Current Event Watchlist
Intel Summary - Never interupt your enemy when they are in the process of destroying themselves
Ya know, I really wanted to put out an uplifting message today, so I’ll start with this cute photo.
However, there is a lot going on and a lot to explain this week. It seems that the global deep state generals are coordinated in starting more chaos – this isn’t new as they only know war as a solution to their financial system problems that they are having. Wars usually have been the solution to the bad economy. As those reading this blog know, the economy is in the toilet, especially in the US.
As the regular theatre plays out, the US is going through the actions of debating the debt ceiling in the US. There was a law established in April or so that set limits to this very debate. The left ignores that whole conversation and instead puts out sound bites to sway the conversation to fear and crisis.
Having few tools at their disposal and little money – only dedicated money to previous commitments – like billions to Ukraine and billions in COVID relief – the congress is left with the situation of raising their debt. However, and I’m being intentionally general here because there’s much to tie in at a top level that I don’t want to get into the weeds, there’s no authority per Kim Goguen’s statements and role as Ground Command to produce anymore money for their system as any authorization access codes are denied by her office.
This statement plays out in a lot of rumors behind the scenes. The basics can be agreed on: the US is out of money. They are out of tools to create money. They would like to push for a war - from which a reset can take place. Being controlled by Satanists at the top, they are hopeful that they can summon in demons to aide them. And they are irreparably damaged beyond being useful for the planet. If you don’t agree with these statements, then you’re at the wrong place - but welcome to read on!
Confusion as a war tactic
Things are moving so quickly right now that the dark forces are using the blitzkrieg of information as the confusion device to launch offensives. One person can’t keep track of what’s going on in all arenas of the theatre. This is a purposeful tactic.
What Kim claims is happening and this bears out through several other intel sources in a general way, is that a group of supposed white hats are pushing to be saviours behind Trump and had been sold the scenario where Trump comes back into office behind his digital money or what’s called the QFS in patriot circles. This is NESERA/GESERA, but from the dark forces perspective a psyop.
Dark forces would like to remain in control and you can’t blame them. As Trump did tell the story of the scorpionon his campaign trail, a snake is a snake. Stupid is as stupid does. When we keep following the same messengers with the same result, we should change our expectations. But, we’re also at a time that cognitive dissonance rules many beliefs and actions, including those who hope for saviors.
From Kim’s narrative, Trump apparently was provided access to view the account statements of the global repository. He was given a lot of money to settle one budget crisis I believe and to do something with student debt according to Goguen. He did neither. He did use the ledger copies to go around the world and promise leaders that Trump bucks would be established when he came back to office after the military announces martial law. And that military had been running the Biden show all this time.
False flags would lead to martial law
I think we’re at that point in the game. It’s very hard to say, but with all of the flight activity being monitored this week, it appears that something is clearly going on. Here’s some posts of military planes that have been flying around this past week. Some of the planes are the doomsday planes that are part of the COG plan. COG means continuance of government.
In the event of Defcon 1 – which means an eminent nuclear threat – the government leaders leave DC and get into bunkers or the air to be around when the surface goes off.
Coordinated generals of the global cabal seem to be at this point also, according to Goguens reports. The short version goes like this as just released on Friday, 26 of May:
Congress people were asked to stay behind in DC, they they got satellite phones. Apparently Senate hasn’t been around town this week nor has Biden as he went to Japan – Hiroshima specifically. There has been a lot of military airplane activity over the US as well as planes with strange call signs. Then there was that "lost" 30 tons of explosives. According to Goguen those explosives ended up in Washington, DC.

If there’s a strike on DC, such as a 9/11 type of event, then the US generals would be able to create martial law. Again. By doing so publicly, they’d usually have access to the financial system back end or what Goguen terms the Omega system. The Omega system is the old system that did have access to it by rulers and ruling families of the planet. This isn’t the case anymore as the system has gone to the Alpha system. Which has happened with the return of light.
Unfortunately, the old generals like Mark Milley (who supposedly isn’t really Mark Milley) believe that they can use old tricks to gain access to old systems.
These statements of systems are backed up by the esoteric and occult. Also, we have seen this type of game play out before in regards to how the dragon families operate, that they believe that they are all due a big payout for their roles, and that energies are changing reality on the planet that increasingly lock them out of their systems. Or at least in this version of reality. Or on the path we’re on.
I know that this is very confusing.
Goguen goes on to describe that DEW planes were supposed to take off this morning that were set to attack the capital at noon EST. And then the markets were supposed to crash. Goguen cites the movie Ameregedden. Which summarizes this situation: the US gets attacked, the markets crash, we go into fear and panic mode just like 9/11 and then martial law is enacted but we allow the UN to come into the country to run ops. There would’ve been shortages And hey, with the new immigrants, who knows what chaos would be enacted.
Goguen goes into other crazy events that she’s monitoring, and you can see her report for free at:
Regulate intake
I’ll end up this post by saying I understand that this information is overwhelming. I felt disheartened at times, but positive results change my mood. I spend time laughing with our pets and being outside as well.
This week, I got a couple downloads which I intuit help me deal with the amount of info coming out. Hopefully, we get exposure soon.
If brave people stand up, we will get there.
I’ll end this post as I started. Enjoy the long weekend and keep visualizing positive results and a positive future.