Bake More Pies
The perspective I have from my learnings of the universe is that abundance is infinite. It stems from deep occult understanding that the universe or creation is infinite. If you break down a percentage of infinite, it’s still infinite. It has no beginning, and it has no end. Any arguments to the contrary are man-made narrative about lack. We don’t go there here. We are beyond that limiting perspective.
So then, with an infinite universe we have limitless potential, “power”, abundance. If it were known to everyone on the planet that their life was limitless and that we’re just experiencing a game here on earth created to show us duality, then we would live more like the mystic master Jesus. We would have more power over our thoughts and our creative abilities. We would be creators. We would know the limitations of our lives that our oppressors put on us. We would fight back against this, and we would break free from the matrix.
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It has been declared that we are free from the age of darkness. This is the ultimate victory for the light and goodness in the universe. Our experiment went wrong, and the path has been corrected. This comes after eons of struggle against the dark forces and incarnations of evil. But without going into the details, I can provide details and will create a post later regarding the battle, suffice it to say that the deal is done.
So, what does that mean for us now?
If you take the perspective that darkness has rescinded, the other bit of information that’s useful is that the negative side of things have a right to exist because we learn from it, but it doesn’t have a right to violate universal laws, natural laws, and Galactic Codex. Key among the Galactic Codex is that you have the right to have all knowledge and you have the right to not be harmed. We have been told these truths through stories, religions, and media, but the prevailing narrative has been that of the negative forces. For some reason, we often chose to ignore our own lives in the present and live lives tethered to negative events of the past.
For more on Universal Laws & Galactic Codex:
Ascension Glossary - Universal Laws, 13 Principles of Natural Laws
When we could easily sit in the now and clear one’s mind and be at peace, we chose to focus on the past or the future. Each situation creates worry or fear. We worry over the mistakes or wrongs that occurred to us in the past or we are fearful of the path that is ahead of us. What we have done in those moments is either create a story of our past that we identify with or create a quantum possibility of the future where we are adding negative based outcomes to the future. Clearly, not positive manifesting!
A recent example - balloons over the US
When the media gins up fear – most recently with a balloon that’s floating over Montana which is of no consequence – the attempt is to create fear. The balloon is a nothing burger. Insiders know that it is a DARPA/NASA balloon and flight records have recorded that it’s being filled with radon gas by US military jets to keep it floating. The effect is classic Hegelian Dialectic: create a problem, elicit a fear reaction, and offer a pre-determined military action – warplanes to shoot it down. Thus, trying to press for an incident with China and the US. There are madmen in the US military who take orders from the Pentagon, who take orders from the Military Industrial Complex, who are in bed with the Central Bankers, who are order takers for secret society members among them generals who have:
run out of money,
seek to create a war economy,
for the effect of dragging the failing US economy into greater debt which,
creates the opportunity for them to bring in their Great Reset which,
allows them to asset grab all kinds of defaulted assets of the US and gives them,
authoritarian control
But this will fail.
Instead, what will happen is that this will backfire on the society members and generals who are executing this plot. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. And you cannot fool God. And God is involved in this war.
You can run but you can’t hide
God sees everything and now’s the time to return balance to our energies. This means that good is rising. This explanation goes really deep into the occult and religious beliefs of the elite, the bloodline “rulers” of the planet, the secret societies, and even has crossed over into mainstream – and will continue to do so in this period of revelations – but I’ll save that discussion for another time. (Or check out other work I’ve done on the discussion through Planned Chaos documentaries over on websites). The point is, that at elite levels, behind the scenes of the public political faces, exists a deep state and secret societies, and royals who know the battle that is was raging.
Because of their beliefs of the material vs. the spiritual, they have not been able to accept that they were required to surrender some authority and assets. But they got drunk with power and could not see their way to relinquish control, nor think that anything other than their Armageddon, and apocalypse, and WWIII scenarios, and Great Resets weren’t going to happen.
