree with the second Khazarian invasion - or at least the result of influence and worship of the invaders. Interesting that she says the purpose was to replace mystery schools with mind control versions. I think that this is akin to the new age movement. The idea is to move people away from religion and to one galactic religion. Clearly towards the power of the empire or the same dark energy over lords.
I align with the description of the 3rd invasion also as the Congo invasion. But I've only really heard Cobra talk about that. Kim has and so does Rob Potter to a degree. I think they talk of one between 1996 and 1998. Some of the middle east wars are intended to bring in other invasions via portal openings.
Yep, agree with the purpose of dividing or distracting leaders on earth now. But have also heard that the dissolving of implants - which are the device used to physically control the person - have been deactivated. Even that the main database that held their lists of infected have been taken down, and the AI that would activate the devices in people, have been taken offline. So, the minons, from generals, to operatives are now clear. Whether that is true or not is something we have to wait to see. But the story is that source doesn't want this, as we are one of their last bastions for this. So, some people will still go along with the negative plan, because they are conditioned that way, while others who were starting to rise in their consciousness will be able to break free.
These implants run by Archons were really a mental and emotional parasite. So, there were some irreparable "people."
I agree with her conclusion. With these energetic parasites taken out, the break throughs can happen quickly. I think a lot of channelers are getting this message.
Thanks for sharing.
That’s it for today. Enjoy this: