This is a well-know adage I believe in. As such, I must be working overtime trying to keep an eye on what’s happening. It’s often come up within PFC groups - who do we follow? Perhaps the better question is “what” do we follow?
The other big question is always, “Who has the right intel?” I generally boil that one down to, “Who has integrity?” By their fruits, you shall know them.
There are basically two camps - those who go internal and those who watch the external. In the waking up process, we’ve often noted that there are Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. Both have been critical to waking up humanity. Both perform necessary jobs that have served us in the past and will be needed again in the future.
One thing that I find has given Prepare for Change credibility is that we get input from many sources. We are lucky in the sense that our Council (overseers that guide our organization’s progress and maintain the website), and Volunteers (active participants in groups and calls), and Members (those who’ve signed up to receive our free, daily newsletter) have open exchanges of information and perspectives. We have a pretty good two-way communication platform. If you’d ever caught Richard and I going over some intel, we have a healthy respect for each other’s point of view. Especially because he’s in the UK and I’m on the West Coast of the US. I know that he is a very enlightened being. As are all Council participants.
We’ve seen a lot over the years and our knowledge has grown exponentially by being around such enlightened beings. Then there are the intel providers. And the topics that we discuss. In those regards, we often disagree. And we often align. But we usually try to see the big picture. That’s where our shared knowledge of the occult and history and personal experiences and experiences of others come in.
It’s not by chance that we were all drawn to the information that we share. There are no coincidences.
The fortunate thing about us, was that we’ve been having discussions about the very crazy things that are now happening at this moment in history for years. The things that have been going on for the past 6 months and year and the pandemic aren’t new topics for us. We had time to investigate and scrutinize the Hegelian Dialectic concerning all these issues. Which is to say, we know pretty well who’s behind the shenanigans, what their motivations are, what they want to accomplish, and how they’ve stated their goals.
We’ve also had the benefit of time to hash out a lot of our perspectives on a topic or to heal from the traumas that come up during the awakening process. We know very well, that some of the things we had time to heal will be very harmful to the general population. So we also ponder ways we can be of service when this happens.
The trick has been to disseminate this information to the greater masses of people so that they can wake up. We take pride in seeing that things we’ve talked about for years have been picked up by many people and that inertia has motivated people to wake up, break free from the mental chains, begin protests in the streets, and claim back their sovereignty. We’ve seen our observations get picked up by the mainstream.
We’re in the Event
The indictment of Trump is going to be a major moment in our liberation because of the can of worms it’ll open up. Or, I should say Pandora’s Box, or Genie out of the bottle. There’s no going back now.
The misstep of the liberal establishment to bring about these charges will open the door to charges of others. And other public officials crimes will be greater. This is perhaps the beta test of trying a public official? But, it will certainly have greater implications worldwide.
I also summarized on Friday a couple other very key things that will permeate our reality very soon: Galactic contact, financial system crash, the Event.
I don’t want to jump the gun, but I do want to quickly explain these major events and prophecies so that our collective consciousness can create a positive outcome for this culminating situation.
Right now, there is a very outwardly need for positive energy flow. This requires the use of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. We have been told by higher planes guides, that we need to be more public with these messages. Perhaps, I can plant some seeds in how to communicate these ideas. The goal is to keep trying to wake up or prepare more people, as the shift is coming very quickly. There’s also a report of a solar event coming in 2-weeks time that may produce the Event-like change we’ve been prognosticating about for years at PFC. Remember, that just a few weeks back a solar flash was reported to create a blast large enough to have created the Event but that the flash went away from earth. This may have just been a warning. This may be a simulated or psyop event. I guess in a couple week’s we might know more, so take this as a possible report from credible sources. (If NASA can be deemed “credible” LOL!!)
4 Major Implications - all speed up
Trump Indictment
Financial System Crash
The Event
Galactic Contact
The other pieces: Ukraine, Protests, Self-Sufficiency, Mental Preparation, Ascension, shortages (energy, water, food), Artificial Intelligence, corruption, Pedogate, possible Pope retirement (to be replaced by an African Cardinal), human trafficking, insert your event here ________.
All of the above things tie into each other. Remember, that I keep saying that we’re in the year of revelations. Each of the above are parts of the revelations. Personal awareness, prompts one’s connection to source, which raises your consciousness, which helps you see the world for what it is, which makes you desire to take down the existing corrupt systems, which eventually brings you around to your local situation (self-sufficiency). All this takes you to a level of spirituality which will prepare you for the changes that are happening around us. And it awakens you to the higher levels of yourself and your physical world. This prepares you for accepting other life in the Universe.