Having worked with some royals and elites, they weren’t lazy, in fact they work very hard, but they were arrogant and ripe with hubris. Few of them actually created or full-heartedly went along with plans of their previous generations who commanded dominance and sacrifice. The younger zealots held on to ways that weren’t going to fly. Therefore, they needed a leadership of old coots like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, the Clinton cartel, the Bushes and many of the old guard who held on to their eugenics programs and beliefs with their demon crazy (democracy) entities who were supposed to come and save them – this is the belief in Niburu for those interested. They held on to a fantasy which ran out of time and ran out of numbers.
As far as replacement leaders, they were far outnumbered. Which is why you began to see bottom of the barrel intellects like Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, AOC, George Santos, John Fetterman, Joe Biden, Jerry Nadler, Pete Buttigieg, Katie Hobbs, Jacinda Ardern, Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Greta Thunberg, and many others ascending as our so-called leaders. There’s no there there with any of these people, just a well-oiled, unelected support network of the elk of Davos types of old black nobility handling the actors we call politicians. They’d handle them with Tavistock institute grads or CIA or Mossad handlers who all were managed by money.
When the money got strangled – which they never saw as a possibility – they lost their hold over the material world. They tried to bring in a new dead on arrival currency – cryptos – but those were a failure also when the energy and computing power to become a reality, much less the backend they had into the system got compromised. So, in the old world where they had control of everything, they lost control of the one thing they never thought twice about… their own greed.
If the devil’s greatest weapon is deception, then they got deceived by their lust for the material. Material wealth is what we’re talking about. They got so out of balance with the opposing force to material – the spiritual – that they couldn’t ever pull themselves out of their own death spiral. What defeated them? They defeated themselves.
When God gave them the rules held in the Universal Laws, they decided that they could defeat God. They thought as a key strategist Saul Alinsky thought, that they could win their own kingdom as Lucifer had done by rebelling against God, but they thought wrong.
They were given the opportunity to administer the Law of Balance - they chose to ignore it
Instead of baking more pies which is what our galactic neighbors the Venusians tell us, they tried to give everyone crumbs. This is a fault that’s clearly pointed out in the seven deadly sins.
Instead, we are all one. We are one with all the universe. This is a big lesson we will learn over the next decade. We are not alone in all this grand expanse. (Hint: They’ve known this for forever). They had tried and continue to try to keep this from us. But it is a certainty that our planet (a living being in herself), and our humanity will rise to enter the cosmic community. We will now begin to learn the lessons of admission.
The first lesson, or at least what I’ve presented now, is that we have complete abundance in the universe and second, that we are entitled to that abundance within rules. The rules are basically to provide for us so that we won’t have any needs. That brings us to the things we want. Wants will be ours also based on being in alignment with not hurting others, not gloating, not being gluttons, not coveting thy neighbor’s things, etc. The galactics tell us that giving all this power to us now without knowing the laws would be like giving atomic weapons to 5-year-olds. So we’re going to have to proceed slowly. Yes, it’s going to be a wild time on earth in the next decades and we’re going to experience previously unfathomable advances.
Victory of the light! And so it is
We are greater than we can imagine. We are going to be given the opportunity to experience abundance with the supervision of our cosmic neighbors. Will we rise to the challenge? The majority will. This will take a long time, but everyone is worthy of the opportunity unless you’re not worthy. Sorry about the riddle. Who are those not worthy? You’d have to be really evil to be that person. If you were, you’d never be reading this article – it wouldn’t resonate with your energy level.
If you’re not ready to advance, the choice has probably already been made and you would’ve left this experience. Or you may have been on another path and bifurcated already. See, this cosmic stuff that we’ll learn is really out there. Stay patient and look up consciousness articles or manifesting works. You’ll draw to you what you need.
Until we meet again, think of the pies you’ll bake. Think of what good things you’d like to do. Think of the society you want to live in. Think of the contributions you’d like to make, because it is up to us to create the change we want to see in our world. And, you are the change you’ve been waiting for.
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