One of our dear subscribers asked me the other day to describe in my words what an Archon is. I had for a long time held the belief and perspective that an Archon was a bad thing. If you saw Wednesday’s post, then you saw what I posted as Vril. Vril and Archons, to me, were some of the top parasites that invaded this reality.
In a way, they were the “alien invasion.” Alien entities that took control by infiltration over leaders of our planet. They worked at an energetic level. Thus, the depiction below of Archons sending energetic bad vibes to the woman represented in her energy field. They also kept humanity at bay and in low vibes.
Whenever a person would raise their frequency, these little suckers would be there to knock them back down with some type of triggered low vibe “attack.”
Vril, would be a physical manifestation of the Archons or energetic interference. Again, these are what those Vril beings reportedly look like - little worm suckers that enter a being through their eye:
Then the Vril supposedly grows as a parasite in the body and anchors itself around your spine. It somehow attaches to your kundalini center. When it wants to control the host’s body, it goes into action. I suppose by exerting its will somehow through your brain. A true “invasion of the body snatchers” scenario.
Vril are one type of parasitic invader and reportedly responsible for the zombie like, inhumane world leaders, elites, and celebrities who are irreparable. Though, maybe an exorcism of sorts would be a way to rid oneself of them? In any regard, going back through history as the above image of Salvador Dali shows, the admiration of these suckers is part of the problem here. But the world has shifted from dark to light, so maybe these beings will die off? Or go to some other planet to seek other hosts?
The physical body and the etheric body
Ok, if we understand that we have different bodies such as the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and etheric body, then we have the opportunity to affect each of those bodies by positive and negative input. “You are what you eat,” and “your body is a temple” kinda thing.
Part of the attack on our whole body would be to attack us at a spiritual or emotional level. If our bodies and all of our physical environment is electric or energetic and controlled through vibration and frequency, then a way to influence us would be to set up a mine field of energetic booby traps in the etheric planes.
Below is Metatron’s Cube. In the esoteric, this represents an energetic view of our reality. The middle part of the cube is the baseline, so you can go up to the light realms or down to the lower realms - in particular the shapes that form the star of David. Also called the astral - upper astral or lower astral.
The upper and lower had corresponding “mirrors,” thus with energetic Archons, they could manipulate energy and keep you in the “sacred geometry” construct. I would be weary of surrendering myself to all the geometry constructs though, as I understand that there aren’t lots of straight lines in nature.
Depicted above is the Great Symbol of Salomon. It’s a clear visual representation of “As Above, So Below.” The idea of earth was to be a place to experience duality, so dark was given the opportunity to experience here, but it wasn’t really given the right to constrict every being from rising. Thus the failure of Solomon when given the chance to rule. But was Solomon triggered by the mirror, and was the mirror the energetic Archons? If one were designing a way to keep people in the dark, then, wouldn’t you create booby traps to do this?
Below is an obscure view or map of the understanding of the higher realms. Though I don’t profess to understand it all, I can see that this is a map of consciousness. As you go upward, you go from what’s written as “atomic fear,” through spiritual awareness, to enter the higher realms of cosmic consciousness.
Another way of looking at the ascension scale is the David R. Hawkins Map of Consciousness:
On the above map, you can see that right in the middle is the break from lower vibes to higher vibes, or going from pride to courage. What comes before the fall? Pride cometh.
So with all this understanding of your emotions – which are energetic frequencies, we can get to what an Archon does to affect you.
What is an Archon?
In my recent interview with Raymond Keller and Rob Potter, Archons came up. I was doing research on Raymond’s story of his interaction with Venusian Queen, Lady Ordo and he says that he saw her walk through a wall. There’s lots of stories of this happening from leaks of beings being held in physical confinements. And of course, the abilities of Jesus Christ.
According to Cosmic Ray, he and Lady Ordo go through their ordeal of crash landing on earth soon after this revealing. The Queen tells Ray that he’s becoming quite adapt at mastering energy – he needed to control their craft through his intention or mental body. She calls him a Master Archon in the making (I am paraphrasing).
Now, I’ve held for a long time that an Archon was a negative being, but my learning expanded when asking Ray and Rob about this. They told me that an Archon is an energetic master. With this knowledge, I surmised, that there must be negative and positive Archons.
Masonic Archon worship
Metatron clearly is worshipped by the Masonic order as him aiding Solomon and giving the basis of sacred geometry is one of the three G’s in their metatronic looking symbol:
Do you see the remnants of the Great Seal of Solomon? And the elements of Metatron’s Cube? Draw a line right through the horizon, and you have the As Above, So Below symbology.
