End Title 42. Continue Immigrant Crisis.
Destroy a country from within – it’s all part of the plan
EDITOR’S NOTE - Late breaking news summary at the bottom
As I have the opportunity to expose what I call Planned Chaos, I examine the goals, methods, and intentions of our common enemy. The previous article which presented the Rockefeller Plan shows the tribal and evil intentions of the “fellows of the rock.”
The Rock is temple mound in Jerusalem, where the dark lord was supposed to return any day now to run Armageddon for the final conflict between good and evil. When they committed their family name to the worship of the rock is when they committed their lives to Satan. This is not the only family to do this, they learned from many teachers around the world, most notably the Rothschilds who also took their name jointly from admiration to the Red Shield or “child of the rock.”
In the occult, the rock is a nod to the temple mound where Satan is to return and command his legions. Thus, it’s not a big leap in associating Hillary Rockefeller and Bill Gates (Rockefeller) to the legions of darkness. In their beliefs (see previous article Know Your Enemy: Rockefellers) it’s part of their deception to change their last names and have children raised by others along with sexual orientation obfuscation and ritual abuse. They believe that this toughens them up because the world is evil. They think they are loving their children in a ultimate “tough love” kinda way.
Remember that Hillary worships child murderer Margaret Sanger – see this bit on a sanitized version of her on race and eugenics.
Clinton also worships Saul Alinsky, who made public overtures to worshiping Lucifer, saying he was the first rebel to get his own kingdom. And you know about Bill Gates and his eugenics beliefs and involvement in pharmaceuticals around the world.
When I presented the Rockefeller Plan in the previous article, I did so to connect the end goals with the tactics. The strategy is to cull humanity to a sustainable level of 500,000,000 people. To do that would be to kill 90% of humanity.
To achieve that goal, the cabal – of which the Rockefellers are an instrumental family – have established many sets of goals including energy, climate, reproduction goals and immigration goals. These goals have been distributed among many of their kin to manage. Their kin, then infiltrate or are elected to positions of influence where they can be effective in carrying out the long game.
The most visible set of goals are the UN Sustainability Goals. Interpreted one way, they sound empowering. Interpreted through the lens of the cabal’s magick, the goals have completely other meanings.
Immigration is a tactic to create internal chaos in a country
Immigration is a useful tactic to the cabal and to tribal families who have long been aligned together in their dark religions, societies, fraternities, and beliefs.
With immigration, as has been done in Europe recently, the country has gone to hell. This is a future that America is facing now with the planned expiration of Title 42 scheduled on Thursday.
It doesn’t matter that much if the Title 42 expires as the cabal agents of the Biden administration are ignoring the border as an issue almost entirely. This is not incompetence, but the plan. Remember that Biden’s whole administration is basically the grifters of the Clintonista cartel who came into power with the Obama/Biden administration. Many of them have worked their ways into SES positions and positions of quid pro quo. This is payback time and all assets are being deployed.
As a result, the controlled assets will claim nothing is going on, look the other way, and vigorously defend their actions until the problem has achieved its goal. The precursors of the goals were BLM riots, CRT, wokeness, the multiple liberal leaning cities where protests began ruining them, and even the closing of the country due to the pandemic left communities in shambles with a broken economy. If you don’t understand that these events all constitute a hybrid class war on the middle class and poor, then you’re not paying attention. They have it all planned out. They call it the Great Reset.
It's understandable somewhat that the blitzkrieg of hybrid warfare is scary to most. But in all this, there are no saviors but ourselves. Not Trump. Not white hats. Not Gov. Abbott. It’s us. Good people and God loving ones. We are who we are waiting for.
In a real sense, this is all the test. Do you stand up and see through this and do something about it, or do you let the dark side have their way? While I believe we have won and time is playing out, we could always move things along towards a smoother transition and the restoration plan rather than their reset.
Here’s what’s going on with the border crisis that few will tell you
Who’s stacked up in the immigration army – it’s said in some reports that about 700,000 immigrants are ready to enter the country on Thursday when Title 42 expires.