1. Trump Indictment
This will be a failed event, but it opens the door to the potential of bringing down more public officials. I’d keep an eye on how this starts to backfire on Biden’s administration. A “trapped” animal is most dangerous. Trump’s team will go on the offensive, and then Biden will have some counter offensive.
a. The Patriot Perspective: If you were to consider the Patriot’s position, they believe that this will give them the opportunity to use the “White Hats Alliance” to bring down the Biden charade. Trump is president because he enacted Marshall Law prior to his term ending. The military has secretly been running the country. Everything is theater. Trust the plan. White Hats and me with my Nesara billions can rebuild the world.
b. The Rothschild’s perspective: I’d say that the Rothschild’s are still the ones behind Trump or that the Trump camp is behind the Rothschilds. This is the heart of the Khazarian Mafia and I believe that Trump is only their puppet, who’s trying to benefit himself and his Orders, be they the Scottish Rite Masons, Rothschild’s, or Black Sun, or Senatus Consultum. The Trump camp want him to be the leader of North America. By North America, they mean: Canada, the US, and Mexico. Trump is the man to rebuild it.
c. The Order of the Black sun, secret societies, dark nobility, dark forces perspective: Get the US to fall via a civil war. How can we push them further? Use Trump as the pivot point to get patriots into the street. Unleash the Feds to infiltrate and cause revolution on the streets! When the system crashes, we can rebuild it in our New World Order version.
d. The Kim Goguen perspective: It’s possible that Trump wants to stick it to the Khazarian Mafia because he was promised this position before. Then told he wasn’t worthy. She claims the real Trump died. This Trump is an actor carrying out the family goals that they have too much invested in. The Dragon families and the Order of the Black Sun want to rebuild the world. Humanity should be the ones rebuilding the world. She is positioned to allow this humanity-based restoration.
e. The Benjamin Fulford perspective: The Trump we see is probably an actor as Benjamin reports Trump died and was replaced with 3 versions of actors. Trump’s run is theater. The Asian sectors of the secret societies want to rebuild the world.
f. Democrats perspective: This is just what we want! Trump needs to go to jail. Our heads are still pretending to be in the sand about corruption. Our leaders are ineffective. Stick to the our marching orders and await promised payday. Orange man bad.
g. Democractic handlers perspective: Indicting Trump is the only way we have a chance of winning in 2024. They are probably lining up a new war, new covid, or alien invasion to increase their chances of holding on to power. They will do what their controllers tell them because they expect their payday. Stick to our handlers plan. Are willing to let China CCP rebuild the world (as long as they get paid).
h. Republicans perspective: Get the machine ready, we’re gonna do this!
i. Republican handlers perspective: Trump is screwing up our plans. But we’ll ride whoever has the best chance of winning in 2024 - then we’ll go rogue. They are probably lining up a new war, new covid. Above them, the neocons are probably lining up an alien invasion to increase their chances of holding on to power. They will do what their controllers tell them because they expect their payday. Are willing to let China CCP rebuild the world (as long as they get paid).
g: The esoteric perspective: There’s something bigger that’s going to happen that will change the course of humanity. This would be the Event or some form of it. Before an election takes place, there will be massive disclosure of corruption, the financial system reboot. We will need to deal with restoring our entire form of government with some remnants of what’s left over after the financial system crash and the solar blast. Negative ones are contacting aliens to invade! They are not answering.
g. My guess of what might happen?: The financial system is crashed. Only the public isn’t aware of it. It doesn’t matter if we have a Democrat or Republican in office as they are each bound to the Cabal. Even if it were DeSantis, he is in the Senatus Consultum.
It’s hard for me to see another election go off. The whole system is in such disfunction and court cases are still prosecuting the shenanigans of the previous election.
Trump is playing out Hegalian Dialectic for his benefit. This plays out like this: The problem is that the swamp still needs to be drained. Any crash or indictment will create the reaction in the public of, “yeah, this is all messed up!” Then the solution will be that only savior Trump can clean up the mess (why he didn’t do previously is a non-factor) but he’ll come in on promises to clean up Washington. Again. Only this time, he’ll have more tangible ammo.
If the public doesn’t wake up to the fact that Trump is just another flavor of cabal, then whoa be the result. I don’t believe that he’ll be very credible come 2024.
I believe right now, that we’ll need to deal with other revelations that really impact our daily lives other than Trump. With the global protests, we’ll have to navigate that global systemic crash. There are still many possibilities.
h. Off-planet intel providers: The galactic contactees think that something will break and that corruption of our leaders will be exposed. This aligns with the idea I propose that we are going through revelations. This great awakening will happen aided by solar activity. We will awaken to our greater consciousness. At the basic level, we will see corruption in leaders and the financial system and in military. At a high level, we will see crimes trials of the likes of Fauci, Gates, Soros, politicians, etc.