The G supposedly stands for three things: sacred Geometry, the Great architect of King Solomon’s temple (Hiram Abiff whose death they avenge), and god.
I put god in lowercase, because the god they worship is Lucifer. Click on the video below to affirm this.
If you need other reference to Masons loving Lucifer. Here’s preminant Mason of the 33rd degree, Albert Pike:
Solomon fell when given the opportunity to rule. But he sure accumulated a ton of gold which is why the Mason’s love celebrating his mines. And their understanding of sacred geometry goes as far as understanding the physical structure of the universe beginning with the earthly plane of existence going up to the higher planes and down to the lower astral.
The Masons and all secret societies understand the rules of the game which was supposed to be balance. This balance on earth has been the problem. It was a problem because of the influence of the dark energies and cosmic cycle. We’re exiting the dark and entering the light.
Their biggest problem was that they were so corrupted by dark – this could mean entities – that they weren’t able to save themselves. This is a very important lesson to learn. They dove too deep into the dark and in a way, invited dark entities into their being. Dark are more than willing to arrive and run their programs.
Their programs lead to corruption in many beings seeking wealth, fame, control, and rule – thus the Solomon situation. This was all lead by ego.
These people are all telling you through their hand signs, that they worship Lucifer with their fingers creating the 666.
Now, there can be positive and negative elements of an entity or energy. This holds true with the idea of light. The Mason in the video above claims that Lucifer is light. So, we would understand this as false light. Again, this mirroring affect. The devil’s greatest weapon is deception. Evil convinces one to take a fall to the lower planes. What would also be thought of as hell.
Archon’s are a way to accomplish this.
The Archon Invasion
Now Archons are significantly noted by Cobra as having invaded our planet in 1996 through an entry portal in what’s called the Archon Invasion. Cobra calls it the Congo Archon invasion.
You can reference this article and search for more on Cobra’s website in regards to Archons. Etheric Archon Grid, published, January 2013
Here’s some interesting excerpts:
“…the etheric Archon grid is the main factor delaying the Event. If the Event was triggered, the etheric Archons would influence everyone involved: the surface Light forces carrying out the Event, the general population as well as the Cabal and all this would turn the Event into a disaster.
Etheric Archon grid must be removed to a great extent for the Event to happen.”
This refers to the levels of existence in the Metatron’s Cube and the old illustration of the consciousness map (Illustration A). What the Archons did was put energetic booby traps called scaler weapons and toplet bombs into the higher planes of existence. Also known as the akashic. These “bombs” trigger when a certain energetic frequency is reached. Scalar is a physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude. Examples of scalars are volume, density, speed, energy, mass, and time.
Think of this as a weather change or the coming of spring that wakes up a hibernating bear. How do they know to wake up? The frequency wakes them up like an electric alarm clock of sorts. There’s a change of the physical field, so this triggers a response.
These particular Archons exist in the etheric planes of our existence:
“The backbone of the etheric Archon grid is a network of etheric hyperdimensional black hole wormholes which contain billions upon billions of reptilian and amoeba-like entities. (Possibly like the Vril I’ve picutured?) When the Light from the Galactic central sun hits the wormholes, they cough up those entities who in turn begin to attack any Light beings they can find, those in incarnation and those on the non-physical planes. This is the reason of energy attacks that many lightworkers and light warriors are experiencing. The non-physical Light forces can remove the released negative entities after some time and teleport them into the Galactic central sun, but until then usually some damage is done already.”
With this understanding, we can surmise that these entities have been cleared to great degrees from our etheric and energy bodies. This concept is supported by Kim Goguen, and others as well in recent reports of the clearing of negative essence, certain beings, and the world at the point of the Summer Solstice - which is going through rebirth now! It is exciting times.
Cobra has loads of information on this subject and has always been revealing information about the multiple planes of existence. He has a new interview coming up on the Sisterhood of the Rose network where he reportedly has lots of positive news.
A very informed individual once said to a small group I was part of, “the more I learn, the more I learn that I really don’t know shit!”
As we’re all on the path of discovery or re-membering who we are, we’re learning all kinds of stuff. I thought that weaving together this information would be another bit of info for those who are on the path.
I personally feel pretty good that this solstice had great results for our planetary liberation and the future of humanity. There’s a lot to educate about, but with the tide turned - especially with generals and key position people - the changes and transition to 5D become easier.
Enjoy this great news. Have a nice weekend.
Vril looks like the Goa’uld on Stargate.
Every time I see ‘vril’ I wonder if there is any connection to the Vril Society of Nazi Germany fame. Or just a “coincidence”? The more I research that, the less I find (if that makes sense)