Among those are infiltrators like Chinese, Middle eastern terrorists, and Mexican Cartel members. Anyone telling you otherwise needs to be set straight. There’s a strategic objective here which isn’t obvious at first, but clear when considering the long game of making the US a third world country, accomplished by civil war. If they have their way. This is part of the Rockefeller Plan.
As for who is coming and how they’re getting here. You should spend some time with the insightful and well documented Fall of Cabal Episode 3 – The Alien Invasion by Janet Ossebaard. It’s 20 minutes of deep knowledge.
Flood the border
Texas governor Abbott will appear to act independently to curtail the numbers, but I fear that he’s only going to be doing the bidding of the Cabal by sending the infiltrators – largely men aged between 25 and 40 to liberal cities. Think for a moment what liberal cities on the verge of lawlessness are going to be like with an influx of criminals to their city. Any reports that like to say, immigrants aren’t the problem, are problematic and naïve. It doesn’t take large numbers to affect problems in a town. Read the previous article again. Just a small number or heads of a gang who’s getting paid and coordinated by an operative – think Ray Epps – is needed to light the fuse to some psyop which could likely turn violent.
Will see 40,000 daily enter Texas. There will be and has been no effective federal support thus far since Trump first enacted the measure and Biden took office. Then Abbott wants to bus them to safe haven liberal cities. While crooked Governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs is doing nothing as well but offering money to immigrants.
The plan is to destroy the us from within
This will cause armed militias to form and begin to take matters into their own hands. This is lawful per the constitution to defend the borders if no federal action is doing the job effectively. But this is a slippery slope.
I expect that some innocents will get killed. And the liberals will react. They will have their Hegelien Dialectic fait accompli: create the problem, get a predictable reaction, and then offer the solution.
The problem is the mass numbers of immigrants and federal inaction and expiration of Title 42. This will create the reactions of an immigrant push, then the reaction of conservatives forming militias, to then devolve into a shooting incident. Justified or not, with the recent false flag shootings, liberals are again being played by their emotions and fear.
When an incident happens, liberals will push through gun legislation and some type of counter offensive. The military might be called in and then Biden as the federal representative might try taking up against the militias. So who’s he gonna call?
Other considerations
Now I hope this doesn’t happen like this, but I am puzzled by a few factors in the game.
What I don’t get is how, if Biden is supposed to be an actor, then who’s controlling him to cause this crisis? What would be the best-case scenario of this conflict? I see the opportunity to pit woke liberals against conservatives as the likely outcome, and that is not good because of the 3rd and 4th parties involved.
What are the 3rd and 4th parties? The 3rd party are the CIA controlled infiltrators in the immigration ranks. These are the Chinese, Mexican Cartels, and Middle Eastern terrorists. You know that these are infiltrated to some degree. If you don’t know that the US brings in and has been bringing in foreign assets to the US, then you’re missing the game.
This has been going on for a long time. Hell, we’re even using our trained Middle Eastern enemies in Ukraine. The NATO plan is to bring in the worst of the worst to be the global police. When something breaks out in the US, it has been the plan for Biden to claim that there’s some acts of domestic terrorism going on and that NATO forces would have to be brought in to fight Americans. A glimpse of this was the Chinese ran police station in New York City. These things always get beta tested. The NATO forces are the 4th group in this mess. Though not embroiled in our conflict yet, they are standing at the ready.
What I intuit, is that there’s a faction of so-called patriots that aren’t going to be defending the US as advertised, but will be defending their interests. Their own interests are these tribal interests. Their loyalties might fall with the Scottish rite lodge as is where Trump has his Rothschild allegiance. Interesting side note here is that General Mark Milley is stepping down as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Talk about tribal! This is a step in the right direction, again depending on what end game is being played out. I hope that it is just one other thing that people need to see to believe. But once you’ve got immigrants of this number in your country, where you gonna put them and how are they gonna get back home even if we have great solutions with our neighbors?
