There’s this thing that the Cabal do they hide their plans in plain sight I don’t know why I didn’t see this one sooner, but it’s become very obvious, especially with the international BRICS meeting that was held last week. The BRICS is being proposed as the alternative to the US dollar hegemon. The devaluation of the dollar and the engineered crash of the US and the West was always the plan of the occult worshipping, global elite.
Like a game of monopoly, as all the assets have been distributed and the players have cornered their assets, the higher value players lobby, form alliances, and use their leverage to remove their competition, one-by-one. But, remember where all assets ultimately go back to? The bank.
According to Google: “Why does the banker always win in Monopoly? If you haven’t guessed or don’t already know, there's one massive silent player in this on the side. It's called the Bank. According to the rule book, the Bank holds the title deeds of all properties, the houses and hotel before they are purchased and all the rest of the money in the game. This player is neutral.”
However, life mirrors the game in reality, so the last sentence there is incorrect – the bank is by no means neutral in global, real stakes, Monopoly.
The bank, however is centralized, positioned itself to print money, and played the players by slowly and methodically buying up politicians, governments, the public, lands, minerals, and has its eyes set on owning all assets on the planet.
Don’t be fooled, the key “silent” partner that the banks also own, are countries. Countries in the sense that they play countries against each other to do their dirty work. When it’s reported that the central bank wants to ultimately control all assets and simultaneously want to come out publicly with their true religion, it’s easy, if not unnerving to see: they worship the god of the material realm. They call him Lucifer.
By any other name
The Masonic order is an order structured like the rabbinical orders of the Talmud. The Talmud is a dark worshipping society who worship Molach. When you know that the San Hedrian Rabis who persecuted Jesus were the same to claim that he was not their Messiah, they did, in fact, know exactly what they were talking about. His God was the Father and his religion was love. Their god is one of an eye-for-an-eye and a-tooth-for-a-tooth who demands blood sacrifice. They worship by sacrificing their first born if required to gain his favor and blessings.
In their writings, it is permissible, in fact dutiful to deceive and eliminate their enemies. This women is pretty clear about what she supports:
They don’t like you, they will get rid of you:
The visual below shows the ranks of the priests of the Masonic order, both the York rite and the Scottish rite.
The plan was taught to me from some high-level insiders who had understood this very important strategy/history point: The Khazarian tribe began around what’s now Ukraine, and Kazakstan, bordering the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea – formerly known as the Sea of the Khazars. Because of their Molach worship and evil ways, their neighbors Russia, Persia (Iran), and the Ottoman’s (Turkey) forced them to convert their religion. The religion they chose was the Talmud version of Judaism. This is really the root of the Ukraine war. They are avenging this insult from around the 500’s AD.
They are not only, not Jews, but they are ok with deceit. See, my previous statement.
Furthermore, it was not just enough for them to want to make war with their enemies, but also anyone who they consider beneath them. And they consider everyone else beneath them, being made from mud. They term them Goy.
And lastly, the swore to put the world under their boot by controlling the money system – which they do through the Central Banks, and also by infiltration into every society. They’ve accomplished this through marriage and bribery or blackmail. When you control the money printing, you can control men and men who control countries.
To carry this out in secret, you have to have established clandestine ruling. And secret societies – which eventually became the Masonic orders. To indicate that all is well with your plan, and this plan could be control the world through a digital currency or a new currency from other countries, you get the BRICS.
To signal to your society members – those with eyes to see it – you’d call it what it is: the BRICS alliance. Given that we’re at a point of running out the end of the real Monopoly game, there needs to be a reset.
Meet the BRICS
The BRICS countries are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. What has happened more recently in the past couple of years since the launch of the pandemic and the Ukrainian hot war, and other global issues like the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline creating an energy conflict in Eastern Europe including Poland, Germany, and Scandinavian countries, is that the end of the Monopoly game is nearing and it’s time that the bank – in this case the Central Bank who represent the Zionist, Jewish faction – is revealing itself.