A solid question I bring up is, will this help or hinder humanity? If it knocks everyone on their ass for 10 years of confusion and need for healing, is that a good thing? There’s gonna be a need to heal others with any of the revelations coming out. I would think that this should create the need to go local. There should be a need to do restoration projects also by those of us who’ve already done a lot of healing.
Now the negative side: If all the talk about our abilities and info from the likes of intel providers are all a psyop, then we’re in for some kind of surprise! If they are controlled opposition, then they are a plan for the Cabal to be a reboot of society, then perhaps Klaus Schwab is right? But I don’t see that. I see a different way that this plays out. Perhaps, we’re on a bifurcated path?
i. Occult intel providers: Occult intel is a tough area to discern. The info of the occult is best known by Nazi-types of groups. Are they trying to influence our creative abilities? Have secret technologies been hidden from us? Have societies risen to great achievements and then fallen? Are those just other stories - things such as Tartaria, free energy, giants?
I really believe that positive influence is on our side. So I’ll keep manifesting that.
We knew that change was coming.
We didn’t fully know what the process would look like.
The other 3 big things
I spent more time on the Trump thing than I expected. The logic applies to the other events though. Here’s some generalities:
The Financial System Crash
It has to go down. This is a certainty. What hardly anyone will tell you is about the year of jubilee. It was the responsibility of the leaders of ancient times to distribute money for labor and goods. When the money was all lent out, then the debts were to be forgiven. This was to be done in the year of jubilee.
We’re still due a forgiveness of debt mostly because the universe is infinitely abundant. We have more than enough resources and wealth to solve the problems we face. We just have to wake up and get the scammers out of the way.
The rest can happen on a positive path. What if we do wake up to the crash? Do you think humanity is going to take this lying down? I don’t think that they will and the energies are indicating that humanity wakes up and overpowers the elite and rulers of the world. They are scared of this and in PFC we have had the opportunity to speak with some who want to do the right thing.

You could say that they all talk a good game. Trump is an example of this. And they have masterful psyops to control the game or keep their stake in it. From how I outlined each players perspective, they all are holding a hand or a plan in the game. They are trying to determine the outcome. But humanity is also holding a hand. And we’re influencing the outcome too.
Part of the difference is, that they’ve planned and played out the different scenarios and we are only now thinking of what would we do in the event that we win the game and have some form of assets returned to us? Will we bing on a spree and do stupid things, or will we be responsible for our abundance?
I suggest that we need to think this through. Others have been saying this also.
Regarding the Event and contact
I posted the link on Friday to Aurora Ray’s communication about the intervention that’s coming from Galactics. This is a result of the Event. The Event is the big solar blast that kicks up our awareness, our DNA, and it breaks of the last bits of negativity in this experience.
The idea is that with higher consciousness, our perspective will allow for meeting our cosmic cousins. There is a massive increase of sightings this year and reportedly, galactic ships can now appear in fleets. I’ll add, you must believe to see - not see to believe.
The Carrington Event was a time in 1859 where a huge discharge from the sun hit the earth. Should that happen today, there’d be a tech reset and AI supposedly would be removed from our experience. I am preparing a long article on AI and Technocracy that explains the esoteric viewpoint of AI. In short, it’s thought of as the primary anomaly or parasite that is Satanic.
Contact has been happening in a steady uptick of events. What’s old is what’s new. We soon will find out what’s been hidden from us.

One thing I’ve learned
I heard from a pretty high level seeker one time: “As much as I know, the more I learn, the more I find out that I don’t know shit.”
In Conclusion
We’re facing a war between good and evil. What’s happening on the surface, if we use the “As above, so below” adage, is likely more crazy in the heavens above us. But in the heavens, or the universe, there are vastly more resources. So, though there may be the war ragging above us and as we near the end of the rule of darkness, they have every motivation to throw everything they have at us.
We must stay calm, resilient, and strong in this moment. If we all take a moment and state our desired outcomes and call upon our guides (which are always next to us at these times of duress), we can put out enough energy to counteract or contribute to the forces of good in the universe and defeat these negative actions that intend to do us harm.
As Art of War states, “Know your enemy.” And we do. We know what they are thinking. What they are capable of. We KNOW THAT THEY FEAR DEFEAT. Now, is the time to be strong. Also from the Art of War, the enemy will appear strong when they are weak. We hold the upper hand. We are the strong ones.
Keep holding the line and all will work out for us as it should.
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Now, here’s a cute bear.