Then with them here, are they supposed to trigger a false flag? Or will they possibly release some weapon? They may not be that blatant, but I have the feeling that an event like Jan 6 where a psyop was to infiltrate the opposition to create the impression that carries the narrative will be in the works.
The way any event works is: never let a good crisis go to waste. And ordo ab chao: order out of chaos.
History lesson
The cabal has recently used this immigration tactic in Europe. In England there’s so many Muslim there that they have changed the culture. All throughout Europe, the immigration due to the ongoing Middle East conflicts has created waves of immigrants. While this crushes the culture of nations, it is the exact result that those who live in gated neighborhoods, castles or on private island – soon to be all controlled by 15-minute cities – relish.
The other recent history lesson is the pandemic itself whose goal it was of the elites to greatly reduce the global population. Go back and find the tapes of Biden saying that some huge amount of people were going to die from Covid. This one’s hard to find but that was the plan. He’s noted for saying 120,000 million would die though. I seem to remember something like 500,000 million. Someone please add to the comments if you remember and have a link. The point is, that for tribal perseverance, they want the useless eaters out of the way.
Other ways of corrupting the system and way of life
The goal is to have these anti-American factions destroy our system. Another way they accomplish this is to make America the people of guilt and oppression. To chip away at values with the help of radical liberal policies pushed on youth like CRT, BLM, and wokeism is corrupting the patriotism in America, American values, and history.
There’re surveys out polling college aged people on if they’re proud to be American and the numbers aren’t great. Though those numbers are likely a small minority, their coverage on media makes them appear as a majority. If it bleeds, it leads.
For example, the press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is having a singular narrative espoused from her pulpit. So much so that the Biden Administration prescreens reporters to Biden’s events. She is forming a story that media types like Rachel Maddow and MSNBC contribute to along with the liberal bias in universities.
Going back to Mondays post of the Rockefeller Plan, who was a major philanthropist to establishing universities in the US? Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt and other early industrialists. They know how to control perceptions. And perception creates reality.
I know that I go out there and ramble. My goal is to present the tactics that others won’t see or report on from a perspective of insight of the inner workings of communications, media, psychology, and the occult. My access to see behind the curtain is unique. But we need to understand our enemy. These industrialists train their heirs in their tribal, elitist group think so that their multigenerational goals are achieved.
As I have written about long standing galactic wars, it’s nothing to these parasites to play the long game when their position of power is at stake. In reality, everything that they thought they held is at stake. Though they lose in the end, they are doing all they can to fight against a lost cause.
The quicker we all wake up to this and teach our children and others these lessons, the quicker we will alter the course. Until then, history will continue to be their story.
Ok, so this article came out today from CBS news. It says that the Biden Administration is actually putting a restriction into effect that will “ramp up swift deportations of migrants who cross the U.S.-Mexico border after the Title 42 pandemic-era emergency policy sunsets on Thursday, according to internal documents obtained by CBS News.”
“The regulation, which is expected to be challenged in federal court, will be a dramatic shift in asylum policy, disqualifying migrants from U.S. protection if they fail to request refugee status in another country, such as Mexico, on their journey to the southern border.”
“Under the rule, migrants who cross the southern border without authorization will be presumed to be ineligible for asylum if they can't prove they previously requested protection in a third country. In practice, it will disqualify most non-Mexican migrants who enter the U.S. between ports of entry from asylum.”
“According to internal training documents, only migrants with "exceptionally compelling circumstances" will be able to overcome the rule's asylum bar. Those include migrants with an "acute medical emergency," those who face an "imminent and extreme threat" in Mexico and victims of "a severe form of human trafficking."
In order to avoid being deported and banished from the U.S. for five years, those who don't qualify for any exemption will need to pass interviews with heightened standards designed to lead to more rejections than traditional "credible fear" interviews, according to the training materials.”
Source - CBS News
This is pretty stunning news and will be a mind-blower to democrats. This appears to be stricter language than what was happening under Trump’s original emergency enactment of Title 42. Stayed tuned for developments.