A final element in the game is the revelation that the Zionist aren’t really Jews, but crypto-Satanists. Even the Jews wonder what their motivations are. You think these Zioinists love Jews? Look up the vaccination rates of Israel. They were the highest in the world.
What they have set in motion, is a coordinated effort with the CCP to give them a long-promised opportunity at the “ring.” A ring like in the Lord of the Rings, where one ring can rule them all. They like having China as the possible hegemon because China has no problem instituting their New World Order/Great Reset objectives: authoritarianism, social credit scoring, programmable money, population reduction, famine, birth-rate control, and incarceration for those agitators.
Before going on to the rest of the article which deals with financial repurcussions of the BRICS, let me clearly say that:
The BRICS are the same puppet bosses of the Masonic order, but packaged in a different look. By calling themselves, BRICS, they’re signaling this to their overlords.
To the financial implications
All of those elements are adding up to tumble the western economic strong hold throughout the world. As a result, Russia and China – by themselves huge economies have also brought India into their BRICS alliance. When you consider the economies of Russia, China, and India, they themselves constitute a greater percentage of the worlds GDP. Add in Saudi Arabia and Iran, Egypt, Argentina, Ethiopia, and the UAE as new members as of August 24, and you’re getting a significant switch in the balance of power.
When in ‘22 when Biden went to Saudi Arabia begging for the Saudi‘s to release more oil to them prince Mohammed bin Salman effectively laughed in Biden‘s face and denied him anymore oil production. Instead of getting loyalties from Saudi Arabia due to the fall of the value of the US dollar, they are now selling oil in rupees and rubles and Yuan. Take that US dollar.
That is a huge move because the underlying message and effect is that the US dollar is exiting the world stage. Also note that there’s plenty of news out there about China threatening to dump their large amounts of US treasury notes.
This is reporting from Benjamin Fulford
After describing a situation where “white hats” are working with their Russian counterparts to overthrow the KM and their Federal Reserve Board, there are many signs of this happening. This is the silent weapons for quiet wars part.
• With the addition of major oil exporting countries the BRICS 11 (as they are now tentatively called) control about 80% of the world’s oil market. This gives them the ability to replace the petrodollar with their own currency.
• The BRICS meeting (held in August) also revealed an interesting imbalance between China and the other BRICS nations. Chinese leader Xi Jinping is secretly pushing for Chinese domination while the rest of the BRICS want a multi-polar world, CIA sources say.
China has also been publicly and repeatedly pushing for all countries to obey the privately owned UN and follow its 2030 agenda. Editor’s note: China, as I mentioned is controlled in part by the Central Banks which is controlled by the Khazarian Mafia. They are at the root of the UN and agenda 2030.
• The fact the BRICS failed to announce a highly anticipated gold-backed currency reflected this secret split with China. This is especially true of India and Russia who have been pushing hard for de-dollarization. The reason China vetoed this is because it has a secret relationship with the Federal Reserve Board over the US dollar.
Editor’s note: Kim Goguen claims that she controls the Global Repository and therefore is not allowing any access to the Rothschild’s and Central Banks (effectively the same thing), so the CCP and Xi Jinping had no access to gold to back the BRICS currency. This caused a big issue at the meeting, since the countries are paying into membership already on the promise of being repaid with their new BRICS currency.
• The Chinese Communist Party has been offered control over the US dollar and even the US itself by the owners of the FRB, according to MI6 and Japanese imperial family sources. The KM have been offering China control of the dollar and the world in exchange for protection.
• The evidence of Biden and others accepting bribes from China itself and financing bio-terrorism research in China is also overwhelming. They couldn’t have done that without high-level Chinese collusion.
• In another sign of collusion, Xi Jinping has embraced the World Economic Forum’s totalitarian goals through a combination of a fake pandemic, social credit scores and central bank digital currency. “You can’t even buy food in China without a digital ID. This will 100% go to the EU and the US, in fact, the US gave China the technology, to do it. China was chosen as the testing ground. The mark of the beast is not a physical object, it is a system,” a Mossad source warns.
