I want to remind myself today that we’re undergoing a massive amount of change. That we need to be kind to each other as we transition to higher levels of consciousness.
By doing inner work and raising one’s awareness of our being connected to each other, we release old negative emotions. We have to stop covering up the traumas of the past that keep us tethered to the old “us”.
I saw a quick story about this legendary songwriter Townes Van Zandt over the weekend told from his best friend. Though his role was to be in touch with his deep inner emotions, it struck me that he was possessed by inner demons. Now, in the past, I think we’ve all heard this type of story. And have heard about being controlled by inner demons. But have we really thought deeply about that saying?
From the path of ascension and spirituality and esoteric, there is more meaning to this description. Are there really some demons attached to the soul? In his case, Townes knew that he had these demons. Perhaps he understood that he was a vessel to actual negative spirits. When I’ve had my moments of reflection – which span years and going through tons of research and understanding through this ascension process – I can’t escape the knowledge of many who share that we’re connected to traumas. And there’s many teachings about our multiple bodies that are connected to our true selves.
The teachings describe various bodies that we’re made up of: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and etheric/akashic are the ones that I most understand. Other sages out there can describe more, but for sake of this lesson, I’ll refer to the five.
When we sleep or meditate, we are able to bring ourselves to a vibrational state where we can “tune in” to the etheric or akashic. Even the spiritual. So those levels are where our higher selves exist. And we exist there too. This is the realm where we transmute daily and through practice to be in our dream state or be able to see greater or bio-locate ourselves. This realm is the higher planes.
With the raise in our natural surroundings on earth, this energetic state is being transformed and our planet and solar system are ascending. Us with it. And all beings in the galaxy. This is due to the cycle we’re entering that’s known of as the Event.
From Aurora Ray:
The process of planetary ascension involves many changes that are affecting all living beings on the planet right now. The Earth is changing dramatically and releasing much of the density that no longer serves her or humanity. She's cleaning the house, so to speak, and humanity has a choice; join her or get left.
The term "great awakening" is a term that has been used to describe the changes in consciousness that are occurring on the planet at this time. The changes in consciousness are due to the effects of highly charged photons of light that are bombarding the planet from the galactic core. These photons are "charged" with information, light, or DNA codes that are designed to activate our DNA and transform us into higher frequencies of light.
Because of the higher frequencies, we need to release the lower vibrational frequencies. These are the frequencies or spirits that inhabited Townes. He was aware of them. And he knew that he had to feed them. For many artists, these frequencies or spirits we invite into our body (temple/house) reside there and want to come out from time to time. Townes tried being sober but would get overwhelmed by the familiarity of the “visitor” within. He felt more at home and paid tribute to his host, by falling into his vice of drinking.
We all have some level of these visitors and frequencies that we humans tend to be addicted to pain and suffering. We use pain as a way to learn lessons. When I underwent cleansing ceremonies myself meant to improve myself, I released many old painful traumas. Though frightening at the time, I came to realize the great gift of release. And the gift of forgiveness.
Over the past decade I’ve been working on myself and doing inner work to release the past ways that I’d fall into. All of us have been doing this to some degree which brings us to being connected to each other. And we’re all working to prepare ourselves for the changes we’re going through right now.
By seeing the traumas for what they are and for forgiving them and ourselves and God, we are able to release the past and are going to be merging more and more with the new world. Those who aren’t doing that work may bifurcate into the world they are at while we move forward. It’s possible that those who’ve left our world recently had served their purpose or made the decision at the soul level to leave. Many will succumb to their fears. These fears are what the evil doers that were allowed to be here this long had created as the theatre or drama in this existence. Though they revile in their evil ways, good eventually wins out as this is part of creation. Creating is natural. Destruction is a natural balance, yes, but artificial destruction is against Natural Law.
The time of great change
The ego-mind wants to control through fear and manipulation. It wants us to stay rooted to our worldly desires and achievements – this world that is the physical. The aim of ascension is to be connected to community, to the greater humanity. To realize that we are all connected. Huzzah! That point, is the great separation from our current world.
In the current design of the world, we have leaders. We have centralized practices.
Over the weekend, there was the first-year anniversary they say of the Ukraine War. A coalition was formed and held a rally and protest and march in Washington, DC. The main complaint was that leaders of our countries and NATO have decided to march us into war. This is the old tactic at play. Leaders make these decisions, but WE are the ones that pay for it with our lives, our souls, and finances.
A few speakers mentioned the military industrial complex. In Benjamin Fulford’s release this morning, he relayed a quote from a military contact who said effectively,
“We’d rather start a war, then be out of work.”
The solution was proposed by Ron Paul I think, that the public be asked if we want this war. The public never gets asked this. But it is in our Constitution that wars need to be declared by Congress. Obama took us into 5 wars from 2 without Congressional approval. We ended up being involved in: Syria, Yemen, Iran, Jordan, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. They say that the Patriot Act opened the way for us to be in permanent war against terrorists. One day, we’ll be fighting ourselves with that logic.
So, war has been business. But it’s not business of the people. I like to propose that there be a Peaceful Industrial Complex. But that would require the people rising up.
As fallout from the weekend’s event happens, people will be asking what next? The people are going to have to step into managing their own lives and their local communities. I believe that people will want to do this as they currently stay away from politics because of the bad energy and sacrifice that have to be made to be in politics. But with our consciousness rising and with more exposure of our reality – we’ll begin to see our corrupt leaders for who and what they really are.
Hold on to your hats, because the Simpson’s probably have seeded the future as they often do.
So will we the people – the humans – be able to rise? We will, but we have to envision a totally new way of living. I believe that our upgrades in DNA will allow us to reach the level we need to reach to handle the truths and the challenges that we face.
I’ll continue posting with these goals in mind:
share information of our cosmic community
provide resources for healing traumas
give some insight into forming the new society
teach the Galactic Codex and Laws of the Universe and God
The hope is to help pave the way to more consciousness and help us all re-member ourselves. In doing do, we’ll be somewhat prepared for the actionable items we need to move forward.