Code of Conduct and Standards of Behavior
Friend gave me a perfect message. Thank you Dave, I'm sharing it.
Boy, has life been showing me some interesting things lately! I’m in this new way of thinking and waiting for the 5D world to manifest in our 3D daily lives. I’m ok calling it 4D also. There was a great little video I saw of this kid explaining dimensions. Made a lot of sense, but was pretty deep.
Whichever is being created, it certainly is the new. I had done some more new kind of work this week and the past few weeks. This work isn’t what I spent my life training for - or so I thought - but I figured that Source knows what’s up and had this planned out for me. I am grateful to have the work and have met some great new people who I’d like to have more in my life.
Then, I’ve met people who are somewhat lost souls, or souls that are swayed a different direction. Within a large Federal agency that I was invited to work for, I went in thinking this could be a good thing. “Let’s hope this is a good thing,” is what I said to myself. “What is it I’m going to learn here?”
Part of what I think I’m supposed to learn was serendipitously talked about on this Jimmy Dore conversation with author Catherine Liu. I could go on for hours about this class divide stuff and that it’s largely engineered. But, they do an incredible job of it.
Still, I was reflecting on some very biased conversations I had with management. I found them poorly trained and not well representative of large organizations. I also met a lot of good people. They were the rank and file. But the supervisors, oy, what a mess! Without being disrespectful, I will just say that they follow orders without question and expect you to follow theirs without question. It seemed like going through hazing. I would ask Source, “Why am I here, what is it I’m supposed to learn?”
Then I came home after the culmination of a week of training (I still have another week), and I found this piece sent to me by friend, Dave Matice. Mr. Matice, if you’ve been on one of our zoom calls, is a welcome guest and commentator on all things shift related and he has a very specific mission. He’s also guided by very unique beings in this paradigm shift. I, and he, expect some pretty incredible things from him. In a way, everyone reading this blog, will be doing something incredible, right?
His writing, wit, and perspective was just what I needed to hear. I think you’ll get something out of it as well, so I’ve asked if I could reproduce it here.
I am assuming that Dave is fine with me releasing this, so here it is. Enjoy:
Code of Conduct and Standards of Behavior
There are no rules but there is a code of conduct while being in my life. There is no arguing or gossiping or infighting or no talking badly about other people. If we can't talk things out or talk things through in an adult way, then that person cannot be in my life. There is no lying, misleading or deceiving anyone at all or manipulating people or situations.
We don't force anything ever on anybody and we don't make anyone do anything they are uncomfortable with. "No" means "no" all the time without exception. We never have any expectations, but we do lay out and suggest our desires and hopes and dreams at all times. We don't sugarcoat anything or preface any comment to soften it. We always talk firmly and directly and without fear. And without a lot of expensive words.
We always come from a place of love that is found deep within us. We lead honest and honorable lives while keeping everything we do and say within total integrity, and we know what that means. We pledge our sovereignty to God alone and we follow God's divine natural laws each and every day and if we find a man-made law that we collectively decide is not fair, we don't need to follow it or abide by it, and we'll will be safe and protected by God at all times.
We're fearless spiritual warriors who like to have fun and play. Work can be fun and playful and the world is our playground. We work hard to play hard and we combine the two. We've been charged with a mission to help people through this transition and to help humanity to ascend to The New Earth, which Jesus predicted over 2000 years ago. We need to take what we do seriously but don't take ourselves seriously at all. The mission we have is very serious and important but we can have fun while doing it. We incarnated on this planet at this time for this particular mission.
We live in the here and now every day and if we do everything we're guided to do, we will ascent to The New Earth in our lifetime. It is a done deal so all we need to do is watch it unfold in front of us. As we collectively raise each other's vibration, we all will perceive things in a very similar way at some point. We'll realize that everything out there is neutral and does not have meaning until we assign a new and better meaning. We need to assign new meanings so we can lead a life that is more mentally and emotionally and physically healthy.
This code of conduct and standards of behavior need to be maintained 24/7 no matter where we go and no matter what we do. People will be watching us all the time in two short years so we need to practice this everyday with the knowledge that some people will try to trip us up and we can't fall into that trap. We're going to be public figures and very controversial. We'll be attacked verbally and maybe physically at times. Even behind closed doors we need to maintain this behavior. In two years, there will be zero tolerance regarding this. No one is exempt.
Further, Dave provided this also:
We need to live honorable and honest lives while keeping everything we do and say within total integrity and to know what that means. No lying, misleading, deceiving or manipulating or finessing people for self-centered reasons and/or personal gain. That is controlling and we're not to control anything or anyone in any situation. The only thing we can do is manage our emotions through every situation that is presented to us and to act when guided to.
The filter is what's in everyone's best interest at that moment in time without any future considerations. The Universe has already thought those out for us. If it's good enough for The Universe, then it's more than good enough for everyone concerned. This eliminates all fears and doubts and "what if's" and " yeah buts."
Then drop the how and when and any expectations that you have because the Mind of the Universe is intelligent and knows when there's deadlines. Expectations are the mother of all frustrations. This saves plenty of mind time for productive use.
Thinking is overrated. It's unproductive! Just put in all known information into the heart processor and any other information from The Universal Mind. Then allow it to percolate, marinate and stew and the answer or a conclusion on a given subject will either drop down into your mind or will come up as a "knowing." That's called Transcendental Knowing. When you gain confidence in the process and act on the conclusions when we're guided to.
It's attaching emotions to specific outcomes that cause many human errors and are emotionally and mentally unhealthy. There are no future considerations or consequences to consider because The Universe is intelligent so we would never be guided to do anything that would not be in the best interest for everyone concerned.
What I got out of this
I’ve been thinking of how things are shifting. How we are going through great change right now. We have talked about this, and I’ve said that it’s one thing in theory, another in practice.
That we’re changing and are the ones spiritually, emotionally, metaphysically leading this change, I wonder if you all feel the burn? Or the trials of the change? What’s it been like for you? Easy? Challenging? Totally enlightening? Unexpected? Not like anything else you’ve done before? Yeah, it feels like that for me.
It’s be a strange trip, to borrow from another Jerry G. As I think of the personal changes and experiences, I think of the changes the world and everyone - especially those with eyes to see it are going through. I think that by-and-large, people feel a change, if not being keenly aware of what exactly is changing. It’s one of those, “I just can’t put my finger on it, but something’s going on” kinda things.
In reflecting on the comments of Dave’s piece, I think we all need to find our new normal. By that, I mean, remember what it is that gives us balance in this crazy time. For me, its this sense of knowing. I like the comment Dave makes by saying, you’ll have Transcendental Knowing. I love this thought and I resonate with it. You will know its right because you are in harmony with Source. Ain’t that a peach?
So, go and be one with the All. It wants to be one with you.
Be well. Be blessed.