Benjamin’s August 28 report ended it’s BRICS summary saying that Xi had to cancel his speech because he would have been killed. Goguen says that Xi had nothing to announce. It was peculiar that he didn’t speak.
US Financial shitstorm: Car, Debt, Housing Market Crash, inflation woes keep blowing that bubble
The overall summary is that the chickens are coming home to roost.
During the pandemic car dealerships they took advantage of the situation where relief checks were sent to families and a lot of families ran out and bought cars with those checks. Unfortunately with the interest inflation due to inflation going very high and dealers actually experiencing shortages of cars due to the pandemic the labor and the chip shortage, inventory was in short supply. There was demand due to people getting their assistance checks which created a false economy. Dealers saw temporary high demand and marked up their inventory with a new tactic called “Market adjustments.”
This market adjustment took regular vehicles from the manufacturer or retail suggested price to an artificially inflated market adjustment. Those market adjustments took MSRP and priced their vehicles in cases $5000-$10,000 above MSRP. Check out plenty of videos from this vlogger - CarEdge. This report is only on trucks.
Couple that with interest rates and loan-to-value of cars, cars that depreciate as soon as they leave the lot, and all of a sudden these new buyers of cars were holding negative equity. Space in some cases the negative equity loan to value ratio was 125% and 150%. Meaning, if you had a $50,000 car the amount of dollars you owed for the car was going to be a $75,000 with 150% LTV. The automotive industry is calling this Carmegeddon, as banks are already not selling cars at auction because they have too many and don’t want to flood the market, causing a burst in the pricing. But they also are having to repossess cars in a situation similar to the housing bubble of 2008.
But this bubble burst would be much worse. Colonel Douglas MacGregor who’s been providing lots of truths regarding Ukraine and underlying motivations of the KM, made this observation about problems facing Americans:
The Ukraine war has saddled every adult working American with about 240,000 dollars in debt [in addition to the $600,000 already owed by every man woman and child in the US].
The average American ears 31,000 dollars a year and spends about 16,600 dollars9 a year [in taxes]
The average American who works their whole life gets $1400 a month in social security if they are lucky. Illegal immigrants who arrive here are given $2200 per month.
Also, from Fulford, he accounts that the entire home price for the median income American family exceeds the TOTAL ANNUAL SALARY of the median American. You know, the percentage of a home mortgage that banks want to approve is 28% of income. This from Google or any bank out there:
The 28% Rule. The 28% rule says you should keep your mortgage payment under 28% of your gross income (that's your income before taxes are taken out).
BTW, this rule works with the 30% tax expectation, leaving you with about 30% to live on and auto lenders looking for you to spend less than 10% on your monthly car payments including payment, gas, and insurance. Good luck with that.
Ultimately what we’re looking at is this New World Order that 33rd° Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite Masonic Order, Albert Pike prophesized and laid out in the late 1800s that the dream was to go public as a Satanic world order. And that prophecy is what these bloodline and elites are trying to push for. They push it right in front of your face so the truth is there for those with eyes to see it.
But, we are awake and fighting this. Do we need to amp up our game? Yes. Do we need to run around like Chicken Little with his head cut off? No. We need to pick and choose our battles. We need to spread information around so that others can pick up the mantle. We need to encourage others to find their passion, or catalyst. We need others to make their stand. Figure out what hill they are going to defend. And we need them to show up.
This could be at City Council meetings, at school board meetings, at water district meetings, or any other place where policy and your future is being bargained away with deals with the devil.
We are doing this all over the place, which is good. This article summarizes only some elements of the financial aspect of the quiet war. The aim is to strangle the middle and lower class and for all assets to be gobbled up by private equity cabal agents Blackwater, Vanguard, and State Street.
It’s time to continue taking it to them. We only get help when we help ourselves. Be strong. Be well. Be blessed.